AUSTIN January 20, 1939 Hon. &!aurlosBulloak Oounty Attorney Fort Stockton, Texas Dear Mr. Bullock: three queatioas a8 thla ofiiae. Tour que8tioa8 are aa fo ourisr for the Otity to pay part floor alao ,m~loyed by to the aboto, I em annwerlng your queatlom in their mm8 1. Seotion 741 of the Postal Lawn and Regulations of 1913, proTlde0: Vhat a rural mall oarrler ahall not hold any atate, ootznty,munioipal or a tomahip offioe.” Hon. hkurloe Bulloak, January 20, 1939, Pqe 2 The ease of Groves YB. Borden, 84 SB 1042, Xiolde: "A rural mall oarrler appointed by the Poat- master Ganeral, a member of the oablnet and head of his department I8 an offloer.w The oases, Murray vs. State, 6CrSW (2nd) 274; State vs. Brooks, 42 Texas 62 and Travis vs. Harris, 13 Texas SOT, hold that a deputy sheriff la a puE1110ofiioer. ArtIole 14, Seotlon 2 of the Unltad States Conrtl- tutlon and Artlole 16, SeotIOn 40 Of the State QOnstIfutfOn prohibits a person from holding two lnoompatlbleoffioer. In view of tha foregoing authorities,your s&St question must be aummred in the negative. 2. The Oomal86Ionera*Oourt may employ nndfieor or the alty to perform servlo&s whloh are not raqulred of him by law and may oontraot to pay hti additional oarpenu- tion tharefor. H0wever. thm COmmIsalonarslOourt'har no authority to pay ruoh oifloer for duties performedwbloh ara FWq;gd~ a? him by law. httimore ~8. Tarrant OounBy 184 . Tekne Jarisprudenoe~, Vol. 34, page bJJ, Se&a l19. You are re8peotfullyadrlmd that It Is onlaw?ul for the oounty to pay a poaoe orfloor of ths Ulty of tprt Stooktoo iOr rrerrloei! rendered by hintfor the oounty Other than those not raqulrad OS him by law. 3. Artiole SJ39Sauthorizes the Commfssloner8'OtMWt to allow an orfioer oompaaaatI0nror 6x orri010 8ervloe8 pro- vided that suoh oompenaation,together with fees retained b7 him, %oes not amount tcimore than the maximum tee allowed by law. On November 9, 1928, tha Hon. H. Grady Chandler, Aselbtant.AttorneyGeneral, rendered en opinion hold1 Y oitI arreot that Justfoaa of the Peaoe may be paid ex off10 oo1- penaatlon. You are reepsotfullyadvised that the &numi ehrr8* Court my pay ex orrlolosalaries to Justloes 0f the se provided that euoh oompeasatlonetogether with the is?* ra- Hon. Yaurloe Bullook, January 20, 1939, Page 3 talned by them does not exoeed the maximum fee allowed by law. Trustlne that the foregoing answers your lnqulrlee, ' I remain Very truly your8 ATTORN!i!!'GERERAL OF TEXAS AWrAW .
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion