. : Strvm, County Attorney IIon.J::s.:':. Raymondvlllc, Texas Dear 3i.r: 0pin:on r?o.o-114 Re: Justfoes0r tf.8ma08 holding5orethan oA* otlioe Your raquest tar an opinian as t0 wheth- 8r a p8mon oan hold the ofMoe OS Justloe or the P8aoe and DI3putyShariffatthe sarmtlme,hae b8en reO8iVed by this OffiO8. wh.ilsmials 16, aeotion40 or tba QolM stltutionof Tewa ~llalces an (act tlaclin taoor of tha Justiae of ths Peaoe, as to "g, 03&l& 11orethak Ui8 Orf%Oe Or CiVil ~~x&Bw& W8 60 ti thkrk Thai provision a plies whatltbbCIorhaan am so .S& cetlj378, xi@0 et al YS pt3l.mntSohool Mstriat an& &ti& I, R&,.8.o? Tezas. It4Is'not Zl~W8MKil7to list the 6UttOS or a Jwtloe o? the Pesos or those oi a Deputy SherWf b8oause them ie no doubt bti that there would be a ooni~iotort~t~etwoor~iiosll~~dbe~acasi~ en% with eaoh othar mid nmuld be inooqmtible. It is, thsreiore, our Opiaiolrthat &-par- sux oarsot hold the offloe of Justlos oi'the R?aoe aa& Lbputy ShexiPt nt the eaam time. Yours 08ry truly RBC;0b As6lstant
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion