OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN February 17, 1939 lion.J. IL McDonald, Cd86iOner Departillmtof Agrioll1tulv Aunt&n, Tour to tha pro- urmant f House Bill No. 664, Vera8 Cltrua Market- * Article 5764a or Revised Civil Eltatutea. tsr of February on to various RI *Texas Citrus Vernon's RevlSed on the tollow- funotlonlngof the marketing agraemOnt ad into under the Toxam Citrus Marketing Aot be 80 reported to the Gtatr Ccanptrollsr an& dsposited.inthe State Trea8urg.w Hon. J. IS.MoDonald, ?sbruary 17, 1939., Page 2. Par ths purpose of snswerlng the above Inquiry, we have also taksn Into ccmlasratlon the tows and provisiona ot the amended Marketing Agreement regulating the handling of citrus fruit grown In Cameron, Eldalgo and Uillacy Counties between the handlers of citrus fruit In this ares and the Commlsslonsrof Agrleulturs of the Stats of Texas. Sootlon S ot the Marketing Aot sonstltutss the authority and power of the Commfsslonsrof Agrlcul- turs for sntsring Into a Cltrus~MarkstlngAgreement. It reads as follows: Vubjeot to the provisions of this Aot; the CommlsslonsrIs hereby authorized and sm- powered to execute marketing agreementsand to lssus lloenssa under this Act to persons engaged in transaotlonaor Intrastateoommsros wlthln the areas of this Stats in the markst- Ing, proossalng;packing, shipping,handling or distributingor citrus iNitS." Section 0 (1) of the Marketing Aot provides for the crsitlon of *an admlnlatratlvscoa@ttss or oommittsss* by the terms of any Marketing Agrsemsnt, sxecutsd under the Act in the following language: OY(arkst.lng agrssmsnts sxsoutsd and llosnsss lssusd under this Act, shall, in addition, oontaln one or more of the following terms and eondltlons: '(1) Proridingror the sslsotlon by the CommissIonor,or a method for the sslsctlon by the Commlsslonsr,of an admlnlstratlvscom- mittee or oommlttdssand defining their powera and duti0s.m Ssotion 0 (1) of the Aot further defines and limits the powers ai such admninlstratlvsoomnlttes,to- wit: (a) To admlnlstsrlngsuoh llosnse In ao- cordanos with its terms and provisions; (b) To making rules and regulationsto effectuate the terms and provlslonsoi suoh license; . Eon. J. IL irrcDonsld, February 17, 1939, Pegs 5. (.o)To rsoslvlng,lnveatlgatlngand rsport- ing to the Coamiaslonsraomplalntaof vlolatlona or auoh llosnsa; (d) To rscaamtendlng to the Commlaolonor amsndmsntato auoh llasnas; (01 To oollsotlngfrom sash handler a fee or laasaamsntrspreasntlng his proprata aharo of ouch oatlmgtsd expdnesa, Lncludlngsxpenasa incurred In hearings held on, and In the oxsou- .tlon of luah marketingagrssnmnt, aa the Com- mlaalonsr,after the autiasion to him by auah ldmlnlatrativeagsnoy or agencies 0r a proposed budget, find0 will probably bs required to oovar sxpsndlturaanaoaaaarilyto bs Incurred by auoh~mgenayor agendaa, during any psrlod lpscilflad by him, for the amlntsnsnosand funotlonlngof luoh agsncy or agencies; to rsuoaivlng, expendingand aooountlng ror the funds r0 aollectsd,and to ret- to ouch hsndlsr hi8 pro rata ahars of any unexpendedbalances which the admlnlatrstlresommlttss or oommlttes8, wlththe appkvsl of the Commiaalonsr,flnda am not 80 rsqulrsd;W We are aonasrnsdwlth the aonatruotlonof the above quOt8d rub-heading~(81of Section 0 (1) of the A&. It dsflnss the powers of ths ldmlnlatratlva oonmlttee under the Marketing Aat, rslatlva to an daln- latmtlon or an operatingfund. Hrat,, the aamulttss la authorized to aollsot from each handler of oltrua a re0 or,asasasmsntrsprsssntlngthat