r f (). ", ~/ .j / 00432 r' II ,ii L ~ ·11 -' II . : " [ II I, I t 'I THE·' A'l."'lI"ORNEY GENERAL . . ···.·oFTEXAS anAL))> C. ),1,ANN .X;1(~~~X ATTORNEY GENEIRAlr.. Han. GeCj). W. COX .()pinion No.p-S3~ . State Health Officer . .AU$tin~ ~~.)\:a;s. Re:.. May the CorOl of .birth certificate . '". ,. of the Texlls .r)epartUlento£· Hejith i"l: ,ina~optedcMld reveal two . ·mothers.if~he repol"tofadopti,9n ," .' fQrwa'l':del~ fro.n; a IHstrict Cou.rt 'hame$; t)voi.vo~enas having adopted lOilidminor chHd? , .' We.al:e il):l'eceipt ofyo)l:r lettel:'of March Ill, which. reads as follows:. .."W e havethel'.~port .~f.an.adoption •in tlie 71st..Dis- . . ~rictCourt.()fl;J.al"}'isori Co.\.Intynaming M.rs. Mamie M. Mo()re ,afemesQle.'llnd Miss LillieMer:r.bache.l' ashav- . ing.adoptedM.argal'et.i;li:r.ahethMcClurean,dotherchHd- re·n. "Unde.rtheadopti.on lawof),1ay 8. 1935, as affect,. ing.theStateBllr~Il)i, ~l1e S;tate Registral'. is.reqllired to r'emove the cel'tiflciite of Ilatlll'albil'thalldplace in its stead a bil'th certi~it:ate £or the child shQwing the pli/.l'ents • . by adoptiOn; '. . "Yollrde.partmenthas ruled that the words 'by " ·li/.dopt.ion~ s~Ql1.j;dnot be shown on the certificate, but that . the names ofthfl.adopting pal'entS should be shown as. the natuulpa.rents pf thet:htJd., The adopted form·of bi!tll.certif.icate·fol:Texaf!P.l'ovidesfor but one, mother • .~~. ifi't'ollQwing the liiwitappeaJ"s that in thlf! case the ~'ri1.eli -<>f tWo mt)thers must appear on the certificate • .: . A coPy orthE!apopted fo.r,m of birth certificate is enclosed~ . Plejise}dvis~. ~st()how th~ ·1;>.itth certificate of this .child :'. .. . .: sho,wing'ilJl.Qeo. W. Cox. ,Aprill9. 1939. Page 2 ,. 004.33 , ' " .. ;", )." , , ; .Any .idldt :re$).dellct o£~hi$ stllte. may petition theqi$" trtct cOurt i.ntlle di$trict of hip residence or in the dis-trict Cit thereSide:qee. qftliechjJd tobeadop-ted tor leave '-t$ adopt ·ami.norchi.ld;s:u:cli petition shaij setfQrth the flict rE!levari' to petiti.One;rand chi.id.and ,be veri{ied by the amdliv~to£ the petitioner.:aut~suchpetj.tiQnmade by married persons skaU be, gr~nted unless thehU.sban:d:-~,q wife shall join there~ in.exc-eptfrtg whi!n sU,chpetitioner shall be. marriell to th¢ natura;J.father oi,m9the,r; then su-ch jpciner by such father ,or l,:no±her shall. b.e unnecessary." . ' ,. .. ,'Sa~dsectiOnproYid1:! stOi- the adopth;1n 01. a mbio.r cMl-d by. "any adUJt. r.esident':\l£thiss:t;l.tE!;" Ii refers to thea.dQpte'q pllrty J.{e must join therein. ltdoesnot prO'\Tide.for 'Iljtij,nt , . adopti$of"a" ' . mirii:l:r"21itldGther . 't~:<~ 'tIian thre, a feme sole. ind Miss Lillie Merzbaclier as having Illl0p.ted Ma,rg1l-retEli;!Oabeth McClure and othe'r children. ,; . ,Fti.rth-ermoriol. the-sux-estg'uidi? to ii ¢orredic;ollstruction (If a statute is secured by as.certaming'th.e'purpase iis makers intended it ,Should accomplish:. Th'eGbjedof'the Texas Legislatu.re .in enacting the ,stilte 'sa4option statute was to secure for the adopted child a legal statu,s .' whi-ch would most c1oselyapproximate that prnviGed by natural pa.rents and the home of natarr mea.n~ tn hold that pe.rSOns .other than husband and wife. might join, ii(;r,.f6 there ,anything jrI whaj; we sa.i.d le.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion