Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

P THEA=~~ORNXCY GENERAL OF TEXAS r .. Xt iriemu4 rdtluhle to quota intailltoatio&8 8, 10 od U of the Airfoi the UgIalatareuh$ohrjoakd Thea Epotd DirtAet Oourt ri Orage Oount~,Same, aab the; WI ~ootloa8. %eid l QulU M8trlrt Goart OJ Qr 8co co au a t$TOP,S,ma tmar vth l* Aut, sh a lla n- IumUo r O ~UDO to $ X%a ptut!na explr8tioa o ?to u r t4) you8 fron tbr drta rgon UhSoh thlr Aut kO8m I offrotlieaad all t&ma md alrfoa6thueof lhmll, r p o tbm n lxplrruu¶ u. tw r6 )7 M ntr o the r 4 a te this Aat krosra lttootitolk 8&i bum M @O turthr. toru an6 utrot whata4mvmr.- .- and the Dlotrlrt 8aUgoa of thlaetate,. me Ul bra OC tba Utah d Tmmawlth rsferw to the DlatriotOomta a&I Dlatrletfm 8 shall k bmw4 rqwlly lp p Ur *Ue $oaeLaUpbr~l"FIatrletOmrttcr@rwsOoaat Tuna, rd tha 8udp thereof, axupt as haelm spool8 It lt ap*G* lith& g la & ta rlot itssew1 1llle4 4 a ua io n & mn6e4 c r o tla 8 l the &t aa as to there- 2% la lppmont tht thlr court wn Got uuted aa (ius sot alat w 8lv lt21m4t~1. rmbloa of the QoutlOutluan, b- finh g It81 l 1poolf~tng 4 ltr sar:a4btha but tint it wn8 m&r4 by the laglalaton la rlrtueet thmt pnlaloa af ArtlrlaI, 8.eti.n1, a6 t&o Qonmtltutlanwhlohma&al tin nay la ta b llr Lo~lUrturar mohb mtherrourta mF.cIAewO& willi ~*#@am~u,A9~,~, ! U’thatUeotlolrnn4 ISI*ullik@tl~t~ Uil8e for tour aeraas pXWl404 b#lew h the &S4~s%i4 P. 00witrrti0w ~e;~*aarr~. f &emoh as Sb Gpoobl Diatrlrt Oart of Om Nutty by tm aproar Wl81~ lt l th e wlu ln fore.,oall 9 m hm lx~stb4bolbsl4 r ubuarr25, 1939,the Uwtlu Of 'llwabar,193b, U4 met savmth e lSrot to k uph&w Uwa4lth la dfloo boya the & a te th o p?alded a U the loart. fm the e-mlratlorr TM dr@mld aandment So mortlu 8 U 8he wlglul Mt did up t,U louar, ban the dhat to @ruts onokhar loart mm did it lll~nythiytcaWm orlelnelAot,othelthm~po&o another4ateuheathe loart ahoulawme to lxlat. All btbu pe- rlrloiwoitiw rrtmree6mtisud lnfulltmc# m4 tireot. Isotb0y Uertioa, Utoroioro, wa nu@surT to k he14 tar the purposee@ leotlJIg 8M ueua u to 884ge M ur UthI M the lp ir mtlauo Us trom,wlt$eh*Ul~~~aamr~2~ 1939. !he qua*tlonthw ol8ea rmn mhooa4Ulb 8lortlr Emvo Lw n huat n i8 not balwd,that MsW? to that qUe8tian am k gltur than to ut t-8 it Z E4:uo41 lloetl0ahol& &IIItOVmnkr 1938 whlrh ~48 *ito f&g* u*oua But eo4ln6 the tit0 whoa tdo MAlth~a.~nt tam wall bwe orpI? e4, $hat 18 to 84, hmur~ 85, 1939. It aeommrlly lppmrah0mJaw atrtuaatthat a0 poMtlea1 r tfnc&ntke a loadidate rer thla oiflaeto k&vote4 apea at tha rsneralUeotiar ti.1938and it la, therefon, to k llUure4 th8tOh prlmrr lloottoaotflrerr 1l4 hot 8oasM~ any 8-b 8Zflmtznttg k t%fiod at aslI Qoneml 2le8tloa. This tirtrkow the llootlC!UUil~rl 414 808 bStI-OyLhm d&t Of t&O CL Is"itlr4wtera to lleotl & 4 g 8US thlr court rt that Ueotlor for %t la not ln- t0nbrd th tlitlsms *hall k 4lUrmohl804 by k.kw~ af u*etio8 0riiour to p4rrorntb0l.z4e&a. h.ltgelt vs. Ulahaa, l4b G. It* (0, A..)lS6 (Writ+z Emm dlm.iu.4). Tu. *tar!Td. I6 .~?.lOb7. It has boaarirloualy bald and popor 80 latlm SptItlOr ot thla Dmpartnont, that whan no pua~*a naw amaua ou the bellat to bo votoltar to w putlerrluUilee b tb GenuU Xloetlon~ ttuiotora ltad& Ueothnlnntha rlehtto WlW-lnrthe8am ot . th, puma $hoy (iamb t@ *Iti b BWh dib, lrd 15 mh )um k qmdltld to bud 8~ uilw l!& rwolvoa a rsJa&tt fd the votaa ur $ inulal*otlmA, it la 0 va11aolootlaomaa lltohpraonrlll f--. __ . ur&rr, thaotore, lm thmt it r n8M wua y th r ~ r a lua 4 8tata th l8 tth a k o r fim h tlm Omaml Xlootloa la t938 la t!u mm80 thhrtw~mtb propor tir to lloot the 8wcamor to ZrUip M8rulith tb inutmboat. Im yau leo n& quutlm th r luwa U, tltar fm 80 ~eoma in this oSrlw u d tuuuy ns 1939. To your thlre q~r~Uoa t i 0 aauor im thnt -40 Urr.4!thm. rleotlond 1936 wns not ror a tam laaewli~ the llteo r th ema r t at dt!m OSit r x la to tirw o flid rlutfoaa The la8nr to rqar fourth qmotlon la thet thm %rltein* ntu ala olootJudgruerWth to amthu turaf orrlao metar l tull I,yur ta8 that la to $rnnrr 25 1943. To fourtffthquutfou, the uawu fa thmt tho oomi88!on frnuedby thm Oommmr .a4 Iran- Wry 02 l?t*terU1 sot uplro cu1f*anu 25, 1939. To rat2 a&ah umtla the aunr fa t!mt the am&u Ion of thr omanu *mua 8