Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. NV ss OFFICE OF THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS /’ AUSTTIN -In 6: YAwa -- YIMh lT, 1939 HOLI. oeorge0. Roam,Idaroh17, 1939, Paw 2 of oonstruotlonthat unless roes am speoifloallyaf- oepted they are to be consideredto be *ricesor 0rri0e*. You will kladly lgrrorsthe oopy of an a~lnlorr mailed to you under date OS February lStb, forasrly rendered to bfr.R. S. Wyohe, County Auditor, Longrlar, Texas, umler date of February 18, 1035, am it oleazly does not purport to apply to the question subn&ttedby you an6 bm wa8 not no fntended by thi8 &pa&mat.. wemeltk o h ia tg a 00pf or thwoplnloawrlttm lmrdth by Hoa.ha. A. Xaiff, Aaoblmt Attorney Coabml an& : aara*ub to Hr. Tom% Kl!l&8tde Atl4eor. uuaorgate or ~ugtmt~,.i*a13~ 08 lbon r0rOmd to. very truly your@ CSWRRALOFTEIA8