handlsrqa pro rata ahers or the estimated sxpsnee of admlnlatsrlugths Karkstlng Agreement. The amount of assessment la baaed. upon a budget prepared by the oommlttea and approved by the Coamilsafonsr or Agrioulturs for a rlsoal period dealgmtad by him. Said amount la to be dstermlned by t&s Cozamlasloner or Agrloulturs. said budget la dealgn- sd to ccivsr all sxpsndltursswhloh night nsosssarllybe lneurrsd by the oommlttss In admlnlatsrlngthe terms and prwlalona of the Act. Ssoondly, after aubmlttingthe budget to the Coanmlsslonsrof Agrloulturs and oollsotlng the aaaeaamsnt or fee deolded upon by ths Lhmniaaionsr, the aamittsa 16 - . Hon. J. X. MaDonald, February 17, 1939, Page 4. eivsn the power oS *rsoslvlng,sxpsnding,and aocounting for the funds so oollsctsd.~ Finally, In sold Ssotlon 8 (l), (a) It la the duty of the aomnlttss to return to each contributing handler his proportionateshare of any unexpendedbal- ance of the administrationfund, which the oommlttsa or Cwnmlsalonerof Agricultureflnda wlll not be needed. The language of sub-baading(a) of Section 8 (1) of the Act, In ooncluaion,authorizes the committee let, to rscslva the asasaamsntalevied by the Ccannla- lio nsr on the baala of the canmlttss~aown rscomasnda- tion; 2nd.,'to sxpsnd ouch funds and give sn acoountlng; and, 3rd.. to return to the handlers any balance mloh the oommlttssand Comlsslonsr of Agriculture declds la not required to meet the expsnsss of any fiaoal period. Section 8 (11, (a) thus gives the adminlstrs- tire aomulttas, set up In the Karkstlng Agreement, lxtanalvs aontml over the operatingfund rslaed by aasaaaamnt,lncludlng the power to Bake dlaburesmsnts therefrom. Section 16 (21, however, while further dssigna4- lng uld aollsctsd funds for the purposes set out In the Marketing Agreement.,requires that a record be kspt and a raport be filed with the Commleslousrof Agrlculturs rr0m time to tlnks. It reads an follows: -AAnyfunds oollsatsdby the admlnlstra- tire agsncy from the levying of auah Sees and asaseamsntashall be used forth8 purpose set forth In the marketingagreement or license under which It wss oollsctsd. A full and aom- plate racord thereof shall be kspt to which the Commissionermay hars'accsssat any time, and a report of the aotlrltlsaand pro- ceedings shall be filed wlth the Commissioner Srom time to tlnm as ha may requlrs.n Thus far It la apparent from the tanas of the Marketing Act that the Commissionerof Agriculture,after exsmlnlngthe proposed budget aubmlttedto him by the administrativecommittee has the right to set the fee or sssssamsnt to be levied; that he hsa the right to approve Hon. J. 11.M?Donald, Psbruary 1.7,1939, Page 3. the unaxpendadbalance ab the admlnlatratlonfund to be dlvlded among the lundlera on a pro rata basis; and that he has the right to have loceaa to the reuorda of the oom.ltteeat any time and reoelve a report on the ~~;~eand dispositionof funds by the l&&xlatmtlve . Sootion 17 of the Marketing Act so&orb upon the Commiaaionerof Agrioulturelddltlonal rights and powers in respect to the flnanoea of the ldmlnlatratlvaaamalttee. It provideras follows:. (I ... The Ccmmla6lonerahall thereafterexact and require, by requlaltlonon the appropriate ldmlnlatratlvscommittee sr aommlttaaa,aharged with the oollaotlon sf funds for expansesunder o uc hmr k etilylg m a ma nt, th a ta uo ho o mdtta eor acamlttesasolleot, report, and pay wer monthly to the Ccaamlaaloner the amount ~decamd nsoeaaary and aufflclent,and raquialtlonedfrom auoh ldrinlstmtlva amanitteeor aorenitteaa by the Caumlaedoner,to defray the aotual expenses of the Commlsalomr to be lnourrsd during the subsequentmonth in the admlnlatmtlon and enforcementof any auoh narketing agreement or lloenae, under ouch rules and ra(pllatlona as ha may pmaorlbs.’ We oonatrue said prmlalon to men that the CarepiaalonsroS Agticulture la entitled to reoelve from the adminlatration fund any auoh amount of money as he oalaulatesla nscsaaary and auSSloientto aover ouch aotual lxpenaea a0 hs, In hls orrioial oapaclty a0 Coa+ miaalonsr of Agriculture and ths Departxnent of Agrioul- ture, will Incur for the next ensuing month, in aamsa- tlon dth hla duties In admlnlatsringthe Marketing ‘ngraamant. It gives him the authorityto requlaltlonthe administrativeoaPmittea,uhlah has aontrol war the operating run6 to supply him with au& lx P ensemoneY. The l.mguage cf Seotlon 17 deelgnatea“the lotual UPOne or the Conrmiasioner... ln the a&alnlatmtion and en- Soroamentw of the Marketing Agreement as the datemining amoUnt oS the raqulaltlonfunds. Hon. J. B. McDonald, February 17, 1939, &is 6. 'The aeoond paragraph Of Seatlon 17 deals rith aunusued, anexpendedand unrequlaitlonsdaaseasmsnta~ In the r0ii0ting bmgi~g8: ‘gut all monaya aolleotad from asaeas- Rents, or othsrwlae,lmpoaed;underthla Act and under msrketlng agreementsexecuted In ~*usnCs thereof,'orliaenaea ia6aued thsre- under, by the admlnlstmtlve odttes or 0oarmnitteea created urdsr this Act, not re- qUlaltlons6by the Camulaalonscfor a&nlnla'trs- tire lx p wa es as herslnbetoreprovided In this Section, shall renaln In the custody of such admlnlatratlvscoanalttes or aonohittssa~untll the 0108s or the aurrsnt ma*stlng *es*on or year for which asms was oollscted (not to ex- tend further thsn the psrlod covered by ouch marketing agreement), at which time the a&In- latmtlve committee or ooarmittsss ahsll return to much handler or handlers his pro rsta share of ouch unususd, unexpendedand unrequlsltloned aaaeairmsnt or asaessmsnta.~ ConetxulngSections 8 (1) (8) and 17 Of the Act together, It la apparent that the operatingfund conposed of aaeeaamsnta or tees levied on the jnndlera by the a&zlnlstratlveooormittssla aubjsot to three uses. (1) It la aub)ct to be raqulaltloned on a monthly baa18 by the Commlaslonsroi Agriculture for an amount neusssary to cover hla expsnasa and the expenses of his dspart- rent inourred through his bslw a psrty to the Marketing Agreement. (2) It la subject to the authorizedax- pendlturea of the aommittss 1 Section 8 (1). (a) 1 chargedwith the adnlnlstrstionof the Ksrkstlng Agreemnt set up under the Act. (3) If at the alose cb a rlacal period, there r-ins any unususd, unexpended or ~SqUiaitlOn- ad portion or the operatingfund, said balance is dlv:ded among the assessed handlers,eaah handler rsoslvlng hls pro rata share Of said re- maining rund0. Hon. ,J.X, HoDonald, February 17, 1939, Page 7. Seotlon 18 (1) relates to the moneys requlal- tlonsd by the Canml,aslonerof Agrlaulturefrom the opsmting fund in the ouatody of the adminlatrstlvs oommlttee. It provides that: *All moneys reoslved by the Commlsslon- or hereunder ahall be by hint,at thcend of eaoh month, reported to the State Comptroller and at the same time depoaltsd In the Stats Treasury. All moneys so oredltsdare hereby lpproprlatadfor use of eald Corqdsslonerto be expended In accordancewith lsw ln aarry- %ng out the ~provlalonahsraof.W Seotlon 18 (X) requires the bommlaslonsrof Agrloultureto *submit quarterly to the admlnlatratlvs lgenoy umisr eaoh msrkstlng agreemsnt or license a aomplete statement of reeslpta and expendituresin aonneotlonrith the admlnlatratlonof each marketing agreement or license during the querter.w It la our opinion that the lsglalatlveln- tent behind the Act wss that both the Commlaalonsr of Agriaultureand the a&lnlatratlve agenay, oreatsd under the a@irkstingagreemsnt,be authorlaed and mpowersd to make neoeaaary lxpsndltureaaonnected with their respective dutlsa and functiona In aarry- lng out the terms and provl~ona of a m?trketlng agreamsnt. Provlalon la made, both for a aheck by the Commlaalon6rupon the lxpsndltureaof the oom- mlttee and an accountingby ths Commissionerof Agricultureto the admlnlatratlveaonmlttee of hle receipts and expenditures. Since the Commlsslonsr af Agriculturela a public offlolal and a State orri08~, the Act requires that moneys expsndsd by him be reported to the Ccmptrollerand deposited In the Stats Treasury. The aommlttee,being a prl- vats organizationset up by a voluntary agreement, Is by authority of the Act a auatodian of the operatingfund and may make axpendltureaof same without convertingsaid moneys lntb public funds. Hon. J. X. XoDonsld, Iebrwmy 17, 1939, Page 8. Section 12 states l xpllclty that: sell moneys solleotad from aaasasmsnta ... not requlsltionsdby the Commissionerfor ldmlnia tr etiV8axpsnaes ... shall remain In the ouatody of such lQnlnistrstlvecommlttss ... a Thla applies not only to that portion of the unrequIaltlonsdfunds to be returned to the hsndlsrs on a pro rata bssla, but alao to the moneys to be used and expended by the aommlttes In properlyadministeringthe tonne and provision6of the agreement. The provlalonaof the mrkstlng agresmsnt entered intc by the Commlsalonsrof Agricultureand the handlers ot cltrua fruit, grown In Cameron, Hldalgo and Xillscy Countles, austsln the construction we have placed upon ths atorsm~tloned asctlona of the Aot. Seotion 1 of Article 2 oS the marketing agrsamsnt areatss certain admInlatrstlveagenoles ln the r0iiaring language: *A CroonersInduatry CommIttee and a ShippersMarketing CommIttee are hereby establishedwhich shall admlnlatsr the ferns and provisions of this agresmsnt as hare- Inafter 8peOlflcallyprovided,and the membsrahlp of which ahall be selected In accordsnos with the provIsIona oS thla artlc1e.s Seotlon S (2) of said Article lists the duties of the Growers Industry Committee as follows: (a) to act aa lntswsdlary between the Commlaalonsrand.ths producersand handlers: (b) to furnish the CommIssIonorauoh available InSormstlonas he may request; (a) to appoint ouch employees as It may dssm nscsasary and to detsnnlne the salaries and dsrlns the duties aS any auah employsea; - . Hon. J. X. YcDonald, February 17, 1939, Page 9. (6) to osuas the books of the GroireraIndustry Committee to be audited by one or more osrtlrled pub110 aooountantaat least once for eaoh orop year and at luah other time as the Growers Industry Committee demo neoeasary or as the Canmlsslonsrmay request, and to ills wlth the ~~aalonsr coplea of all audit yports made; (0) to make .auchaatlamtss Or the total Crop8oS fruit including the grads and alas 6latrIbutlonther8o.Sas msy be deemed mceaaarg by said sommlttee In connectiondth the administrationof Articles IV and V hereof, or as may be prsaoribsdby the Commissioner. (f) to psrionn auah duties In connection with the aiLnlnlstrstlonof ths Tsxsa Citrus Xarketlng Act aa may from tlms to time, be aa- signed to It by the Commlasioner.R Section 6 oS~ArtIcls2 deqla with +m.ud8.R It states: *All funds