January 23, 1939 Honorable Geo. H. Shepperd Comptroller of Public Accounts Austin, Texas Dear Mr. Sheppard: Oplnon No. 1.68 Re: Right of ,refundof gaso- ., line taxes paid where trucks operatesbehind barriers on public roads. This Office is in receipt of your letter of Jan- uary 16, 1939, inquiring, first, whether a refund of gaso- line tax should be made where the trucks used by a contractor are operated solely behind barriers in the constructionof roads between pointswhere there has never been a public highway and, second, where ~suchtrucks are used behind bar- priersand the old road crisscrossesthe constructionof the new. You des.irethese questions to be answered~when trucks are involved which had been driven to the place of constructionon the highways as well as trucks which had been shipped by railway to the place of construction. Article 7065a, Section 2(a), Revised Civil Sta- tutes, provides: “There is hereby imposed an occupation or excise tax of four (4) cents on each gallon of motor fuel or fractional part thereof. . . . Article 7065a, Section 13(a), Revised Civil Sta-~ tutes, provides: “Any person who purchases motor f~uelin the State of Texas and any distributor who appropriatesmotor fuel for use, when such motor’fuel purchased by such person or used by such distributor for operating or propellingany stationarygas engine or tractor used for agriculturalpurposes, motor boats, air craft or Hon. Geo. Ii.Sheppard, January 23, 1939, Page 2 (168) for any other nurpose other than use in a motor vehicle operated or intended to be operated in whole. or in part uoon any of the public highways. roads and streets of the State of Texas, on which motor fuel tax has been paid either directly or indirectly, shall be refunded the amount of such taxes so paid by the distributor,exclusive of the deduction for evaporationand loss in the manner and subject to $he limitationsand conditionsdescribedherein. . . . Article 7063, Section 13(c), Revised Civil Sta- tutes, provides: "go refund of the tax shall be allowed on motor fuel used in any registered or licansed motor vehicle or in any motor vehicle operated or intended to be operated in whole or in part upon any of the highways, roads and streets of this State." Article 667%; Sec. 2;Revised Civil Statutes, re- quiresthat: "Every owner of a motor vehicle, trailer or semi- trailer,usedorto be used upon the public highways of this State,~and each chauffeur,shall apply each year to the State Highway Department through the County Tax Collector of the County in which he resides for the registrationof each such vehicle owned or controlled by him, or for ~achauffeur'slicense, for the ensuing or current calendar year or unexpiredportion thereof; provided,however, that owners of farm tractors, farm trailers, farm-semi-trailers,and implementsof hus- bandry, operated or moved temporarilyupon the highways shall not be required to register such farm-tractors, farm-trailers,farm-semi-trailers,or implementsof hus- bandry;. . .I' Article 6675a, Section l(m), Revised Civil Statutes, defines a "public highway" as follows: "lPublic Highway' shall include any road, street, way, thoroughfareor bridge in this State not privately owned or controlledfor the use of vehicles over which the State has legislative jurisdictionunder its pOliCe power." Hon. Geo. IL Sheppard,,January 23, ~1939,~ Page .3:,, .(1,68), Prom the above statutes, it is seen that a t'axof four .centsis &evied,on'each;gallon~of .motor. fuel, with %er- tain exemptions setforth in'.7065a,~,Section_13(a]. Fr0m.a study of the,.exemptiona, -it becomea.apparent that the.truck operators you mention cannot hope to,claima refund unless. they bring themselves within the exemption provided when the mot,orfuel Is aot..foruse ?-ina.motor.vehicle operated oreintended,~tobe ,bperatedia,whola..or in,~~t.upon any o,f the public highraysc etc." ,~ ,: ,. ‘Article706&i, Section l(g), 'RevisedCivil Sta- tutes, defines a "public highway" as.follows: ,, "*Public Iiignway'.&all mean a&include every vay-orplqye -ofwhatever nature,;open to the use of ',the,public.as..a matter..ofright for,the,:purpose~of vehicular travel.” ., We thinka fair constructionof.Article.6674a Revised'CivilStatutes, shows a right:inthe State~High~ay:~:~, Department and Countg.Commissioners~ Courts to close"seg~ meats .ofpublic hlgbwaya~duringconstruct ion and repair work. This may appear to Invite the argument that when such a-road,@ ao q~osed~~~~it~isnot a 'public hlghvay" as defined in Article 7065a, Section l(g), slaae the road so closed is not open to the use of the public as a matter of right, and that the operation of a 'truckupon such closed segmeatvo.uld,therefore, not be upon a public highvay. Hovever, assuming for the time being that-such a closed road Is not a public hi&way within Article 7065a,,.:. Section l(g), that fact alone does not gain a refund. 'we truck must be unlicensed.for. as noted above. Articlei7965a. Section 13(c), refuses a-refund of the tax.:paidon gasoil& T going Into,a.licensed motor vehicle, zyqe,rQless of.its .p$aab.~ of operation, and Article 6675a, Sections 1 and 2, requires the registrationof any suchvehicles used or to be used upon the public highways of this State, and the closed road falls clearly within the definltioa of a public highvag con- tained in Article 6675a, Section l(m). The road certainly Is not privately owned, and the-State undoubtedlyhas,leg- lslative jurisdictionover It. Hence, the vehicle must be registered to operate in the closed road, and being reglsi tered, It's ovaer cannot claim the tax refund.~ Of course, a truck which Is wrongfully operated without license would not stand in a better position than it would be if properly registered. He have read Allred vs. Engelman, 61 S.W. (2) 75, 123 Tex. 205, but same has to do with trucks used in farming Eon. Geo. H. Sheppard, January 23, 1939, Page 4 (168) operations,vhichare expresaly allowed to use the highways tenporarilywithout_license._ (Art. . 6675a, - Sec. 2), and the case 1s not-regardedas authorltg for such use of the hlgh- ways by a vehicle not given such privilege. It is believed that a fair reading of all the sta- tutes cited above leads to the conclusionthat the definition of public highway contained in Article 7065a, Section l(g), did not mean to.:excludefrom its meaning such temporarily closed segments of road, but meant only to exclude private property, so that a man could travel thereon without buying a license and without forfeitinghis right of exemption. Any other interpretationthan that made herein would render meanin ess the underscoredportion of Article 7063a, Section 13(ce" , quoted above. The answer is that a refund is not due in any of the situationsoutlined by you. Yours very truly ATTORRJZYGERERALOF TEXAS GRL:R:jl APPROVED /s/ Oerald C. Mann ATTGRRIE GEZERAL OF TEXAS