IN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANIA MIDDLE DISTRICT COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA : No. 133 MM 2017 : : v. : : : W.A.H., III : : : PETITION OF: DREW F. DEYO, ESQ. : ORDER PER CURIAM AND NOW, this 19th day of October, 2017, upon consideration of the Application to Withdraw as Counsel, the matter is remanded to the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin County for resolution of the application within 45 days. To the extent Petitioner wishes to proceed pro se, the court is directed to hold a hearing per Commonwealth v. Grazier, 713 A.2d 81 (Pa. 1998), within 45 days of this Court’s order. The court is DIRECTED to issue its determination within 30 days of that hearing. Jurisdiction is RETAINED in this Miscellaneous Docket matter pending notification of the common pleas court’s adjudication of the remand.
Commonwealth v. W.A.H., III of: Deyo, D.
Combined Opinion