Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

'TmA-rro~~~y GENERAL OF- Mr. A. A. Fiegan, Jr. casualtyInsurance Division Board of InsuranceCommLssioners Austin,Texas Dear Sir: . i opinion.iio.O-406 Re: Is the Board of InsuranceCom- missionerslimitedto prescrib- ing a Uniformrate for basic .~ coverageonly under provisions of Article,wb or does it , apply to all ate&-and rules? .. Does the Board have authority 'O' to prescribemars than one ex- cess'limitstable for e&h c&as- sificatlonof hazard? ,Dws the Board have authorityto prescribe ,a.se&ate excesslimitstable . for self-insurereP Your requestfor an opinionon the above stated questionhas been receivedby this office. Sections1, 2 and 8 of Article468213 R. C.'S. read a8 follows: "Every Fnsurance'company,corporation,.hterinsUrance ex- change,mutual,reciprocal,association,Lloyd'sor other in- surer,hereinaftercalled insurer,writingany form of motor vehicleins-de.in this State, shall qually file with the Board of InsuianceCo+siioners, hereinafter,called Commis- sioner,on forms prescribedby the Conuriissioner, a report showingIts premiumsand losses on each classification of motor vehicleriskswritten in this State. The Commissioner shall have the sole and exclusivepower and authority,and it shallbe its duty to determine,fix, prescribe,and promul- gate just, reasonableand adequaterates of premiums,tobe chargedand collecte@by all insurerswritingany form of in- suranceon motor veh&clesin this State, includingfleet or other ratFngplan, desi@ed to discouragelosaea from fire and theft and similarhazardsand to take account.ofthe peculiar hazardsof individualrisks, and an experienceratingplan de- signedto encouragethe preventionof accidents;and to take Mr. A. A. Regan, Jr., Page 2 (0-406) accountof the peculiarhazardsof individualrisks,provided that only one such plan shallbe fixed or promulgatedfor each form of insurancehereunder. Said Commissionershall have the authorityalso to alter or amend any and all of such rate6 of premiumsso fixed and dete?mlnedand adoptedby it, and to raise or lower the same or any part thereof. Said ConmIssionershall have authorityto employ clericalhelp, inspectors,experts,and other assistants,and to incur such other expensesas may be necessaryin carryingout the provisionsof this,law;provided, however,that the number of employeesand salaryof each shall be fixed in the GeneralAppropriation Bill passed by the Legis- lature. Said Conmissionershall ascertainas soon a6 pradi- cable the annual insuranceloeses incurrsdunder all policieson m&or vehiclesin this State,make and aalntalna recordt~h'ersof, end collectsuch data as will enable said ConmissIonerto clas- slfythe variousmotor vehiclesof the State accordingto the risk and usage made thereof,and to classifyand assign the los- ees.according to the variousclassesof risks to which they are applicable;the Board shall a&ao ascertadnths amount of pre- ialma QIIall such policiesfor each class of rlaks,and main- taluapenuanent recordthereofIn suchmanner as~tillaid Fu $e$erminingjust, reasonableand a&equaterates of premiuus. ', 'Motorvehicleor automobileInsuranceas referrad~toIn 6;$ia~~~shallb-etakan awl construedto~~sn every Ior4 of in- ki@ancoonanyautomobile or other vehiclehw$?@terenumer- ated a~@ its operatingequipmentor nscessitatsdby.reasonof sht:l$abilityimposedby law for da~nagesarisd$gout of the own&ship, pperation,maintenance,or use in this State of sny auta&blle,'motorcycle, motor-bicycle,truck,truck-tractor, tractor;tractionengine,or any other self-propelled veh+le, and inclu~ also every vehicle,trailer or semi~trailerpul&?d ar towed by a n&or vehicle,but excludingevery motor.vehlcle Fuming only upon fired rails or tracks. ljox@en9SCornpenes- tlon IMurance is excludedfrom the foregoingdefinitionand frsmtheterms of this Act. "Section2. On and after the filingand effectivedate of such classificationof such risks and rates,no such insurer shall issue or renew any such insuranceat premluurates which are greateror less than, or differentfrom, those approvedby the C&mlssioner as just, reasonableand adequatefor the risks 'tow&h they respectivelyapply, and not confiscatoryas to any class of insurancecarriersauthorizedby Law to write~suchiu- surance. "Section8. No *surer comingwith the terms of this Act shall,in its businessIn this State,'makeor perult any dis- tinctionqr discriminationin favor of the insuredhaving a like hazard,inthe v+atterof the chargeof pr&ium.efor ixwrance, hfr.A. A. Regan, Jr., Page 3 (o-406) or in dividendsor other benefitspayableunder any policy,nor shall any such insureror agent make any contractof insurance, or agreementas to such insurance,other than expressedin the policy,nor shall any such insureror its agents or representa- tives pay, allow or give, or offer to pay, allow or give, di- rectly or indirectly,as sn inducementto Insured,any rebate payableupon the policyor any specialfavor or advantagein dividendsor other benefitsto accrue,or anythingof value whatsoever,not specifiedin the policy;providedthat nothing in this Act shallbe construedto prohibitthe modificationof rate6 by an experienceratingplan designedto encouragethe preventionof accidentsand to take accountof the peculiar hazardsof individualrisks,providedsuch plan shall have been approvedby ths Commls6hne.r; andprovided furtherthat only .* one such plad shallbe approvedfor each form of insurance hereunder." Pursuantto the above mentionedstatute,the Board of InsuranceCom- missionershas prescribeda manual of r&es and rates for all forms of auto- mobile insurancein Texas and the manual. of rules and rates Is duly recorded In the officialminutesof the Board. The prescribedmanual containsa table of percentagesto be appliedto the basic manual rate where an Insuredwishes to avail himselfof additionalprotedlon In the form of higher limlts~thau the basic 5,000/10,000limits for bodilyinjury liability. Rule Bo. 66 of the manual reads as follows: ~“66. IncreasedLimitsand Excess Insurance. Increased limits and excess insurancemay be written for sny type.00auto- mobile In accordancewith the chargesshown in the Increased LimitsTable applicableto the type of automobileInvolvedand its use." The terms and provisionsof the statuteare clear and unambiguouS and specifically providethat only one such plan shall be fixed or promulgated for each form of insurancehereunderand furtherprovidethat the Conmissioner shall have the sole and exclusivepower and authorityand It shallbe its duty to determine,fix, prescribeand promulgatejust and reasonableand adequate rates of premiumsto be chargedand collectedby all insurerswritingany form of Insuranceon motor vehiclesin this State and the duty imposedupon the Board of InsuranceCommissioners by Section1 of Article 4682b, supra, Is not limitedto prescribinga uniformrate for basic coverageonly but appliesto all rates and rules includingthe excess limitstable for excess coverageabove the basic manual rate. You are respectfullyadvisedthat it is the opinionof this-Depart- ment that the Board of InsuranceCommissionershas no authorityto prescribe more than one excesslimitstable for each cl.assificationof hazardand does not have the authorityto prescribea separateexcess limitstable for self- Insurerswho wish to assume their own liabilityup to a certainlimit but desire Mr. A. A. Regen, Jr., Page 4 (0-406) to provideexcess insuranceby purchasingit from a companyadmittedto do businessin Texas to protectthemselvesagainstcatastrophelosses. You are furtheradvisedthat the duty Imposedupon the Board of In- suranceConmkissionersby Section1 of the above mentionedstatuteis not limited to prescribinga uniformrate for basic coverageonly but appliesto all rates and rules includingan excess limitstable for excess coverageabove the basic manual rate. TrustingtI&. the foregoing-ers your inquiries,we remain Very truly yours A!tTm $ElGmLoFTBxAs BY Ardell qilllame .: &3%.atEul$