Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

%-HE .&iTX-OFCNEY GENE-L OF TEXAS Hon. J. P. Bryan County Attorney Rrazoria county Angleton, Texas opinnion No. o-324 Re: May the Connula~loners' Court call an e$ection authorizing the issuance of bonds for the purpose of building a courthouse and jail without belng petitioned and wlthoutja hearing? Your request for an opinion on the above stated question has been received by this office. Chapters 1 end 2 of title 22, pevised Civil Statutes, provide generally for electlous and the issuance,of bonds .for the purpoeeq enumerated in Article 718. Article 701 provides: ?!he bonds of d oouuty or~any $ncorporated city or town shall never be lsaued.for any purpose unless a proposition for .the ls- suance of such bonds shall h&e been first submitted to qualified voter8 who are property tax-pay&s of such county, city or tam." Article 718, among other things, provides that .the tkmnlssioners' Court of a comty may lawfully issue bonds of a county for the purpose of erecting the county courthouse and jail, or either. Article 719 provides: “i? * majority of the’property tax-piylng vote 6, voting et' such election shall vote in favor of the pro PJ ltlon and s&h bonds shall be thereby authorized and shall be Issued bytha . Commissioners Court. 'II The case, McWilliama et at vs. ConmissIoners Court of Pecos County et al, 153 SW 368, holds 'among other thinngs that: "The d&?mination of the Comnlssioners' Court is &mcluslve as'to the necessity of the repairs or building up a new COW.%- house or jail in the absence of fraud." Hon. J. P. Bryan, February 13, 1939, Page 2 (O-324) The case, Moore et al vs. Allred, County Attorney, 277 8787, ho& armmg other things that: “l?ae Cimmisoioners' Court’s judpnent as to necessity of .’ icrmnnce of bonds for srectiLng of a new mu&house and jail not revlevable In absence of corrupt mtlvea .” ” Artlale 2947 readn as followii “The county judge, or If hla office la vacant or if he foils to act, then two of the county comml~sionsr~, shall order an election for county and precinct officers, and all other elections which under the law the county Judge may be authorlsed to order. !be county judge or county commissioners, as the case may be, shall Issue writs of election ordered by him or them, in which shall be stated the day or election, the office or office6 to be filled by the eliotlon or the question to be %&&oh, or both, as the case may be.” You are respeotfully ad-rised that there ia no statutory provision rcQulring a patltion and hearing relative to an election authoricing the ComPnirsiomrr*, Court to issue bon& for the purmse of bulldlng a courthouse and Jail, and in the absence of ruah statutory provision requiring a petition and hearing, It is t&e opinion of third Department that the Conmlsrloners ’ Court may, on it.8 o+mmotlox.and order , call an r!Lectlon for the purpose of authorizing tha Issuance of bonds iOr the construction of the courthoune and jail, or either. Trusting that the foregolng answers your inquiry, we rema*. Very truQ yours 4 Ardell Willlanm By Ardell Williaam Asniatant AW:AW/ldw APPROVED: ,sl - c. MANN A’ITORNEY-Is OF TEXM