Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Hon. Truett Smith Opinion‘Ro. 0-241~’ District Attorney Re: Creation of the iob of soeclal Tahoka, Texas officer to work Sn four counties to ;g;;L.gate and apprehend cattle Dear Sir: . Your request for .an, op,lnioninvolving‘theabove ‘ques- tlon,~together with other questionsincidental thereto, has been received by ~thisdepartment. ‘~ Your letter reads as follows: ..: ;. Vour count&s ‘on&e &&s:havb under consider- ation a plan to employ a.spe.clal~:offlcer ,towork in the four+ounties to Investigate. and apprehend,cattle thieves and other theft cases. They do not wish to try to levy a tax as Is provided In Article 7155a B.C. S. to pay for.the services of.such officer but they prefer to spay,each county its.:pro .ratapart, out of the available funds of,,thecounty.. I will thank you to give me your opinion on the matters hereinabove set out. “1. Can a Commissionerscourt legally pay out from any available county funds .wit,houtthe levying of a tax as provided In Art. 71$5a,.for.employing a special officer for the purposes mentioned In the first paragraph above.? :. ,.: ~?. “2. Could such offic.eruser& at the time as a deputy sheriff in ‘morethan .one:county? “3. In the event the counties could.not legally pay out money to employ such,offlcerunder ‘1’ above, then could rancher.spay $nto ‘thetreasury of the coun- ties, into some special fund, the amount of money that would be required to.employ such officer and t,he county then pay out such money so deposited by ranch- ers to such special officer. ~‘14. In.the event :suchcould,be done as stated under ‘3’ .above., would It ba,.necess,ary for such spe- cial officer to make a bond, if so, the amount and to Hon. Truett Smith, page 2 whom payable, keeping In mind that four counties are involved." Under constitutionalsanction, the Legislaturehas delegated to the counties of this state, acting through the commissioners’courts, certain authority In various matters. Their powers 'areonly those expressly or impliedly conferred upon them by the constitutionand the statutes of Texas, and the authority thereunderis strictly limited to that conferred either expressly or by fair or necessary impllcation.~ 11 TEX. JOR. at p.p. ,562 through 566, inc.; CHILDBESS COUNTY vs. STATE, 92 S.W. (2d).lOll;GULF BITULITHIC CO. vs. NUECES COUNTY 297 S.W. 747 (reversed on other grounds 11 S.W. (2d) $05); LASATEB vs. LOPEZ, 217 S.W. 373. . . ‘:, qs : ,“.:; :, ,,. “~~;~~~~.,:‘ .;~..;,.’,,’ r. .j. ., There is no authority:inthestatutes~for'~the~commls~ sioners' court to legally pay out the,funds of the county for the purposes described in your,.letter;In-the'mannertherein set out. The specific purpose describedmust, if at all, be controlled by particle7155a;Xi.C.8.;'!fn:that.:statut~e, alone, rests the authority of ~the'commisslone'r~oourt:.to,pay any spe- cial officer for the purposes'%ndlcatedIn yourletter snd set out in such statute. Of course, there are'the general,statutespertaining to deputies and their,appolntments Article 6869,dnd:Article W; R.C.S., and amendmentsthere4:o,.~which will-be noticed . With reference to your second question, It must be noted In the first place that the ,offlcewhich it ,isdesired create, according'toyour ~lette~rdoes not exist by creation law. '&equote from TEX:JUB, Voi. 3&i at p.p. ,326end 327: flOfficesare created by the~law and none can ex- 1st except by Its sanction. It is a settled principle also that an office comes into existence only when cre- ated in the prescribedmanner. ***It Citing - DANIEL VS. EUTCHESON, 4 CIV. APP. 239, 22~S.W. 278, (reversed on other points :22 S*W. 933)’ BENNETT vs. CITY OF LONGVIEW, tCIV. APP.) 268 S.W. . CITY ~+.N$7TOEIO vs; COULTRESS, (CIV. UP.) 169 . . . There would be no legal sanction of such proposed ac- tion of the commissionersI court of the ~fourcounties In creat- ing a special office; the holder of whlch,.officeto work In the _I. -... I ,A Hon. Truett Smith, page 3 four countieswith official character. : Furthermore were a deputy’sherlff ,-or more than one, appointed under the above noted statutes,Akcles 6869 and 3902, R.C.S., and the amendments thereto, or;for that matter, under Article 7l55a, supra, such appointee; or appointees, could serve as such In only one county,‘and~couldnot serve as such in the four counties. Article 2927, Revised Civil Statutes,1925, provides: “No person shall be eligible.to any .State,county, precinct or municipal office in this State unless he shall be eligible to hold office under the Constitution of this State, and unless he shall havg resided In this State for the period of twelve months and sixmonths In the county precinct, or municipality,in whfch he of- f as a candidate,next prece~dlng fers hlmse;I auy general or special e~lection and shall have been an actual bona fide citizen of s&l county, precinct;”or municipality for more than:six months. No person InelIgIble .to ~hbld office shall ever have his name~placedupon the ballot. at any general or speclal.electlon~or at-any primary : electlonwhere candidates are selected under’primaryel- ection laws of this State; and no such Ineligible candl- date shall ever be voted ucon. nor have votes counted for him, at any such gene&, special, or primary elec- tlon.m Also see Article 2928, R.C.S., 1925. We quote from the case of &lJRRAY,ET AL. vs. STATE, 67 S.W. (2d) 274 as foilowsr “It is well settled that a deputy sheriff is a pub- lic officer. TOWNS vs. HARRIS, 13 TEX. 507; 46 COR.JUR. p. 1062. He is,invested by law with some portion of the sovereign functions of the government,to be exercised by him for the benefit of the public, WECHF,M,PBBLIC OF- FICERS, 8 1; STATE VS. BUS, 135 MISSOURI, 325, 36 S.W. 636, 33 L.R.A. 616." Under the above quoted statutes and the cases constru- ing same, no person is eligible to any state, county, precinct or municipal office, Including the office of deputy sheriff,un- less he shall have resided in the state for the period of twelve months and six months in the county precinct or municipalityIn which he offers to serve as such of1icer. .-,-A .,+! ~- Hon. Truett Smith, page 4 We conclude, then, that a four~countyoffice, as proposed, if created,would have no sanction of law, and, furthermore that any appointee appointed under the general laws, or under Article 7l55a, could serve as such only In the county of his residence and appointment,and could not serve as a deputy sheriff in more than one county. Our answer’ to your questions (1) and (2) renders unnecessary the answering of yoursquestions (3) and (4). We merely point out that any individual employed by the ranch- ers of the four counties, Irrespectiveof the ~methodof,pay- ing his salary,would serve only under a private employment contract, his activitiesand his office being of no official character. Trustine that the koregoing answers your questions satQifactorlly,we remain APPROVEB SEP 20, 1939 Yours very truly /s/ Gerald C. Mann A TTOREEY GEI@RAJL. OF T-AS @.T.ORNEYGENERAL OF ,TEXAS APPRO@B: OPLBYOB COWWITTEE By /s[ Wmr,J.,,Fannlqg BY: .BWB, CRAYRMAB Wm. .J.Fanning, Assistant WmJF:ob:wb