~~~ Gerdld C. Mann :+myN ii.~W, i 1 Also see Opinion O-339 *Trol- “ranull. March 8. 1939 .~ ‘.. .:. ~.,_... ‘: ,, . Honortible A. M. Dribble ~, OpinionNo. .0*340 pi County Attorney I_, Mills county Re: Whether trustee appointed for Goldthwaite. Texas independent school district or- .~ ‘ganized under. Article 2757, R.C.S., by the Eoard -of -Trustees~ to fill a ‘vacancy. should serve out the un- . ,expired term of:his predecessor ..~ I~.~.or only until the next trustee .elec- Dear Sir: i :: ~.; t, : .. .: tion?., 1. : :_ .,. .~ ~.. In your letter of February 10. 1939. you submit, among other questions, the following: ._. ..:, “In an independent ‘school district organized under Art. 2757.. ~Vernon’s Texas Statutes, 1936. does a trustee appointed by the board of trustees to fill a vacancy serve out the unexpired term of the trustee place he takes, or does he serve only until the next trustee ‘election?” -’ ” ‘~ Chapter 13 of TitleI49, Revised Civil Statutes, governs the creation and regulation of school districts generally. Section one thereof relates to common school districts, Section two to independent districts in towns. and Section three to independent districts in cities. Although the particular school in question falls within the classification of Section 2 of Chapter 13, so as to be governed by Articles 2757 to 2767f. inclusive, we do not find within any of such articles the an- svfer to your specific question. Article 2758, Revised Civil Statutes, does, however. contain this general provision regarding the board of trustees for such districts: “The said board of trustees of each of such inde- pendent school districts ,incorporated under the provisions of this Act shall have and exercise and are hereby vested with all the rights, powers. privileges and duties conferred and imposed upon the trustees and boards of trustees of in- dependent school districts by the general laws of this State.” We must, therefore, look to the pertinent articles govern- ing the affairs of independent school districts in cities, under Section 3 of Chapter 13. to determine the law governing vacancy appointments of trustees Hon. A. M. Pribble, SJLarch8, 1939, Page 2 (o-340) in the school district under consideration. In this connection, Article 2774a; Section 2. Revised Civil Statutes; provides for the election of a board of trustees. and with reference to a vacancy on such board, that “the mem- bers of the bosrd remaining afkr a vacancy shall fill the same for the un- expired term.“ Again, Article 2777a, Section 3. provides the election of a board of trustees for certain independent school districts, and. with ref- erence to a vacancy on such board, provides that “the members of the Board remaining afkr a vacancy shall fill the same for the unexpired krm.’ From the express language of these statutes. which govern, by reference, school districts organized and existing under Article 2757. Revised Civil Sktuks, ,it is our opinion and you are accordingly advised that in case of a vacancy on the board of trustees of such independent school district, the remaining member.s of the board shall fill such va- cancy for the unexpired term, end such appointed trustee would serve for the balance of such term, rather than to the date of the next trustee election. Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL GF TEXAS By /s/ Pat M. Neff, Jr. Pat M. Neff, Jr. Assistant PMN:N/cm APPROVED /s/ Gerald C. h4ann ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion