OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN \, ;:arch 1s. lY3Q xan. \I.i3.Cow county ~4tornay Blanoo Countr Ja!mz~a City, Tems Eon. V. 8. Gear, Earth 15, 1939, IJage.2 It La provided in Article 7046, Xevlned Civil Statutes OS Texas, 1925, that there &hall be levled end collected,with cert4.n exceptions, an annual poll tax of one dollar end rifty cents, one dollar of which is Sor the benefit or the free schools or this Stcte and Silty cents for general revenue purposes, Sram all persons between the ages OS twenty-oneand sixty years resldlng withlr.this State on the first day or January or each year, and further provlCes that no county wlthly the Stete of Texas shsll levy a'poll tax io~~ynty ~ptuposes~ln*raeas G twenty-rim aant+ '. such pol.l~taxmnM,be paid prior to~Pakm%ary 1st or the.yea.r Soll.mLns:its.levy to the,,qouAty%x.&oh the oitLten retaided onJakwryl.atof the'= of the l.ary~avghthcugh hemay '. .hare rwved rr03i&ioh oounty aridf8 Liring in qaother cowsty when.the poll tax beoomes payable. Tharafilue.t0 pl6kO~p+1431~t in this qanoer landuoddr these airoozzfsncrcre diaq~iae a oitiatm to voted.uriw the yeax SollorFrrgth6 levy in~the o@!UIty to,whIch he remove& Linger fi Balfour; 149 S.W+ 795, 805, McChaxen v; Be&., 27" Si 8. lY.7,llQ.+ /~' Hon. V. B. Gear, Xarch 15, 1939, F-age3 On the other frond,IS the county 1~ ~&AC:.a person resides on Jemary 1st does not levy a poll tax +r county purposes, the Stata pal; tax oS one dollar and SUty cents Sire5 by statute zay be p&3 ln the county uhera the citizen resides when the tas becoms payable, even though he nap then reside in a county other than the one he resided ln on January 1st oS the year the.tar is due. fn other words, when a oouaty In which an individual resides on January 1st does not levy a poll tax for that year end the citizen later ln the year mves to another county, it is imoaaterlal whether ha paya hls'St&s p&ll tax in the oamty wham ha maldea aaJM~yloSthdy~ltl86wOt~theoopntyto~~~ he~~dand~81dloginrrhsn~kuis80todUt~ldd. Under these o~ro~~tan~ea lr the tax is pttldprior to Fabrrt- ary lnt 0r the year rollorlng the levy LO althea of the sounties, the.requlrementsOS the law h&ve beefykaetbad the biutitz~i~ir not oth8m8i3 dit~d.ifiad, Le 0ditled t0 vote ln eleotfoaedurw the Solloully ywar In the aonnty 0s hlsl-nawrwMM.Oe, l4ucharM v. -Wad, 878 s.w.l.w,,Ug; salmge Y. Humphr~es,llJ39. 95.eos, 808. -XIIanswer to your .inqufry,you are advised that. 4.f.':~ i*ounty,%xa8, levies a poll t8x.rar 19s9, oltlmm9 red%.z in such oounty on'Jenuary 1, 1969; etibjeotto the papwnt 0s poll farea, in urdsr to qwiU.rythemael~~ in this raspwttfJ rotsin eleotlonsln1940, izlthecountyof their nnr reeI~Ienoe, must .paytheir poll fax to the tax oolloetor end 6asemsor in Blancu County. On the other hand it 3laneo .Cupxtty does not levy a poll tez far 1939,t3oee‘uhereal&d in Blawo County on January 1. 1939, but later in the year remwed to another aounty, may priytheir Stute poll tax either in Blame c0uat.yor ln thq oounty OS thelr new rwldawe, end will thus qwllfy themelvea'to v&e in elsotiom held dur- Lo& 1940 in the oount.:OS their J?~?I re+denoe, unless they ahouM be othe.r*iee~dlsqualified.~ You are Surther ndviaed that Y a cltldn pays his poll tax as her8i.n~providedanU'reoelveEshis reeelpt or 0ertiSlcateOS exeaptlon,he may vote, ii dot otherrise dlequtillrled,in the county or hls‘new residence by presenting his poll tax reoelpt.oroertltloateor exemptloa or his affl- davlf OS Its loss, to the judges OS the eleatlon,andby mak@ oath as tryhis identity ad rwidenoe, ii that be required. Article 2987; Hersden vi Troy, I.89Sz%. 96% Bon. V. B. Goar, I.bcti 13, 1939, Page 4 %e trust tke above satisfactorily answers your question. Yours very truly ATl'ORii Gi%iXAI,OF TXXA3 .
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion