- . OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN February 10, 1939 Hon. 0. E. Gmron County Attorney Eotor county Odessa, Texas Dear Sir: puerrtloqwae an- by iiemlstaat~A%tornoytin- g opinion Ilo.O-91. A ed ior yonr oonriboratation. oplnlon, you are adtiroa tor and asxma~or of lbator her rsqwsted an opinion whether the t ooalb eUon the sheriif-tax oollso- ex-ofiioio oompensetion ymler exist- YQU are referred to firtiaI638911,B, 0. S., tiloh proriderrfor ~e,s-offtoio o eneation in ciwiwawhere the oompensation-*rtB*tosi# iaee -3 0 not exceed the mari- provided ELUIII ior otfios. Aa 8tated by you, the Ua8pfeelon- cam' Uourt does not know at thlo time nor may they deter- - Ron. 0. E. Gerron, Babruary 10, 1939, Page 2 mine the amount of fees the offloe will collect during the ensuing year. However, it has been consistently held by this Department the.tthe officer is required to repcrt all tees earned, even though the offiolal has reached the maximum sllowed by law. Should an offi- oer retain an amount in excess of the maximum compensa- tion allowed by law, due to an over-allowanoe of ex- offioio compensation, suoh an over-allowsnoe is return- able to the county. The amount oannot be determined until the close of the Pisoal year. Therdfore, you are advised the Commlssloners~ Court in Its disoretlon may allow the sheriff-tax oolleotor and assessor an ex-offioio oompensation in suoh amount as may be determined by the court. Very truly youra GENEHAL OF njamin woodall Assistant BW:AW XIGLOSURE -APmomDt G---5 ATTORNEY cZl!XERAL'OF TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion