xxon.& % wll00k. Pa&z.2
7252, OS amende4 Texas JurlsprudsnoeVolww 34
1%~ 601, 50 C. 3. we 96, Eote 12.'
Kindly ensit UB to oonflm the above tel~&raa
to you en4 the opfaloo thamin exp~e8mQ. .Wtiole 7252,
V8rmn*fi Civil 8tatute8, at the ttz4eof ymr op91103 re-
qUOBt# mud allfolloum
TEaoh Mmooor and Colleotor of Tama tray
appoint one or mom deFutien to and?& bin in the
lnno a a r .mnt
an4 aalleation of taxes, an4 nay ro-
quiz-0tmab bond *of3 the permm so agpolntwl,PS
he decnaaneeserery Sor hie inddt an4 th0
Xssensor end Colleator of Tuou uhSIl in an OaBM
be liable sad aooountabla for the psooea4inQll uad
Id~OO?idUOf in Offi Or hi8 depUti08; and the Qw
tlua appoint& ln loeerdanoe dth the yoo*id~~a
oi thl8AutieleMml.l QoanQ ~&~m~&rllthf~d~tiw~
iapcmdmulr0f&reQb~ lawa~Aueu8ormd Ool-
le&om of Truest am% all (Potaof suah Qeputiea
done in eonf'on~$~tithlrrwsallhcl~bin4~snQ
vallQutlfQu~ebytheAaawmornnd Colloato~of
Tuesinpsrmoa,. 0 .*
=hr.ticilnw’6 drputiss,.as dqautiee .shiu$it,km4
beon&oqtiiredtotaWtho oathofoi"Narun4or~Hiole6l%9,
Mvl004 OlTilBtatAxt.8. .tbQar&rtlolau, dkorlaa16, Of she
Caudtutlim he *u rlne the AusauaoraaQ Collector01 Tama
a ndhla Qe& les
.mr l to aolleot
suth m ta .4 tuo s.
Taaao vsJcthwrla, 13 Tmc. SC?;
=t”*p ”“”er 1.9~Tu.
axaaQer* fle-*497; me0 m* Bmoke 42 Tsr. 62g
HI& vse stnte, 67 se w. btb) rar.&oh band wu
mt$ll liable in au* of default the part of the man ha
ha4 8ppo&te4 ml hl~aaeptw5e 56 c. 3. 95. 'Jithoutlntl-
matins that them m6m were not Qs ,fWr OffioerS is ths ft&leet
aoa~e, we upmae the Opihx~ that they ~81’8 at leant de
facto oftleerfs aad tmpammd to aooept tax Bancg an4 leaue
valid moeiptn theretor durlnflthe pesio4 lriqillred