OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN April 10, 1939 Qlalon, a8 to uhethbr of not the 8ta ~urnl8han4~ay allmito$ bit at the IUewYork IIof this doputornt that the lettarOS Meroh 87th. rlolatrrr oorporatlon, or from plm&lng the orobitof the State in bay mannerwhatsoeverfor the paymeatot the li~bil- itib8 of any inaihwtd, aarooiatlon of iaaiewtd8, or eorporatlonr Ron. Paul L. Wakefield,irprll10, 1939, page Z. In view of these Constitutionalprovlslons, the Legislatureof the State of Texas cannot by Reeo- lutlon or bill provide for the payment OS salaries from state funds to state orrlclals or employeeswho are aaalating In the oonduat of a purely private an- terprlsa. We appealate the fact that there is a publla interest involved in the malntalnanaeof this eshlblt, but publia Intorest is not sufflalentt standing alone, to areate a puhlla purpose. Tours very truly
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion