Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Fat Beadle County Attorney Red River County Clarlu~llle,Tom6 Dear Sir; nobe in rea of this date roading aa fOllOU8: atlels 2, Conetltution of Toxa6, me&e I6 part / a6 2U.L~~~' --w&y penon subject to 110114 0rth4 zo*- ping dlsqualif%oations, who ahallhave atta%md the age of twenty-oneyoar6 an6 who #ball be a aitiser~of the ZlntiedState@ and who shall haw re6iQsd in th58 State on8 year mxt preaedlng ma election and t.tiilastsix rentho 4thia tIm ai& triat or oounty in whioh emh p6non offer6 kr mte, &ml1 be &mned a quill?i~B olootori pro- rld44, ti+atelrwtor8llringin anywkergeeimd oowaty may rot4 at my elmt%cbn preainat La tha owaaty to uhloh 6mh oouaty is attadwd iar Jo- di4i4lpurpo444; aad pr~vldadfixrther,that any Honorable Pat Readlo, Maroh El, 1989, Fmgo 8 voter who is subjoot to pay a poll tax undarthr laws of the Stats of Texam shall ham paid 8ald tax before ortering to rot4 at any elnotlon in this State araihold a rsoeipt shmlng that said poll tax was paid bsfoiw the first day of Fsbiu- ary next prsoedingsudb slsotion.* Artiols VI, Seotion 3, Uonstitutionof Texas, reads as follorrs: I "All qualifisdelnotorr of ths Stats, a6 herein dosaribed,who shall ham rssidad iOr sir mgntbs immdiatsllyImoedlng an elaotion, within the liuits of any oity or aorporatotom, sfallha~s ths i-i&t to vuts fur Mayorand all other alsotire of'floan~ but ln.all lleotiom to dstsmine oxpendituro CC mon6y or-a8mmptioon of debt, only those 6hsll bo qualiflodto rote who pay tax00 on property in raid city or inoor- poratsd tom; prorldsd, that no poll tax for'tho paymsnt or dobto thus lnourred, skull k lorid uponthe per8onadebarredrroamtin8 in t-ala- t-iontiBretO.a Artlole 1030, Raised Sir11 Statutes, reada as ibllew8r *Ths City Counoll shall hao powor to logy and oolleot m annual poll tax, sot to 4x0046 One ($1.00) Dollar of 4v4ry inlrbltantof said oity over the ago of twenty-one (21) and under sixty (80) ysars, those pereons exsapt by law fmm paying tbs Stats Poll Tax oxoepted, do is a resldaut thsrsof at the time of suahahnual aslleeslnsat." Artidlo 2933, Civil Statutes, pro*ldss, in part: "Rmry person eubjeot to nom of the fors- going disqualifloatlons who shall ka*s attained the age oftweuty-one years aud who &all be a oitieen otthe United States, au! who shall hao nsidod in this State on4 year next preoedbg an sleotlon, and the last six months within tlm dlc triot or omnty in whioh hs or ohs off;rs~~~;s~ta, shall be deemed a qualified elsotsr. tars living In an unorganlr.ed oounty may Vets at an 4l4otloa prooinot In tha county to whloh web OoUnty i6 attachad for jUdioial pllrp4440~ pmVfd- ad that any votsrwho is u+bjeot to pay a poll tax uudar the laws of this Stats or ordinamos st auf Honorable Pat Beadlo, Mmoh 27, 19S9, page S oity of tmm In thie State, ehallhave paid mid tax b4fore off4rihg to rote at any oleotion la this stats and hold8 a reoeipt rbosriugthat raid poll tax was mid before the flrst+d~pof:Febru- ary next preoedingsuch sloation; As Utiole 10% existed at the tilpbof Atlantey Oemral cureton*s opinion No. 2172 on January lb, 1920, and at the tl8e or Attormy General PolZard*e opinion 100.Z676, on Maroh 29, 1927, the earn authorized tbs OiQ Counoll to l4vy aul oalloot ax aanuel pall tax not exooeding $1.00 of otrry mb lnhahitantot eald eitiy. In the Curetan opinion it was h4ld that woman could not Wte without paying any poll tax eo lsviod. In ths Pollard opinion it wae held that einoe the poll tax wae not lovied on *~)men, it? attempted lavy on men wae dieoriminatcny , and that o?m a aan oould rote without having paid the earn. The oonfliot botwoen the two opiaicme 18 aot any 14nger nmterifil, ror in 1931 tlm etatut wae amehd4d 14avi4g out the word 4aa14mr so that,ae altoady aaCed, Artiole lOS0 nor author- leoe o41l4otion frm both oralsand Irmalo inMbitmte, thue r4mm- ixg tb4 reason &Jrttn by Attornay G4aeral Rollard fat holding that failur4 to pay such a poll taxwould'mt dopriro.a&an Or the right to r@e in a oity 41eotlonr $ieanswer your question In the mgatlr4, aeauxiag that the ai* ordinanoo is in prop4r axa, and rae duly and re#ilArly peered. Ybun ‘I cry truly ATTORXEP mXI?RAL OF TIUU GRLiFG