tebrtmry15, lQS9 '
IRmorsble Z. L. !?ashburn
County Auditor
Hounton, Texao
Dar Mr. lmhbuMt
_’ ’ .
Honorable Ii.L. iYwhburm, February 13, 1939, pam #a
e&at. mmer8 talld to tb extant that ho
18 bound to rurnlsh euoh a lirt7
(3) Nut th e p r o p ero ty
b elotunlly
looate nlthin the bouMar1.s of the IWrsir
Ccnmtt Flood Control Dletrlot in order to
Qtrdlifythe eleotor withf.nthe meaning of
Seotion S-a Of Artlole VI of the Con8tltx+
’ .
Ho~~ble H. L. WaShbUrn, F8bbruarf13, 1939, page #S
one year8 Of age, ffllotcr
and lumtlo8, paupers supported
by the county, all person8 oonvIote4 of a felony whoee
citixW8hip ha8 not been M8tOred by pErdon, end all
8Oldhr8, m8rin88 ant! seamen employ06 in the 8ORi0e O?
the army or navy, are tlicrqualified.Con8tItutIon of Tera8,
Artfols 6, Revteed Civil Statutes o? Texas, Art10188 i?OS4,
et eeq.
In reply to Your first 8peoifIo que8tlon,
you B&B advised that this department has repeatedly ruled
that an electcr who duly rentlered hfr property for taxation
In lQS8, end who 18 otherwiao qumliflad to rote, I8 8 dolf
gmlltled 818Otor In ?ebxuaq of lSSQ, to dotumln~ tha
qU.StiMoi I8~bondaorOtherriBO lendlngordit
within the di8triOt or other polltloal 8taMItidoa whorots
the PMpertr 80 xw%dUed 18 fOOate& SaSd 8leOtOr ba8 until
April So, 1939 to render his property for that you.
m-4 to Your re~mnd quwtlon,~ouaro
*driW that thi8 d8putawt ha8 h&d Ar$ieU M sob.
~o~fitutional iOr the xwson that It laya &WE ~$il&tio~~~l
~Ifl~tIOMfOrvOt~BthUI thO88pnnid@dInth0Can-
~~-tiOn,a ndh e -0 th eti ltRta r o llawa uld 80% a ..
-*ti.th.e~~bilit~ O? a ~rBM&bdx’WtBO qur&ifI&to
TOtik lth 8
lleOt$On nfmd to in pur letter, We fee1
h-era that it 18 the duty of the tax oollro$or to fur&h
the OleOtion #Id@88 (I 0Utifi.d l:Bt of the P.-M WhO haa
duly readuti prop~,elthu real or puaonal, fortany
t&On, 8&i that thi8 li8t E18r be ll8.dby the .leotbB w-8
to detemlne the qualItloatIon or tha tot-8.
-> In r8ply to qua8tIon 8, you are adds04
thatunderthe exproartelppu of the ConntloUtlon
and the
st&Utes of thirState, we are of the opinionthatthe
9~rt~~~antrtbelwat~dthint~ boumlarfr ofth.
IPafii8County Flood Control Dirtriot, end *aid ,Pe*t
mat be rendered for taPatiOZ8dwn Mid bbtrht b wmah
the o&.dae quallfled rot&r dO8ir.8 to TotO before he $8
entitled to 08fIthi8 ballot In 8aid eleotIOn*
In reply to que8tC.m 4, we are quite 8ur8 .
tbt.the L&alatum intended to use the word "MndRP
in&w& of the wor6 "atm8668". It wuuld be ispo-I-' for
. . -
Honorable Ii. L. We8hbuml, February 13, 1939, peg0 #4
the e&e&Or to *Ma88 his own Px'o~u%~. It 10 Ou1:under-
etamUng that you had 6 oonwm48t~on rlth Mr8. YSffieWilwn-
Waldron, formerly Of th18 dapartment,fn regard to the word
"asaessa, as ured in your Speoial Act. We bra lnronmd
that she explwfned to you the proper wording to ~86 in
your bon& transcript.
In reply to queatIon 5, you QTQ RdVi8.d
that it 18 our opinion that an Othenri88 qURllfl8d elector,
rrhoxun?~ma land inBarr% Comity Flood Oantr&DI8trIot,
and said property hating bean reader&l by a 2orm~sromor
of the land, the present mer la entitled to vote In the
present bond ellsOtiOn.beoauao of the iRet that tha tax
levywouldbea@Instthe LanaEnd notth8 IndiYIdual 8ad
the preaant ama would be responsible for paflns.aaia tat.
wt1 tilt thf8 -8 m &48tlOM
a8tl8raotorl.l3r,w8 r&na