?!immc A%??4YmRhiEY GENEWAL Overruled by: OF %-EXAS Willis v. Potts 377 SW 2d 622 Aus~rr. TEXAS 7s71P ~~~~~ sup. ct. February 23, 1939 See.letterto Calvert Hon. T. 0. Waltbn, President dated 3/27/56 by John A & M College Reeves. College Station, Texas .. Opinion No. O-371 Ri: Members o3.A. & M. College staff may serve as town officers In the town of College Station. Dear Dr. Walton: ..YourInquiry of February 15th re-subm$ts the questions, *Can members af A. & M. College staff serve as towowni officers of the town of College Station? Article 16, Section 33, of the Constitutionstates: "The accountingofficers of.this State shall neither draw nor pay a warret upon the Treasury in favor of any'personfor salary or compensationas agent, officer, or appointee who holds at the same time any other office or position of honor, trust or profit-pder this State or the United States, except as prescribed in this Constitution." Article 16, Section 40, of the Constltut~lon provides: "No person shall hold or exercise at the same time more than one civil office of emolument." There are no dec,lslonsof the Texas courts directly In point. However, the Supreme Court of this State, In Kimbrough v. .Barnett,93 Tex.,301, deflned."publicoffice" as, "The ,rlght, authority and duty created and conferred by law, by which, for a given period, either fixed by law or enduring at the pleasure of the creating power, an Individual1s Invested with some portion of the aoverelgn functions of the goverffment,to be exerc.@edby him for the benefit of the public. In Leymel v. Johnson, 288 Pac. 858,.the.DlstrlctCourt of Appeal of the State of California had,befoTe It the question as to whether a schbol teacher was an officer, and after quoting , Hon. T. 0. Walton, page 2 O-371 ,, .~ i&m'Klmiroigh v. BarneM; kpra, and after eulogizingthe teaching profession at length,'holdsthat a teacher Is not an: officer under the St&e. - In Green v. Owen, 31 S. W. (2d) 1037, the Supreme Court of the State of Mlssourl heldr "The right __ of_the.office of City .Attorney.of a municipality Qoes not involve the title to any office uqder the State. The office of,City Attorney of a city Is not an offlce.underthis State, but an dffice under the city.", We therefore answer that members of the colle e staff are not prohibited.bySections 33,'and40 of Article 1fiof the State Co;;;;utlon:,fromholding office yder'the town of College . The ,OpinlonFendered by this Department on December 10, 1938, Itihereby overruled and withdrawn. Yours very truly ATTOFINEY GENERAL OF !l?EXAS By /s/ A. 5.'Roll+8 '. A. 5. Roll,l~~s Asslstant ASRsPBPr&sCffE APPROVEDx /s/ oerald C... Mann A!C!~'OR.~@XQENERALCFTEXAS (..
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion