|N THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVAN|A |h the |\/|atter of : No. 2370 Discip|ihary Docket No. 3 DAV|D LEONARD QUATRELLA : Boaro| Fi|e No. 02-17-203 (Uhiteo| States District Court for the District of Cohhecticut, Case No. 3:17 CR3) Attorhey Registratioh No. 33822 (Out of State) ORDER PER CUR|AM AND NOW, this 6th o|ay of Apri|, 2017, the Joiht Petitioh to Temporari|y Suspeho| ah Attorhey is grahteo|, Davio| Leoharo| Quatre||a is placed oh temporary suspensioh, see Pa.R.D.E. 214(0|)(5), aho| he sha|| comply with a|| the provisions of Pa.R.D.E. 217.
In the Matter of: David Leonard Quatrella
Combined Opinion