received by the &owera Industry CcmmIttes,pursuant to any provisions OS this agreementshall be used aolsly for the purposes herein apecIfledand shall be aooountsd for In ths Sollwlng msnnsr: (1) The ComaIaslonsrIMP, at anytime, requlrs the Growers Industry Committee and Its mmbsra to account for all receipts and dlaburasmsnta. (2) Upon the rsmoval or expiration of the term or 0rriO8 or any member 0r the Growers Industry Canmlttes, such member ahall aoaount Sot all receiptsand dlaburaemsntsand deliver all propertyend funds In his hands, togetherwith all books and records in his possssslon to hIa aucosssor In office, and shall execute such aaslgu- msnta and other instrumentsas msy be nscssea.rjr or appropriateto vsat ln auah auocsssor full title to all of the property, funds and claims vested In ouch mambsr pursuant to this agrssmsnt.a Hon. J. X. YoDonsld, February 17, 1939, Page 10. The lmpllaatlonthroughoutaald aectiona la that the Growers Industry Ccmualttee ht?iE full power to rake diabursen~nta from the operating b ldl which rsmalns In Its austoUy. fund uhlch lt haa aollectsd . Article 1x1 of the amended Marketing Agreement covers wexpenassand asseagPsnts.~ Seotlon 1 OS Artlole III provides that: Vhs Growers Industry Committee la authorized to inour.auohexpenses as the Gommlsslonermay find t0 be necessary to oarry out the functions OS both aommlttssaunasr this agreement during the de8lgnsted fiscal period. The funds to aovsr ouch expenses shall be aoquirsd by the levying of aaasasrmntsupon handlers as hsrslnafterpro- vided.* &Id section conSorme wlth tha requirementsOS Seotlon 8 (1) (a) OS the Act which authorizesthe oammittss to rake axpsndltursson the basis of a budget submitted to the Commlaslonsrof Agriculturefor a 8psolSlsd period. Gsotlona 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Article III provide for acmputatlon0r rate OS asas8amsnt, payment 0r same by handler, a proportionaterefund, ldorsaas rate 0r aasess- ment and amlntensncs of suit by the Growers Industry Colnmittss toi aollectlon of hsndlsr*e pro rata share of the expenses. The above reasonI% and ofnstruatlon,placed upon the pertinent sections of the exas Citrus )Carksting Agreement and the amended Marketing Agreement, lead ua to the conclusionthst the Act requires that only ouch money8 is plightbe rsqulaltlonedby the COUimlSslOnSr Of Agriculturefor the purposes of defraying axpsn8sa lnourrsd by himself and his departmentin administeringthe provlslons OS the Act be reported to the State Comptrollerand de)oalted in the Stats Trsaaury.' It la our opinion that the admlnlstratlvsoommlttes .la legally authorized and empowered to msks necessaryand aufflclsntexpendituresand ths Sunda whloh It uses for operating expensesmay, under authority of the Act, remain In its custody, only the unexpendedand unuaued portion bslng rsturnsbls to the handler8 on a pro rata basis. Hon. J. E. MoDonald, F8bruery 17, 1939, Page 11 This deolsion overrules the letter opinion of 3. II. Broadhurst,AesistantAttorney General, dellvsrsdNovember 3, 1937 inrorar a8 it holds that @tha oommittee have no authority to expend any money 80 oolleotadlrospt by paying that amount over to the Commissionerof Agrloulturs,vrhiohhas been ra- quleitlonedby him* and *Iso the oplnlon of K. L. Williford, Aasf etant Attorney Goneral, Qrllvered September 13, 1938, to the ram@ efieot. Trusting that we have fully answered your inquiry, we arm Yours very truly ATI’ORNEYGENERAl OF-TEXAS BY Di& Stout Aesietant DS:ob APPROVED: ATTORNW GENERAL OF TEXAS