SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE AB|GA|L M. LEGROW LEoNARl) L. WlLLlAMs JUsTlCE CENTER JUDGE 500 N. KlNG STREET, SulTE10400 WlLMlNGToN, DELAWARE 19801 TELEPHONE (302) 255-0669 June 19, 2017 Donald L. Logan, Esquire Samuel L. Guy, Esquire Victoria K. Petrone, Esquire Samuel L, Guy, Attorney at Law Logan & Petrone, LLC P.O. Box 25464 100 Commons Blvd., Suite 300 Wilmington, DE 19899 New Castle, DE 19801 RE: SC&A Construction, Inc. v. Charles Potter, Jr. et al. C.A. No. N12L-09-022 AML Dear Counsel, Ai°ter oral argument on SC&A Construction Inc.’s motion to enter the arbitration award as a t`mal mechanic’s lien judgment, the Court issued its decision on May 31, 2017 (the “Decision”). Defendants timely filed a motion for reargument, alleging the Court misapprehended the facts and laW. Plaintiff responded on June 9, 2017. A motion for reargument Will be granted if the Court has “overlooked a controlling precedent or legal principles, or misapprehended the law or facts such as Would have changed the outcome of the underlying decision.”' l\/Iovants neither may present new arguments nor rehash those already presented.2 Defendants argue, among other things, that: (1) none of the elements required to obtain a mechanic’s lien have been litigated; (2) this Court is required l Raa’z`us Servs., LLC v. Jack Corrozl' Const., Inc., 2010 WL 703051, at *5 (Del. Super. Feb. 26, 2010). 2 Rel'a' v. Hina't, 2008 WL 2943373, at *l (Del. Super. July 31, 2008). SC&A Construction, Inc. v. Potter, et al. June 19, 2017 Page 2 by law to transfer to the Court of Chancery the pleadings the Potters filed; (3) Mr. Potter illegally was ordered to participate in arbitration; (4) no evidentiary hearings were held regarding the court-ordered arbitration; and (5) Judge Silverman’s reference to permits, inspections, and certificates of occupancy are the law of the case. The Decision addresses each of the arguments Defendants now raise, and further dilation on those arguments is both unnecessary and contrary to the parties’ interests in a speedy resolution of this case. Accordingly, Defendants’ Amended Motion for Reargument is DENIED. IT IS SO ORDERED. Yours very truly, Abigail ` . eGrow, Judge Original to Prothonotary
SC&A Construction, Inc. v. Potter, Jr.
Combined Opinion