OFFICE‘OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. L'xevinHell.,#2 . rapublisbinC existing schedules slbctly ES they era now written or does it imply the right of the Depertment to csuse said schedules to be revised wher,necessary ba provided in tirtiole4882 of the Revleed Civil Stctutee, whioh Article is referred to in the rider under conaidera- tlon." Article 4902, a8 amended, Vernon’8 Annotated Civil Statutes, oreetes in the Stete Treasury the Fire Inaurence Division Pund, from a tax or as~esement of one 9nd one-fourth per cent of the grose inauranoe premiums collected by all acmpanies doing the business oi bd. other matter8indent tbr&e,~ Shore -~i:,heriby appropriated for ~theri8oml pars amUng Au&u&-~81, 1940 and &@l8t 8l 1941, 80 mueh~6$.the 6x8bWS68ilt800l- . leeted under Aztiofe ‘4902 end any balenoes r~emaining in the 'ElseInmrenaa D&la0 niad atthe end ai WQ fi8eal year, or 80 muah thereofas.nw be moe8Mry ior 08rr7inl;OUtthe 1areofthisS~te withneprdto~he8e 8ahedllle8." Dy Departmental Opinion #2@32; dimoted to korarmor $1.Lee Ci'DUniel;.thi8Depamnt @onBtnrbd the Qtimiktion of Pfqnmntrw .gewral rider to the Dopertmental Appropti8tion Billior the ourrent biennium, to mean thst the authority Of the Roard eon6%ltwted tlyreby,~ related only to fzurplwaeein -8 dadiOatid or devoted to a da? partment*e utieand beneSit, but not appropristed to that 4epadiretmt elsewhere than in the eLimltation of Papmentse alause. We think t&e Eon. hmvin Ifell,#3 ep6cIsl rider next 6bGVe quoted eff6CtE en eppropristion Iron,the Fire lnsurtnce Division Fund of en amount auff;cIent to cover the. turpceea end expensee designated and hereinafter di'souseed, There- iOI-6,under the opinion cited, thI8 Board nould have no authority nbatt306VeroVer this cpproprietlon 80 a6 to r6quir6 applIoatIon by the ~pertm%nt Heed 8nd 6ppOY61 by th6 Bcmrd In the etatutory mod6 6nd mEmner, bsfore the tuuds approprlat6d aI,ghtbe used for the purpoma Indicated In the apeolal rider, We antsweryour first ques- tlon affirmatively. Ycm 8eaond and third quutlom may be logleally ooaal&r~ to&otherF88they both lntoln. the. t0vew.o llhltatlonoftho Wpl'Opti8t%Oon?lllbrOOll8id8l'&i~ -.the neoad queaitionhariog Bp8aif10 reIerenoo’to the r8onad *ioh mi@tt b+ -10 d there- -OF m&thkth$rd que8tc4n~ri~@&OotiiOrrferenoe F otho mt6rfal ihioh right be pa%d f@wWnhrr. pur88uae of the provi8iowoi t@ip &u dull he: at ell tiw8 z'ea8onab&q: 8nd ,tb 8dhedqle8 thWeOt oadi and pie- ml&awl by MlQ 0aipI8#1Ca la mwhr-a8 will la the jnaorplnt o~~~thbComnI881an, Bp* olurly and ia d6tall diealws6 thcretq eb iirb$ an4 66ld 0aaf8dOn to b6 abargad end oolleoted ror~pollola6 ot fire lMurana0. Seid&&6lI8d~~~yO8l&6y 6d WO.My faots oDtalmibl6 fmm md 00&6emIng Mn~izu3tmuw.oorn- p8nior traneaotin$ barineer ia thi8 #ht8, ahowiag.tholr oxpenn an6 qO16rgoefbr iire in8urinae praniuma for any period or perlode saiil &1mUI8&Oll ItUp&Mm adYisabl6, uhlch In their oplnlon till enabLe them to bevia 6nd tix an6 determine maaonable rat66 of plWxIu.mfor fire iwur- anoe. The said Cbmmieai~n in Btakingend plibliahing rahedulea of the rates fIx6d end detecaainedby It &ll ehow sll ahorge$,e~dfts, terms, privileges end aondf- tIon6 which in my m&e eiieat mloh rates, and aopies OS Hon. t~8rvinB&l, $4 all suoh echsdules _- shsll be by said Commission to Gny :nb ell cou;yenleSESfected by this iew syplying therefor, end the s..zmshell be furn:shed to any oitlzens of t;is State spy:lylngtherefor, upon the pqment of tha sctual cost therecf. No r8ts or rateE fixed or determined by the CoIIULissi?fI8h811 t8k6 eff'wt until it &cl1 bev0 entered 8u Order or Order8 fix.%% and determining BPme, end shell give notioe thereof to all fire insuranoe eom- p8nie6 8ffeOted by this law, authorized to trariseatbusi- nem in the stete. The'State Iauur~e Ooapirdon, uul say laapeator or other *out or ~ap&oyw thareo~, who a inspeatmy riaJcfor t~hmpurpom .4&elubUau~~tM~dhmimion ' %a fix oaa eataaiw *hq reannalm xatr,.toaa,aY%ergoe ':~ %herwn, aball furnish to the cm+ar ~ti ma de ~.a%tb Bate of rwh~l.wpeistion, a oopy~~af::thainupoot~a~port, .~ ahowln& all ~dOfOOt8,*hfIt may operate:‘a8 eh~,qaiy%o iairrian the inmxwnes rate,? .' Ther&ore,rre 8aythrtwhentluLe irrlstb@,bytim qeolal & rider unaer oonui&entlon, nde an approprl8 ion from the Fire Inmr- anoe Division Fwd for She apsoiflo purpose of Veprinting the Texas General mhnia maulea of fire ena rlndetenu ln8unnoe retee . . . and other nktters inoidsnt thereto," ft was the mnifest intention to appropriate so muoh of suoh Fund ea would be neoessary to gay all @XptHI8b88118eO8t8 Of 18bor,8n(lm8teti81 beme& m88oMbly nbOe88aq, judgment Of the CO5mb810n, to do the job in the aieorehion EAIKI lffisc tively.Any ~prp01 and restrioted oon8truotion of thie appm- priatlon rider, ll.aItingseme to the ah8rges of the sprinterfor reprintink cnly the;old e?Lstirx ;,cnereibcsis schedules, in their ori,.ixl rc.rL:,is ni:tjustified ir required by aitiierthe letter or the E;:iritcf thi8 HpprqriLtion, &nti,in feet, WOuid &feat the * tLc 122~c@ation. Very 1;‘Lir&CSf. CL :;urelxthe emplcyment end psymerjt of sufficient personnel to collate the facts >nd fi@res furnished by the inspectors, prepare ttc fcr: of schedule fcr the printer, edit same, end reed proof on these schedules when they'ere returned from the printer, is oom2rehended within the expressed purpose of tiiis spproprietion fcr "re:zintin& the Texea G8mr8l !3asis Sohadules . . . end other matter? incident thereto." Ap -rare8 ' CpLloa Codfiei '~ By. B.W.B.,.Chairm~n _.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion