Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GFRILD c.MAraN A”- ...OYIL Earoh 6, 1939 Deer Sir: Pour letter 0 is hereby ao- uest an opinion per- . In pars-aphs nuw k the following ques- pleted and paid ior release the land owner frozesay lisbilitp b,y virtue of 8uoh appli- cation." Also, by separate letter under date of February lOth, you desire this Department to subdt a contraot form . lion. 'L. J. GittInSer,LZorch6, 1939, Pace 2 .agplIcobleunder said act and particularlyas provided for In Seotion 5 thereof. Tho provi.sIonof Senate Bill Fo. 227, Chapter 214, Aots of 1935, 44th LeSlsleture,and seotlon 5 appllcablo,Is set forth In Vernon's,Annotated Texas Civil Statutes, 1925, under &tIole 165a-1, Sec- tion 5 and reads a8 follow: -'TheCommissioners'Courts of the,sever- al OOgIltd.08 may prOVidc for the construction of improvementson the lenas lyin: Mithln their rzcpective counties‘,in the naturo of farm tI3rraCe8,'dikes,,ditches, soil and water reservoirs, and other soil and water conscrva- tion anZlerosion prevention services, assessing the landovmerwith an aseess:nent not to exceed tileactual cost of'lobor, notarial, and fuel, and no charge shall be m&e for depreciation and/or other expenses. The amount so assessed against the lonaov.ner,shall bc and remain a lien upon and against the lands upon which such money was used for any or all of the Improvq- monts mentioned in this section. _ "The'CountyCommissioners'Courts shall oonoult and advise with the County Farm Domon- strators, an&/or employ other capable and ox- perlenaed aGent or agents, In the application ,.and operation of this Act. *The Commissioners'Court of the several counties cannot undertake the improvements hereon, unless the landovmer petitions said Sourt so to do. Said courts must enter into a written oontmot,v:iththe landoxner, for any and all,of the.improvementsherein specified, provided that.no oontract can.Grant the lsnd- owner a periociof moro than ten years from date of the contract Itsolf for payment.to . the Commissioners'Courts of assessments agsinst said lanDo?;nerin makin% the said lm- provements, anti'providedfurther that Said as- sessments shall.,bearno interest until after ranturity,said contract form to be 6rm.n by the Attorney General's Department. Onlg.one contract oen be made with any individual land- ovmcr In any one calendar year, and not more Bon. L. J. GIttin3or,Xarch 6, 1939, i'ilS,e 3 than Threa mnarca (c300.00) Dolln.rs'shall . bo s;;entper annum cn any one farm. Suoh contracts shall be filed and recorded In the office of tho County Clerk of the County In which the lanl is situated, and such filing shall serve to fix the lion on said land. Anyone receiving any benefits herounder mpct . bo the owner of racer-:of such .lendon which any impr6vonent.s hereunder are to be ma&e; provided further that nothing In this &t shall affect the existing statutes regard- Inp,InpounciInC; 2ater reservoirs." The &poso of this provision in the act a8 ox$resscfiin tho onnctin~ oiause of the bill was to eon- fer on the Coxnissionors1 Court of the several oounties authority g nrovitiofor the construotlonof imgrove- ments on 1andS in thonnture of farm terraoes.Likea. ditches and other servioos expressed; providing for e:sossing landowners for the aonstruotionan8 mainten- ence’oi such Improvencntsan8 ievices, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by the said conservation board; providing for the contributionby the landoxners for such improvements,enterins into contraotsu:Iththe Commissioners'Court for same an& other purposes more or loss conneoted with the above. It appears, In the r.cadinf: of Section 5 of said _ act, that the Commissioners1Court shall enter into a .writtencontract with the landowner for any and all of the Improvementsapeoified In said sot. The act requires tt,atsuch assessmentbe ma&e, that a contract be entered Into ana a lien retained, thereby securin.Sthe funds of . .the oounty emen'$ed In suah causesand which are to be - paid bsok by the Individual landowner. The primary and cardinal purpose of this enaot- ment was to create a fund an& provi8e vrhrabythe oounty, throu,:hIts Coxmissionors'Court could, if it saw fit, exnanz a s'umof money or its equIv&eat In labor, material an; fuel to suoh a project, at the landownerPsroquest anG in suoh amount as not to exceed @JOO.OO -forthe designated improvementsin any one calendar year. Such sum available vrithoutInterest and payments deferred, would be an in- duoement to having the work done by any landovmer who deeirea Hon. L. J. Gittinger,%!aroh6, 1939, 3360 4 to avail himself of the privilege.:The act Itself WI- dently contemplatesthat t!scounty shall perioim the Vsor!cand the latter part cf %wt10n 6 of the aot appears to leava it within the illscretion of We Co:~mlsslonera* Court to ;Icrr;lit rosa machinery, Vhcn not necessarily, in use on the. putlio roads, to be Us0a on private lands. for purposes expressed. :;uchprovisions are as follows:~ Yin order to jZOViiS a fl13aIn nitiof the oonstruotioni,nil nsfntennnoe of the im- provencnts~unci structuresname;2In ~cotion 5 .of this bot, the Corn-lissioutirs~ Ccurt of aach appropriate any amount up to twOnty- gpy2;; YP er cant of the net collections mede In each suoh county of the motor vehialo liccnne Pees not to exo~eclTwelve Thousand Xve ilunarca($12,300.00)Dcllnrs.....Xoneysmnp be wIth~raV~nfrom saia fund under the dircc- tion of the Cor!;ilIssioners' Courts, and used for the purpcoss of purchasing,maintaining and re- PaIrInS machinery anG equipment, ani:furnishing labor, an& any 8uCh mnchinery so purchased by the county, an& any rosa maohinery oVXnadby the oountg an& not noc~noarlly U8Od on the publia roa&s, may be used on private lands for the purpose of constructingand maintaining the Improvementsand structuresIn this Aot pro- vided.m -Theabovo provisions quotod, of tho Acts of the 44th Legislature,are to bo read with and considered in the 1IGht of the authdrity .crantedand as expressed In Artlole 23720, Bcviosd Civil Statutes, 1923, Aots Of 1931; 42na Legislature, Chapter 33, Sootion 4 of whiah cot reads: "In the public service of conservI.nS the soil ferility of the lands Of the,County,the Commissioners'Courts shall havo the authority to co-operatewith the land o-+!ners and tax- peyors of th.0CorvltyIn all judiciousefforts for the preservation of the produotivenessof the 'soilfrom avoidable waste, anti1008 Of pro- ductiveness of the soil from avoidable ?.aste, ana loss of productivenessof agriculturalcrops neces8aTy to the publia welfare, thr0U!#l pC+I’dSS- Ion to use the machinery and equipment that may Eon. 3,.J. GIttIn5;or, Yorch 6, 1939, Pa5e 5 be mado available by the County for such pur- poses under vrrittencontra&, and the County shall rcceIvo fro3 such landownersand tax- pnpl% COin?enSntlon,upon suoh uniform basis as IMY bo deencd cquilable,and proper, for the co-operationextended and nervices rendered, all suoh compensationor funds to the county to be paid into th::Zoad an; Eridfe Fund of tl2eCounty; and the County Commissioners* .' Court may provide for payments from lando:;ners , and taxpayer5 of the County ot suoh stated IMervals,and In such amounts, as and when the County taxes are oolleoted, 3s gay be equitable, ,for the use of the equipment for the protec- tion OS lands a&aInst contInuIn5 Imrseasurcble Injury throus:hsoil erosion; provided that the Corz:issIoners'Court or representativethereof shll net Co upon the:lznZ oSany owner to ix- provlz?, terrace, proteot, or dltoh such lands until requested to do so In wrItIn by suoh mmer; and provided further, that the Commission- ers' Court or repre5enontIvethereof shall not be rquired to dossuch Improving,terracIn5, protecting, and dItchin unless such Court shall determine that suoh work is of some publio benefit and said Court elects to do the work.D The Act of the 44th Legislature bclnp,enaotcd after the . ona last referred to and on the same penoral subject, its S>CCiKC $rovIsIonswill control and prevail over the prior eat v:hcreIts provIsions are general - the two acts not necossarIly.contlIctin~.Suoh fu$ds advanced for labor, material and fuel fumnished under either provisionsof our statutes must be done by written con- traot and orders duly made ahd entered upon the minutes of said oourt. In Volume 11, Tex. Sm., Pera. 95, p. 632, it Is said the authority of the Commissioners'Court as the 'governingbGdy.oS the uo,untyto make oontreots in its behalf Is str&ctly limited to that conferred either ex6rs6s- ly or by fair or neoessary implicationby the Constitution and laws of the State. ,AlsO: . *%I dealing with the county, it Is necess- ary to have an express contraot with the Corn- missioners* Court and that court can only speak EIon.L. J. CittInCsr,i.Virch 6, 1339, Pago'6 by and through its minutes and records." FerrIer vs. FZGI (Civ. 2.g.) 33.SA'896,8. Xe arc unable to extend the F-,?ortOS,the plain and unambiguous lenqa::e used In these enactncntsto In- clude an arrenpemnt cs expressed In your letter, portions of which aro 'aboveset forth. The act provides for: *AsscssInCthe landoT::ner with an access- ment.n And unless a lanco?:nerdesires to avail hI.mselSof this esecssrnsnt with payments deferred and withoutinterest, we can conceive of no sueh benefits added cr acoruin5 to his land by the use of county fund::or amount assosscd,when his own money which would sdoquatoly pay for and provide said Inprovcmonts,Is v:lthiclCin escrow. Ye find no Inhibition,of course, for the Com- misslocers'~^ourt to perforiasaid work after CeInC pctl- tioned, asseGsz=sntmade end a contract entered Into, from accepting cash In payzst of the assessmentprior to the m&in: of said lmprovc~ents. It is, therefore, the opinion of this Department that the Commissioners Court would not be authorizedto. construct or provide for tbo construction Gf inyovencnts . as mentlonod In Article 165a-1, Devised Civil Statutes and ZectIon 5 thereof.byallowin cash as security &n lieu of n contmot retainin!:, a lien as provided therein and that it v:Guld be necessary that said lien, in all instances . where paymentsazredeferred; be filed and recorded. In keeDing with this opinion end as per your re- quest;ve hGrelrrith.submlta form oontraot,bearIn the ap- proval of this Dcyertmcnt,for such improvementsas are desired to bo made under the prOviSiOnS cf Seid ATtiCk '165a-1,Devised Civil Statutes and as provided In Section .5 thereof. Very truly yours