OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Sanuarp 88, 1939 Hon. f. L. Shelton county Auditor Cleburne, Texas Dear Mr. Shelton: four four requert reqlert for for an 0 an 0 tion: tion: “Whether the 0 ourt may ehangc change ralarlea 02 count they have moo fixed then In the 3” has been reoelved in erfect that the Coarmisslo pulation of t r en one bun- ng to the last thorlzed and lt ahsll be the t to tix the salaries of all tirther provides that eaah oi money an annual salary In vfd\be;’\ ) )’ arter service has bien rendered, or a eontract has been entered into, and performed In Mole or in part; nor pay, nor authorize the payment of, any al&la created against any oounty or munlcipalltg of the State, under any agreement or contract, made without authority of law.’ . . ’ Hon. 2. L. Shelton, fanuary 28, 1999, Page t In tlew of 'the foregoing rtatute and section of the Constitution quoted, it Is the opinion of this Depart- ment and you are respeatfully advised that it Is the duty of the Gommlesloners* Court in sounties with the population as above mentioned to ilr maid salaries and that arter they are tired they cannot be changed. Truatingthat the foregoing amwers rour Inquiry, m remd.n Very truly yours mToRmY ata!RAL OF TEXAS BY b8Istent
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion