7, lOS9
Honorable Vi. A. Little, April 7, 1939, Eage 2
head on ibugust 31, 1937, Is hereby reappropri-
ated r0r the purpose0 0r thio hat fOr th4 rim-
a81 year ending August 31, 1938, to asGum the
payment of any warrants lasuod under thu provia-
ions 0r this Aot.'
~bsequuent lnarease in the n&er of qualified reaiploat8
for Old &s'keeistanae, together with railare of the t8xes ooatala-
ed in Bouse Bill no. 0 to bring in the total revenue l xpeated, mde
it iatpasslble to continue aurrent benefit payments and ta retire the
wrraat8 as anticipated. Thla raat, hovmer, did not atraot tba w-
udit~0rth0 0utadi~-t8. ml8 4ep8rtmmnt, ln 8a abla
oplnlen wrlttoa by Z’roa 0. Yunu, tr, , Aeeletwt -At- aeaza,
u64re8* fo *o&l SnQor aate ef iwq v lmv,. -a fbr wty
er tha -te la*r#d uwht &uoo WG uo. ST, elm*“a 131,
wera set p8ld befera Auguots1, lose. w. quota. frea taie o~plnlea,-
Honorable F.:.A. Little, April 7, 1939, fade 3
prlatlon ror 8C3hSie8 and -$3eWe8 0r the Old
&e A88i8tLMOO CoQ8Ui88lon 'during the biennium
ending August Sl, 1959. This rider, a8 refer-
rod to and sot out In your letter, provides for
the appropriation of all lnaomo to the T8xae old
hge h86i8tEMe Fund, together with 8n;l bU~ce8
on hand at the end of a prior ri8Cu gear, ior
08Oh Of the ii8Oal year8 ending Au&ust 31, 1930,
#Uiabl@8t 31, 1939, to tile%3X88 Old Age AS8lCb
tame Commission ror, among other things, th8
*pat boarinq
of ifltnX'88t WlTMt8, togetlwr
d#latoro8tthoraoa,ou68tMdlng onAugu#ts1,
lWSV, 6h8t *rre.ianud 8&wt t&a To+ Old &a
Bll18VT,Aot8 ortbkfortp*mi&Ilo&8x8~,
T h ir d a a llo d 88u lo n~ .~*
l ?
0r th a arrant8.,
EWEO Bill 179.oxprosd.yeppmprldto8 "out of fun& allo-
oat@ la promnt and/or future law8 to the 016 ,&soAmlmtuor Yuad
8 mm nritiolontto pay aaM obl%@8tiOI?ud the lateroat thamos"-
We oall partloular attention to him ~rcrof
that fhla protld~ Of
BOWa Bill 179 OX&UWJ81f a~lWpX'ht~O~~a6~ OUt Of th8 old &8 &8-
Eonorablo 'i;.A. Little, April 7, 1939, Page 4
818tanae Fund r0r the pnyment 0r the prinaipal and interest or the
Otlt8tandiag walTant+ and the new issue of ~$t~,OOO.OO aufhorlzed
by tha Aet; whereas, under Eouso Bill S7 only the 8UUexpada ha-
MOW, wet8 dlreoted to be used in the payment of the warrants. This
pX%WislOn or uOU8e bill 179 ha8 the ImOQt, We belielre, that,the80
WUXWt8 (Or tha r9finding ObllgatiOn8 for which they may be OX-
oh-d) mature into pre8ently enroxwlbleC1811M aain8t the Old
&e A88lrtanoo Fund in aooord8uoe with tha 8OhedUla eet out in tbs
Aat. B'llklaeon vs. Franklin County (Tourkana Court oi Glvll Ap-
psalm, 1936), 94 3.~. (2d) 1190; Unduwood Vs. Howard (Amrlllo
Court of Civil Appeals, 1927) 1 S.F. (26) 730 (writ dismim8od),
at8 V8. CilWky, 282 58. 662 (nit rOfW&).
Honorable U. A. Little, April 7, 1939, Page 5
9 (b) thereof, a8 do48 thn amsnding aot, being Iiouse Bill No. 8,
Aote 1936, Third C4114d Scaeion, Forty-fourth Legislature ln Ar-
tiole II, Section 11 (b) thereof, 48 iollowe:
Vrovlded that it the runa 18 inrruiri-
cient to pay all grants in full, the 88m4
8ball be paid promta based ou th4 8munt
granted to 4aoh.r4oipiO8t.* .
This authority to raw4 current banefft paymanta to an
amount wlthla th4 arailabl4 rum oon8taueata oonjuuotlcn dtP
tE4 4xpr488 amJotloain~sfm8o~l99 ta py outaandiagrrr-
& a d* us to 8b o ,du-
X0 Ewe aiBau88od our 4oaotrwtion ar tE@ woaa %uaou-
treble* as u8+d in th%a Aot la our opinion Ho. oI8l&~Il;kl S&b-
lluIf 14, 1.989,adaros8odto tE4 88norow w: L44 o*woi* to v+lob
we rpru roe.
Th4 P-u, “ud the fu3.l f&QB and sre< of the Stat.
to thdr 9aymnt*, o8unet we bOllr*o, )Uto th4
WUZ'MtS 6-0X43& obii&Et$OM at tho 8tEti Of
TOW. How. Bill 199 lxpx'488ly provWo8.thM thoee w4rr4at8rh8ll
bo paa out of a 8poaial irurd, Lo., th4 oia lie8 ~8i8tiafb00 2w.
end a raprlato8 monle8 out Or 8ald 8paaiel fuad for tk4.r Bt.
TEl.8+.o say, howover:,bo intorprotetl a8 an axpn88ion by thm
mgl8 ture that it recognl848 the S-W*8 obligation PO paWMe ior
t& pEym#tt or th4.4 wErrsat8. It ir in 4ffoot M oxpro r448 -
tiOlr bJ th0 mJiOtitW3 Of th0 iEpliO6 Obiig4tiOn Or the &4tO
8uoh lituatlon8 a8 #tat06 by t-h8 augrah8 Wart of T-8, Wm
tluou@l Or4ormod, f., in City 0r Ammoas pass t. lceiling, I.!49
w. 828, et page 881:
Honorable W. A. Little, April 7, 1939, Page 6
WI. 818. at page 821:
"State and federal authorities are wir0r8i
that, when an aot 0r a *fate loglslature, author-
izing a bon6 issue, oreatas, or authorizes the
oreatlon of, a oertaln rund rot th0 bonbs’ pay-
ment, euoh provlslon oi tba aot lUtel.8 into the
oontraot between the bobtor and the holder8 of
the bonds, liethat it oannot be repealed by Sub-
SaCJUent iegi#iatiOR Without the 8UbStitUtiOU Of
88U4thit& Of OWue;L Oftim. m SUbSOqU4nt 146-
18-t%= U ,lqmlr teen obl$gatian OS tho eon-
-t* -A, orabro,oemwuooaatitutlolal