Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

    ‘,   ,

          "The tern 'store* as used in this Act shall,be
          qonstrued to man and include any store or stores
          or any aercnntile eotnblishmat       or ostablishzents
         'not spealficallyaxmpted      wLth.iin this   Xot whiich
          are owned, opsrateil, n:eintaincd,~or      controlled
        - by the ~(1~8person, agent, rocsioer, trustee,          fira,
          'aorporation,copnrtnorshipor nssoaiation,either
.         dorcastL0or forel2n, in ~Aich g03do, mre3         or mer-
          o!mndise of an7 kind are sald,,otretafl or-?~holerole.w

           In the recent cnse of Euiurt
                                      v. Coopor, 130 TBX. 453; 110
    s. 3. (2d) 896, the 5upr'ezoCourt of Talonshuld the entire net,
    aonotitutionalaad indicated t:lattXo,definitlon of the word
    "store"would control in construlng~theact. The aourt said:

          *The statute hairin+
                            .4defined the ~013, ve are mt
          ccncarnod t3,thits usual imminj:."

          :i'e thlhi:   t!iEt t3.c otoro   ym   rolzr   ta   in   your   latter   io
    covorod 5~ ttiodefinition in ;:cctIo:~
                                         7, mlecs it is ~s~zciP:cnlly                  .I
    exsxptcd"in so:?u ot!xr pwt of th statuto.

          The orexptions nm set out in Smticn 5 of the :ict,nnd
            pnrt of Lootion 5 that could possibly be csnsidorod ns
            to the store in question in that pm% which reads as fnl-

          Vrovided thot the term, *stwo, stems, mwoentlle
                        or rrorcantiloes~tnbl.is!mx0x4
          used in thie r~ctsh?LLlnot inclu&: r:ii~l~:o~lu
          retail luber  n:ldbuild& ~;-.ntorP&l
                                             businosscs en-
          gaged exclu~ivolyin the salu cf llccbzrsnd building
          xttorial; . . .-

                  -                        .i
:r. Vi.D. Lane, J&wary 9, 193Q,'Pa&x'2

,‘fl& Gas co., 102 ::.-