Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

THE A-JlxlxDENEY GENE- CBBE’TEXAS HonorableL. R. Thom$~_m County Auditor * Taylor County Abilene,Texas Ds+r.sir: op~nicm No. 04p23 Re: Whether voters liv:ng at Lake Kirby in the city of Abilene may vote'.Zimacity election POW requestfor an opinionwherein you state +~batL&e K'irby'is located sppra~imatelythree miles from the,city limits01 Abilene,but has been anhexed tathe city and is com@+d theretoby a narrow strip of land and wherein you ask if a pa?$y livingat Lake Kirby is entitledto vote at:cityelections,-has been receivedby this office.~ You aYe advisedthat a personwho is otherwisequal%fiedand liveswithin the corporatelimits of the city of Abilene is entitled to vote at' 8 city election. Of.course,we do not have before us and are n&..passingupon the validityof the ordinanceof annexation. Yours very truly ATTclRlw G!3NmALOF TEXAS s/Richard H.'Cocke By Richard H. Co&e Assistant APPROVED: s/,W. F. Moore ATTORNEY GENE3ALOFTEXW