OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Asril 17, 1999 GERALOc. MlWN *-- Xoaorable E. C. Thornton, Jr. Chairan, &ppropriatlona C5mmlttee state or T;rira~ Houe of Mqmesentatirss Au8tiq, ‘ieus Dou sirs . ;. .. * . Honorable X. E. Thognton, Jr., April 17, 1939, Page ?2 Jilsothat portlbn of Article 6674q-6 df the Revised Civil Statutes pertaining to the use of the gasoline tax allocated to the State liighwayfund provides that it shall be used *for the oonatructlon and maintenance of the pub110 roads of the State, constituting and oomprining the ayatem ot State hlghwayysof Texas, a8 designated by the State Righway OoPmrimsion Of TeXaa."~ The l-age or this act Is olear and unambiguous and speoirically set8 torth the purpose8 r0r which the State ai@miy raad &lall,be used. Honorable E. H. Thornton, Jr., April 17, 1939, Page 9 This ease was reversed by tbs Sup-e Court of Texao in 156 5. i?.197 for the reaaoo that in the oaae In queetlon there wae m conflict between tbs.appropriation made and'ln the prior law it was alleged to hava affected. The Supreme Court held in said case as rollowe: "There is m exprees repeal of the fornrtrlaw; heacre, if repealed, it must be by implication, which lrr'not ravortd.” The luaguags of the Su~remo Court and the SanAntooio 6aut of Ullll -4th r&err06 to ebmo olaorly ladioater 6bat -0 rape& og an o~xhting law by a rt4.r to .#IBapprOp+.diOU bill lr oodemwd by the Court&. prQporsdrl#era8th0lpte~a~Hpup mnt f6oaah o6hor aad aoarly ocmflltt. Me thisforeming roa8oa8 we baliwe thet,t?o propoti outat thoShrw ... appwt- . wR8sAwu
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion