Mr. Joe Gordon County Attorney Gray County Pampa, Texas Opinion No. O-259 Re: Fees of county clerk - Officer's Salary Fund. Your request for an opinion upon the following question: “In county operating on a salary basis is county clerk entitled to fees on lunacy cases and for recording county Instruments, such fees to be remitted to Officer's Salary Fund?" has been received by this Department. Section 3 of Article 3912e provides as follows: "In all cases where the Commissioners' Court shall have determined that county of- ficers or precinct officers in such county shall be compensated for their services by the payment of an annual salary, neither the State of Texas nor any county shall be charged with or pay to any of the officers so compensated, any fee or commission for the performancesof any or all of the duties of their offices but such officers shall receive said salary in lieu of all other fees, commissions or compensation which they would otherwise be authorized to re- tain; provided, however, that the assessor and collector of taxes shall continue to colle'ctand retain for the benefit of the Officers' Salary Fund or funds hereinafter provided for all fees land commissions which he is authorized under law to collect; and it shall be his duty to account forandto pay all such monies received by him Into the fund created and provided for under the provisions of this Act; provided further, that the provisions of this Section shall not affect the uayment of costs in civil . \ I --- 1 Mr. Joe Gordon, February 28, 1939, page 2 o-259 cases by the State but all such costs so naia shall be accounted for by the officers collect- ing the same, as they are required under the provisions of this Act to account for fees. com- mlssions and costs collected from private oarties.'I Section 5 of Article 3912 e reads as follows: "It shall be the dutv of all officers to charge and collect in the manner authorized bg law all fees and commissions which are nermit- ted by law to be assessed and collected for all official service performed bv them. As and when such fees are collected they shall be deposited in the Officers' Salarv Fund. or funds provided in this Act. In event the Commissioners' Court finds that the fallure to collect any fee or commission was due to neglect on the part of the officer charged with the responsibility of collecting same, the amount of such fee or commls- sion shall be deducted from the salary of such officer. Before any such deduction Is made, the Commlssloners’ Court shall furnish such officer with an itemized statement of the uncollected fees with which his account is to be charged, and shall notify such officer of the time and place for a hearing onsame, to determine whether such officer was guilty of negligence, which time for hearing shall be at least ten days subsequent to the date of notice. Unless an officer Is charged by law with the responsibility of collecting fees, the Commlssioners' Court shall not in any event make any deductions from the authorized salary of such officer. ,', Artic'le5561, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, reads as follows: "Officers and jury fees. In such cases the officers shall,be ailowea the same fees as are now allowed for similar services performed in misdemeanor cases and the jurors shall each be allowed a fee of One ($1.00) Dollar, to be paid out of the estate of.the defendant, if he have an estate, otherwlse by the county on ac- counts approved by 'the county judge." (This article appears ln the chapter relatlng to lunacy proceedings and Is the costs allowed officers and jurors Ln lunacy proceedings.) , Mr. Joe Gordon,,Februarg 28, 1939, page 3 Lunacy proceedings are of a civil, and are not of a criminal nature - insanity is not a crime; in contradis- tinction it Is a disease - White vs. White, 196 SW 508 (Sup. Ct. of Tex.). A lunacy proceeding is a civil, and not quasi criminal, proceeding. Ex Parte Singleton, Court of Criminal Appeals, 161 SW 123, You are respectfully advised that if the defendant in lunacy have no estate then the county clerk should charge the county a fee for services under Article 5561, Revlsed Civil Statutes of Texas, as the same is a civil case, and that he should be paid by the county for such services out of the General Fund of the county, and that when such clerk receives s;lchpayment out of the General Fund it Is the duty of the clerk to,place such payment he receives from the Gen- eral Fund into the Officers' Salary Fund of the county. It is the further opinion of this Department that the only compensation that the clerk is entitled to retain if the salary allowed him under the Officers' Salary Law. However, it Is still his duty to charge and collect and ac- count for all~fees and commissions which are permitted by law to be assessed and collected for all official services performed by him and, as and when such fees are collected, the clerk must deposit the same in the Officers' Salary Fund or funds provided in the Salary Act. On May 2, 1931, this Department held, in an oplnion written by Hon. R, G. Waters, Assistant Attorneg,General, that the county clerk is not entitled to a recording fee to be paia by the county for recording deeds and the county instruments pertaining to land purchased by the county and that services rendered by the county clerk for recording county instruments would be considered "public services” and his remuneration would be taken care of in his ex-officio salary, if any, paid by the county. On August 19, 1935, this Department held, in an opinion rendered by Hon. Leon 0. Moses, Assistant Attorney General, that the county clerk was not entitl,edto a fee for recording right-of-way deeds for the county. You are further advised that it is the opinion of this Department that the county clerk Is not entitled to charge the county recording fees for recording right-of-way deeds for the county because there is no ~authoritywhich authorizes the county clerk to charge the county for such services s