OFFICE OF TNE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bon. Charln~ R. Vmtln Caunt7 Auaitat RaBarrimncount7 Uantmll, Tom ROIL charlo. 11. E.rtln, P.g. 8 officers 8hal.l reonivo l.Id r.larf In lieu of .ll other fee., ooani~ion8 01 oompc~a- tIon rhloh they would oth.rwI.o be lth o r lr ed ta ntdn; provided. hover. that the l8a e88o r .nU .ol;lr:ator a? t8xes ehall oontinue to aol- Ieat and retain for the banerlt of the core’ Ealary l%nd or f unde bereina~re&ed 1 fro8 end oo~r~llfislonn whi h h dsr law to oollbatt lml1 oivI1 ease8 by tha 6trte but all suoh so8tr 80 pald 8h.11 ba .ooounted ior by tha ot?iosre oolleatln& the .~ae, .s the7 .r8 xwqulmd under the rovI8lo~ of thI8 Aot to 8ooount tar toss, ecmel8eIon8 and oorto .f3l&.tsbfraz prirats partiM." (uaaor.eorin(l our.) Tin uQderl7ing purp0.e o$ the offIosr.' &lAr7 bw, Artiole 39160, .qme, I. that the foe. and eosmd..Ion., othenI.a m.alv.blo by the oeuat offioen, rhould b8 into and nab up the OS?Io.r.' 8.Iazy FuaQ. Fhl. f.wh.wn by S.otIon S, above quated, and by Ssotion S thortot, whloh prwiU1~8 In pert 88 foll0~~8: *Sea. S. Xt ahall be the dut7 oi all offlaors to ohnrge and aollwt In the maaner luth o r laby od lea+ all i.e. .nd .omaI..Ion. rNoh .r8 petitted by law fo bo assassed md oolleoted tar all 0rfioiiii ranice pm0n8ea by them. As aaU when euoh fee8 alo ad they .hell br Qspo.Itod In the Offleer.’ Wary Fund, or fund. proviaetl In thla A.&..* Aooord1ngly, you are ~sptruuy advleed that the oounty ahaul pay to the aoe~eor-oolleotor the fore other- Wl8e r@osIvahlrI by hh frm the OOUnty, whsreupon the ..8e88or- oolleetor should ileposlt88~0 in the Offloors*6alkry Fun4 In the 8.m. manner a. f.s. naeived h7 him frtnuthe Stete. Hon. Clmrloe R, Xartln, Page S W8 trust this lmrere your Inquiry eatlafao- torily and we ronala, Verytruly 7oura ATTmmY f3mlaAs OF TEXAS m ATTORNEY GEhXRAL OB TEXAS 0 APPROYED 0WNt0~ COMM~TTEL ..$$gg
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion