OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN GLRILO c. MANN rrromm ..“.“.I. Jasiuary8, 1939 Hr. L. L. Roberts county Auditor StiMett, 'itiii%B Dear l3r.iicbsrts: Your mquest for an oplnla9 on the gue&tciSn, !?Gouldthe tax eseessor-co~lectar OX MS de~tles be al- lowed to ohar~e for the we @ tkoDr oar or car8 ot3er than gasoline and o:l?", Bee b..aarecw?.vad by this offlce. ‘icx~s .Tm$-spudeno&, Vol. 34, page 544, 3aotion 121, provides: officaoris a?t e%tltle(:to oredit or tha ox*nae ot.biring or operati‘ CF autorngbilasuead ty him In pe%,b.rsal~tm duties 0r hls o?- fioe-utieahthe statWe ao providead "The wffioer is entitled to orsd- kt ror 0ctiiblIHldneobasary expellEe inc.chd In tke conduct or his 0rciOe. The 03.5tase of the neoesssry ex>ensa mcanb otI)orcxgenac similar tc tkcse sxQp3s~g specirled.' The abo* wtborlty cttlnr:ths oases, %zmoad vs. ferris Co*unty,243 l8.K.1002; Cameron County YO. ?ox, 42 Z.7:. (26) 653. Article 9899 of the F;evlsedClvll Statutes of Teree, 1929, atremended, does not grovine for such ax- pens8 for the use of sutomobilsn for the tax a8seaaor- oollector and his deputies. In the nbsenoe of a statutory prevision ror such expense the s&me would not be cleimed es expenoeo , . I&. L. L. Roberts, Jtmmry 6, 1939, Page 2 of ofrioe. Trust&g that the above answers yau Inquiry, I remin . ..* ,;A..?.;‘.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion