lion.d. SC.uooa, Yareb 14, lDsB# Page 2 thattimeconferredany general porerof eondmm~tionon the C2&ualsaian,and In that Instame they wstrlated the graut of power to anith County, Terse. The tegislrtura not havlng made an eXprf3ssgrant of the power 0T 00~1 denmatioant.0the Conunieslon,re oanuotby fmplie8tion oonfer that poror upon the Cfnmiesio~ for the oourtm bate held that the 8tatutes conferring the power of lm- min0nt domain be Otriotlj cdonStrue& and ii the p0rw iu doubtful, it will be reeolted infavorof'thepmpartp olmer. It is the opiarlon o? th&* apwiaent th8t the -doa wee ut hw@ UItheaatp forthdrplqodstmdorenrpl-owpt
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion