Xwcb 25, 1939
\ i
Dr. P-A. Davis, l&oh 133, 1339, Pace 2
ihe duty, if my, upon t.!&Justloe of the
Peace to hold an lnqueet.arlseswf~ensuch
ciro~tsnaos tisare related ln ArtLo
960 of cur Code of Crizaiml Proaedure ex- .-
In our opinlan 1I under :u%icle
060, tmJu&lae 0r the Peaoe is required
to hold on in+ooC, Rule 4Lz of nrtlcle
4477 lJzps303 n duty upn Lhati OfflQ6r to
s&o thtrdeath oertllioute. In an7 other
sltuathll it is t&e duty ot the p~Jsiolan
last in attendnnoeto zake the dsati aer-
tlfioate, You sre doubtless faaI1i.W
\ilthArticle 4477, R-tie4la in that it
thoro has boen no 'j&ysi9ian ln ~ttendaaos
and there is no sbtutory duty an the
Justtcs or t'=.o
Peaoe to !loldan inquest,
tha local haalth offiaer ia autFzoriz.edto
m!ce the certfficnte and if there be no
local htilth offlaer, tb locza ra@.strar
. &all mko tb death aurtliicate.
It 13 tbe‘oginlm of!tids Cfpst-
??,ntthat i:1t!:owmt of a %tnl. acx!iCenC, !:
t!ie duator 14st ia ~ttoncbce 3!1ull1.nke
tho loath cortlflcute unless ttiofasts are
mich iisto rogi~~e trx3sust1oa of the Ywv2e
under ;u%icla 9338 0r 0x.r code of crk-Ssi~l
P:-QCedUY3 t3 !Wld 5Il inc;WJSt; ifl tkit tWOEt
the curttiflc~lte sh0ul.d be c33cuted by trio
Ju3tica of the Pcaoe.
Your!3 very trdg