Mr. Claude A.~Wll.l.iams ~Aesi6tant Secretary of State Austin, Texas Dear sir: : opinion No. O-605 ..,-,. , .:,,.) .Re: lJn&+~what statutes is the .>!'...~ S&et&y of State authorized to eanction.the creation of two~aoll and.water conservation associations described? Iq authorized, what filing fee _ I _ .: .~~' I~ : ~should be:cbwged and would the ,. I ./ _ ., .,. ~., . _. ., ~. ~-. _ ,:: paymnt~of~franch~se taxes? Your request for an opinion on the above stated questions has be& received by this office. Article ,3 of,each,+opoaed articles of.fncorporatfon of the Upper Brady Creek Sdl and Water Conservation +3sociation add The Warlupe Soil and Water Codsemtion~Association indicate that it IS the desire of the incorporators to incorporate under the provlsl&s of the Cooperative Marketing Act. Title 93, Arti- cle 5737-5764, inclqaive. Article 5740, Revised Civil Statutes, reds a8 fo~oW.6: "An association may be organized to engage in any activity ip comec$ionwith the marketing 01‘ selling of the agricultural products of It6 mem- bere, or with,the harvesting, preserving, wing, processing, canning, packing, storing, ha@ling, shipping, or utilization thereof, or the manufac- ,~ ~. turtig or marketing of the by-product6 thereof; or .ln connectioq with the manufacturing, se&ling or supplying to its embers of machinery, equipment or supplies; or .in-the-finaz?dng of the above em-. merated activities; or & any one or.mre of the activities specifie& herein. Provided, however, any'such activity may extend to non-members a+ their products limit& by Article 5738 a6 hereto- fore ~amended." Mr, Claude A. Williams, April 19, 1939, Page 2 (0495) Article 2 of the proposed articles of incorporation of each of the above mentioned associations are identical except the names of the assoclatlons and read es follows: “The purposes for which the Warlupe Soil and Watcrshed~ Association, Is organized, Is to engage In the conse.rvation of soil and the storage of water, and the prevention of dlstructive floods. To con- struct tanks, reservoirs, lakes, ponds, and to en- gage any and all activities that will assist and further the district in the accomplishment, of soil building, water conservation, aud.flodd con- trol, and to aacomplish these purposes to work co- operatively~ot~r-conse~atlaq districts agencies, .’ Countlee ana authorities arid powers enpaged ip ~, similar .practices.* We do not thl+ that any of the purposes outlined in ,the purpose clauses of these two proposed associations authorize the creation and, incorporation of these assoclatlous under ,the, Cooperative Marketing Act., (Ch. 8, Title 93, Il. C. 6.) Article l.302, Revised Civil Statutes, sets fourth and, specifies the purposes for which private corporations, may, be formed or created, however, this statute &es not provide for the creation or formation of.~a corporation for the purposes as set forth in the purpose clauses of the above mentioned proposed corporations. After a careful search of the statutes, we have been u+ble to find any statutory provision authorizing associations with the purposes expressed by these two assoqiations to be ln- corporated. You are respectfully advised that It is the opinion of this Department that the statutesof this state do not authorize ~~~~:~~t”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o~~~~ submitted with your Inquiry. Trusting that the foregoing answers your inquiry, we remain Very truly yours APPROVR6 ATMRVEY- QF:TEX&S /s/ W. F. Moore By /s/ Ardell Wllllazm FIRSI ASSISTAKP Ardell Williams AT!mmEY- OF TEXAS Assistant AW:AW:IN ,.,
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion