c c. 'The qucct~on peser.kd ?or the oomldarntlcn 0S t&L* orfice 15 ttlcthtz the f.33ownnrs tbould sualify3s a sotor .fuc;;diotrtbutoruu69r t&n -%xtuto in orcer to rooe:oe;rayrmtoi'the roytlt7 9R this nantlar,and use tbo aistlllntereoeltcd 8s rvyalty paymnt ti zotorlzod fan !asplccents or mv?rGitp." :'ootlcn1 (a), :rticla 70653, venacn'oatnnotxtac SiYil X4tutf38,defirmu "dFsrrlbutoP pi 23tOf 3aol 08 follows: - *~:l.stributor* chailmxm end includg ,rrCryi)cr- soa 1% tas .-tatewoo ref:ooa, aamrxoturts, ~rodwoo, . blaado c.rcotcpouada sxcor -cW1, or ln coy ot!icrsttnncr SCQUiXWJ Or pOSWSWS’p4tOr :uCi Xnd CXkCtItil-StISdO sf tte snw ti ttis .txte; 635 it Still lllaoinolule -wry perxoa in'taia Xate who 8!1lpe,tmrtd or Ir.portuncy wtor fuel fnto thle .txtc an3 cake the riret saie 0: "lqa 14 tkio .&&c." .._i .Zactioa 2 oi ?rold;;otor:‘uel tax ..ew Lzaes and ides a tax upw tho miirat sale* or r&or fuel, aud provides that tbc Itaxaball acurw on 8ueh *first a&P. 'mt1on 1 lo) oi the Act dotkos *zetcm fuela, mid we ah&l ost)trmB,ror jwrposes of w10 oginion, ttiat t&z so-cxlle6 dfrrtillate,prorluaeC.~ec~arps rsll uador tbo cl:ousstaacaaand la the wanor outlined in ftnarletter, porecssosru;h phyolosl ua6 o:aaaical.xtfdbutcs ax would brff it sdfkir.thin deficition 0r '%at0r ml*. , . . .. - c -,.;. . . .. 1933 , 3.0 4 - . fr03; thle ccsxiusL:n ; .. - . . . - : .. . ,... ; . - l . _- - .. . 2. - -. . ~._ ..fJ . ..: . : +A _ _ . . .. : -- ;so. c f .. . . - -. .-. ..:- : . . . . -2 .. .. . . -. .’ . :~~y+tr:; ‘._ ;.,. -1 ‘;. __ . : ‘. ‘.“.’ I : . - . _ 1 . . ..% tiffi .-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion