Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 7Obrtla?~ 16, 1939 Eon* ohas. 8. Thoobald OOtml Irtt0rn.y Gltaatoa, trua Dear sir1 lot may ba ea- II the llmlta ot J be ambraord in one dlatrlot to laturr , Seoond Called Ssaai whioh you redor, doer not MOO 8ri88t the qwatlon of alhaga dlatriot oan be ad in on0 oountJ,* Should h dlatrlot oan be and 18 ita boondulaa daflaad aa 10~011~ looatad any ot d*'~latriata....w la 8091, Rerlaad Cl<11 Statutea, 1935, Tha oomalaelonsra oourta may ratab- liah one or more drainage dlatrlota la their reapeotlro oountloa 1~ the manner prmlded in thla ohaptar. &oh dlatrlota, Eon. Ohaa. 8. Theobald, February 13, lOSO, Page t when ao aatabllahed, say make drainage lmproremsnta therein and laaue bonda in payment therafor aa provided la thla ohaptar . The oosomlaalonair oourt ahall hereafter be designated aa tha @Court*.’ It is to be noted that the authority to a!- tabliah one or mora drainage dlatrlota ln a oounty la grantad bJths ~Blature to the Comlasloneraw Court of It8 reapsotlro oounty, whloh dlatrlot, in it8 oraa- tlon, however, mat be eatabllahad in the manner provided for and auoh protlaiona are act iorth in chapter 7 of title US, Revised Civil Statutaa, 1335. After axaminlng the rarloua provlalona of the statute8 pertaining to tho maMu or moating auoh dla- trlota, w ara unable to oonatrua Buohprotlal~na and tha above Artlole SO97 aa a llmltatlon an tha power of tha qualified petltlonsrs and tax-paTera of a oountp and tha Conm2aslonera~ Court to eatabllah ona drainago dlatrlot to embraoe all the tarrltory permlaalbla in the entlra oouaty wherein no drainage dlatrlota srlat. It la, thareiore, the oplalon of thla Depart- ment that the oreatlon of one dralnaga dlatrlot to am- braoe all territory of the oounty aroaptlng thuerrom the tarrltor7 rlthln the llmlta of lnoorporated oltlaa where a&me la aatabllrhed in the manner provided by law, would not be without the aoopa oi tha leglalatlte intent aa expressed In Artlols 8097, quoted above aad under tha prorlalona ot tha law ragulatlng the manner ot lta ea- tabllahment. Very truly your8 WmKaAW APPROVED a