|N THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVAN|A ln the l\/|atter of : No. 2348 Disciplinary Docket No. 3 l\/|lKEL PETER EGGERT : File Reference No. C4-16-884 : Board of Disciplinary Appeals Appointed : loy the Supreme Court of Texas at Docket : No. 35970 : Attorney Registration No. 90772 : (Out of State) ORDER PER CUR|AM AND NOW, this 30th day of l\/|arch, 2017, having failed to reply to this Court’s directive of Fe|oruary 13, 2017, to provide reasons against the imposition of reciprocal discipline, l\/|ikel Peter Eggert is disbarred from the practice of law in this Commonwealth. He is directed to comply with all the provisions of Pa.R.D.E. 217.
In the Matter of: Mikel Peter Eggert
Combined Opinion