oonld c. mm AunTlN il.TlcxAm
A-"*e QI*- mwoh 9, 1939
Bomrabla Robert D. Pmn
county Attosory
hool, Tam
Ihu Plei OPlnioa P 0-b
DOMArtiolo rowlro 2/3?48
r o tain lll o o unty
WlQ r o d
b o ndll~tlolm?
IQ nply to your roqwrt or Yarrh 3rd. far an
0piIllon& thla Doprt4mlt 8ovorios the rozwIruotioaor
rrtlrlr 752h or the Rovl~od Cl61 f%tuto. af 192& mad
ti~0irlo~li~eot~irrgsour qu00tloa whlab 18 8a sollow8:
*Dow Artiole 752h roqulre 2/3Tdo vote in all
ownty wide rwc JmIc olootlow?=
Yo uo r eldvlaod that ia our opinion, artlala 752h
nqulroa 8 2/Jrdr n8jorlty vote Of the r08ldOst Pro Fty
tex paylw,votua VotlaC, st rwh eleotloato authorrze t&
ls8uancl4 or road bond8 on tha i&h 4ad arodit or any
oouoty or poUtlo ru~lVl8100 0T rod dl8trlat, l8 t&O
Oa6e WY k.
iMAul 7128 to Artlolo 75 romrlboc;the pauw
and authority or sag oounty or allypo ?iipt Ml SUbofVi8loaof
l oountp,or any mad-dlatrlrt that haa bna, or my &ro-
art&r k ueeted by maygwtual or apaolal 1.n to lDew
bonds forth ~p0800 0r 00~kwtin(5,~0~t0i~,~
0 UOt& BW4lbdWd~d, #@tOlOd m voc roads or turn-
p P km, sit than@.
or in T&W &a ai Art&a wa8
lmeted br tho Thirty--nfnth LoGlelatun Pimt Called reb
slon of 1.926, cnC at uhloh :ermlon Artfeloa726 to 752 mere
-It at euoh llsotloa two-tblrdoOS tlu
proputy tax poylac: rotora oest tholr ballotr
In revoir43stha lasu~o oi bowls, th* oamlsa-
lowr8* oourt ah6U, aa mea theroaiter08
prrotloeblb,lswe said benidaon the i&th sod
ordlt or rmld oounty, polltlorlrabdl~l8lm
o r tidind clztrlot,l8 th o 01 ~8sia y k io .~
:?ettdak th u e o en k no questloa but that tt w88
th0 lnt~nticm or tb t0 purmlt th0
L4ei814tau0 l0mtaus#
of boa08 oaly upon l two-thfrda
ncrjorlty vote of tko qwli-
rid tax payia~ votora, voting therdn, remrdlcnr ob
*4th~ w m it MS •~ 4i00tiorrrrf00ti88 li 0om a8 l
whole, a derlmd road dlstrlot,or 8 polltloalaubd v181oa.
Boa. noborb D. I'man,
9, 1939,- a
~,r~ah aa 8 rdarlomm preolr~ot
or 8 Jootloo
oah bo%ag tho oaae them mn k llttlo doubt ?z
that ; &anty rldm road boldlrlootlonrould riquln, l e
ority vote or two-thirdsof t& votorr to rutborlte tb
i 5-e or bonba.