THEATEOJRNICY GENERAL OF TEXAS Aunlvv 11,‘lb~~A~ ’ Km-d lS, 1939 Konarable Ima C. ibyoee teeretary, Boar5 6f Rog;rrnta ua~41tyo~ Texas . Ecu YE. mynra: OplAlCONO. 049b : liea Validity of fp-antee*a opeion to renuw right- o r -wa lyraaaaats b e y o na 1 0 y e a rprbsry tarn o f euaewant lr o a m2tate la ndaCacllcatetlto th e Unlvarslty o r Tex a s Ck4?obrutiry 28 Zmmeat tro. 62 oontdns the following rlrose: “Humble Pipe Line C~~~~IIJI luooe~aorti or eselgna la horoby &lven the r t ana option t0 oxtend {hia aontract aiter the ten (10) year peri& ha 6xpirrd for yearly garioba aot to lxosdi (li total of arty (SO) yearn from the eati OS thh oontraot, by the pyaiantto a5rama of two ui5 one-holf(a&) oents par rd of rlght-ot-way for esah line par year for eaoh ad every aar it cleota to keep oeIC oontrrot In Ioro~. Ea i 5 grants0 ite aucaes5ora or rsa&m, Pa to giN llxty CbOt days written nettoe prior to the aipl- rrtion of uuuacil period, of ltr 5dnto tdnato tha eontr*oO*" EaaoPant Ho. 59 eont8fIlA * lahl1.u raAawal optton in imar of the graatrr in ruuh *aaewnt, In writing thla oplnloa,uo h a t0 that thra la a uAe5 u, no wT1ttmooAtnotaev/mlelne, the laawmat gents ia questloa other thtm the writtin %wAzunente nhlah you hm tut- . ._* - m w c. uafaea, UUQ~ l.5019S9, ksl, 2 oajr~ written owttrwta gmtlnu tbo maeme8t.a In eus8- tion ts the pantees war0 rht bx0out0d. fWtloa~),~Cbapta TI, bate 1933, b)rd La&- leturo, Regular ~~aaicn~ whl& deals vlth d&t-orerr loroca lam3 balongiw, *a a o mnnts to tbc State an4 6a5“i - la tUl60 the support and mrlletansnaeor the DnlmraIt~ ar T8xa6, p~0vice4.44tolm16r *Xo right of way msement, OS- tank farm, loridl~ reek, or punpfnlratetion saaeikent or leet~aof tke ohereota lnunurtlteC in ?*‘Jotlon 1 har8of me: be grants5 tar a lower tm t&an ten (10), hot 8ng ad3 easaaod RS.~ k remwad by th4 ofrio:rl or cf:ic:ala 6barg65 with the ax8oatIoa ttwr~ecf, la No or their d~rerctlca.~ Artfolo tS96 of tha H6viaad Civil Stattttaa 03 Tama, 1925, protldea 44 r0Uoss: wt0 b0b~5 0r ~28g88tam6 .fnr08td ~4th the to10 and axcluaiLv0 aswt~amat an5 aoa?irol of She lsmltzact se154 em? 8pproj&at*5 to, w ~qiliro5 by, ‘theUnivrelty of Texan, tith t!n rQht to gall, lreca an5 othorwiae mtmuga, 6c ntr o l la 5~ua * th e8a *in c r yp lmmr ,am3 et wh p iuea end umlor mush term an5 acm3itlcaa 44 they 6emi host r0r the interant of 6h* u& Laalt , act lh oanfllot with the fhta Con- stltoti 6ai pPo+:5e5, mob .lsna dial1 not be 66ld at tiha4 prioa par aere thm that 8t which the aemo olaaa of otherpublic lands au~r be a&d Uaaerthe atatutaa.* ItsguP oplnicul rAti 3, Chapter TI# AOt6 Qr 1933 k a ~lr k b eea g lnaota4l ua?moutmnt to the lnaotmant OS Artlolm 2596 must be bel5 to mo5Uy an5 raztriot ta lr ti the Boer5 of Regents as sat forth in lirtlcl.0 25br- to the extent fi~eatCically protidti in S*ottian3. In *iaw 0r ~8ot~on 3, Chapter 77, Auto or 1933, we ma+ thtfrdola, hold thbt tb? Row{ of Re!$anta is rtthont power to paka a ,Nnc ;~ g e nt o f rluht-of-wsy ors6ments fo r l lonrtijr tm than ten yparr. 40 #$%I bbfiinrJ6mJOt GO the rWmWiB1 OptiCa '. *ontell& In the baeemnt grant4 Lo pueatioa WOUi5 la our oplnIoa,’ aoastltcte a vLclat2oo oi Seotloa 3 ohapt** n, Aota 1933, bwaeae aaab @on&ttruotio?l would, in efieet, - . pdt the grantln~of rieht-ai-wiqlaaemanta ror * Longs parld t&n 6esb .yoara. b%nGlag aHsot to the reaawel options To ghe aontdnu5 in tha ectsesumtgrant8 in qucation woul5 in 0or opition oooetltute a rlolat~on of Ewtloa 3 &8pte W, A0ta 2933, ,baoau& maeb 8omtmiotlon would, iu effebt, pcradt tha grarrw & ri(tht-of-way. rasehanta for a longer period UraJI ton fuu4* . ny IsI ElobortE. Kapka Robert R. Kq&a AIyJi8tmnt
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion