IN THE SUPREME COURT OF TI-IE STATE OF DELAWARE TI-IERESA BAINES SMITH, and DEPAUL SMITH, No. 68, 2017 Plaintiffs Below, Appellants, Court Below: Superior Court of the State of Delaware v. STATE OF DELAWARE, C.A. No. KlSC-l 1-018 DEPARTMENT OF SERVICES FOR CHILDREN, YOUTH AND TI-[EIR FAMILIES, DELAWARE DIVISION OF FAMILY SERVICES, JENN.[FER RANJI, VICKY KELLY, Defendants Below, Appellees. cmW?WJQOBBOJCO¢QO¢WJGO’>¢OQQO¢GO§¢OJOO=W$WJCO¢ Submitted: September 20, 2017 Decided: Septernber 28, 2017 Before VAUGHN, SEITZ, and TRAYNOR, Justices. 0 R D E R This 28"‘ day of September 2017, the Court having considered this matter after oral argument and on the briefs filed by the parties has determined that the final judgment of the Superior Court should be affirmed on the basis of and for the reasons assigned by the Superior Court in its order dated August 3, 2016. NOW, TI-IEREFORE, IT IS I-[EREBY ORDERED that the judgment of the Superior Court be, and the same hereby is, AFFIRMED. BY THE COURT: rda/a .l ice
Smith v. State
Combined Opinion