_. -
. .
lon&~ to the Stat. aad final37adJustand-
l0ttaO hi0 a00001Lt 4th th0 aarptron0r OII.
orbsforo tbelotaa7ofMa7ol*aoh7eu&d
t0 0t~bi0 hi0 t0 d0 00, th0 aoasli00;00006*
aourt oholl oomsno on or beforo tho srd IIoh-
aQpmdllg hla alol 8ott1uent papeR..
Art10107Z61, as amended,pa&. So. 6 reads:
"Tha~tuoollootusolmllilmll7 ldjtut
sad settle his 8ooouat uftb the aomtoofoauo’
aourt for tlto ootmty toxo8
.,i oMotsmeodsathoaannu
with Mt. St&e.* .
laobtax oolleotor W-
Art10105898, as amon4ob,&lot . ._
%%o ff6t~a IO=, dthin th m Of
- MIS sot shall begin on Jonuar7lot of oooh
you; end oaoh dlotriot,oolmt7 sad prooltlot
a tfi0l 0
hr0a ia
h i0 m te!l6makethenna1
0ettlomoItt roQuirod ia tIr0 sot tlotlotor than
7amla~7 lot of 04oh roar;...."
Th8 8bOVO ~E'OTfSiOEO UO MtMbtOl?7 a thS &Mrt
OS the tax oollootorend Us oiflooand oro poriorublo
nlthout allyaddltioml rllowuloo or OOuQOOoOtlOO onr and
the ma w lolu7 ollowodor tluthorf106b7 ltotuto.
ub o vo
The order oannot h eooMtru@
lh twe o th o nr fs
tho a onn
mmtthorfoed allonanoeof ooapsnsstion
ior Wh duties
above set torth. The -80 Of th0 OtOtUtOO DtiSOdb-
1~ the PadDOID@340~Ot0 bOi2yt0O~OirrdO rfOEtb0 (la
Itio sfo no r s’ Oo tq t th o .mr to ma k el g r eo tu o llo wsno o
;$g that authox%ed and fixed under tha Offf~er~* 8alar7
. The duty ahawn in the Order being prti117 fOr
* -J
whioh the 8darJ Of tha airi i0 paid, ArtioldJO,
. 301 and 1ola of Vernoll'o AnnototsdPenal cod0 49ss,
-mokosit 0 penal orrons*for the tos oollootd to
fail to ~rionr ouoh dutleot Wa do not thb& the
Constitution or the otatuteoauthorlu oxtea ~omponoa-
tlon or plaoo a pnpioa qa meh dutbo roqulred to be
~io nud a nd a t tho o a mb th e mo lto I$ l p ena lo iio nso
io r tell- t0 PO*- 0860.
It lo, taemioro,tlI*opiaionorthia Depart-
ment that the ammlosioMro' amlrt lo unomoed to
~'~fosB to ohook out and make the fiod roportoof his