Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

March 15, 1939 Honorable ci. Lee O’Daniel Governor of Texas Austin, Texas Dear Governor: opinion No. o-447 Re: Reward offerred by Governor be are in receipt of your letter of March 9, 1939, in which you request an opinion on the question of whether rewards oiferred by a former Governor, whioh have not been revoked, terminate when the new Governor takes office. Article 1007, Code of Criminal Procedure of Texas, pro- vices that the Governor may offer a reward for the apprehension of one aocused of a felony in this State who Is evading arrest. In Karling v. Morris, 91 Tax. 584, 9 5. W. 739, and in Lauve v. Balfour, 1st White & Wilson Civ. Cases, para. 726, our oourts held that an offer of a reward continued valid and bind- ing until same was revoked. A reward may expire by its own terms, or the Governor may revoke same at any time he desires, prior to the time the party ror whose arrest the reward is oi- ferred has been apprehended, or at least located. Sinae the Governor’s office is a constitutional one, and is never vacant, the reward offerred by the Governor is made by him in his official capacity; and a reward offerred by one Qovernor would, and does, oontinue in full force and effect until the sating Governor revokes same, unless there is a tims limit, or some other oondition oontained in the original rewrrd as offerred. The faot that the person holding the office of Gov-. ernor ohanges does not in any way arfect the offer of the reward as made by the Governor. Yours very truly ATTORNEYGENERALOF TEXAS (Signed) BY George W. Barcue Assistant GWB:PBP RPPROTED: ATTORIWYGENERALOF !&i&U (Signed Gerald C. Mann)