. ,..
d April 17, 39
-.. t"
Eon. s. a..(Dill) Morrison
CrhnincilDiStriOt Attorney
Cameron, Terss
Hon. W. A. (Sill)Morrison, April 17, 19'39,Pqe 2
vlded shall, as provided In Section 32, ArtI-
ole 1, order local_ option
_ _ eleotlon
_ - for
_ - -the
purpose or determlnlng wbetber alOOhollC Imter-
ages of the various types and aloohollc contents.
he;;Edprvided shall be legalized or pro-
It Is rurther provided in said article that:
~a&.ns~prohihitingthesa~ ofallal-
oohollo betere@m*
This 16 ~oiiirl,aa&etion to be E&d VI&&
the gale of allaleobollo beverages has baenl~llmd,
*or&ore, the mrd6 *fcr pmhlbltw the sale of d$
aboholle benrages* aad *again8t prohlbltisg
the sale
ofa&aloohollo bwer88eP 8hO&%be p&tad ontbe
Clearly, under the pnnirrIon8 ofAz&ti~e 66640,
here&orereremdto i?t& ama in whlehtbs>lOO&
option eleotlon Is to &e held is wet, the pr to
be voted on Is a prohibitory done, IOU will ..~ deal-
6IOns In the Soll0wl.q case8 to au@pert our Op3.alOa a8
herein stated:
Moyer n. Xelley,Tex, Oh. App. 95 SV'Zad SOS,
writ dIsmIsses;
Flowersvs. Shearer,Tex. QIv. App..107WI 2nd
1049; .,
Whitmire va. State, ~1%~Tex. Grim. Rep, 972,
94 Sfk2nd 742.
Hon. K. A. (Bill) Morrisonz,April 17, 19S9,-Page 3
74th the use of the words as set out above,
on the ballot, there will not be a fatal varlanea between
the ballot and ths petition oalling for tbls sleotlon
u!doh uses the following words:
To detsrmlnewhether or not the sale
of all liquor 8hall bs prohibited In 8aid