in Re Benjamin Elias

Cause No.     04 - 17 - 00722 - CR




   In Trial Cause No. 427052

            Writ No. 2704
              from the
  Twelfth County Court of Law

    for Bexar County, Texas.

                 B� nElias, pro se
                 TDCJ-ID No. 819778
                 0.8. Ellis Unit
                 1697 FM 980
                 Huntsville, Texas 77343.
                        IDENTITY OF PARTIES AND COUNSEL

RELATGR:                   Benjamin Elias

     Counsel:              Pro se

     Mailing Address:      D.B. Ellis Unit

                           1697 FM 980

                           Huntsville, Texas 77343.

RESPONDENT:                Scott Roberts

     Counsel:              Unknoun

     Mailing Address:      Dustice Center

                           300 Dolorosa, 2nd Fl.
                           San Antonio, Texas 78205-3005.

                                  TABLE OF COMTENTS

IDENTITY OF PARTIES AND COUNSEL                                         iii.

INDEX OF AUTHORITIES                                                      v.

STATEMENT OF CASE                                                          1

STATEMENT OF JURISDICTION                                                  2

ISSUES PRESENTED                                                           2

STATEMENT OF FACTS                                                         3

ARGUMENT                                                                 k-5

PRAYER                                                                     5

CERTIFICATION                                                              6

APPENDIX                                                                7-40

     EXHIBIT 1                                                             8

           Relatar*s Original liirit of Habeas Corpus uith Certified

           Mail Card and Return Receipt                                 9-37

     EXHIBIT 2                                                            38

           Letter of Inquiry to Respondent uiith Certied Mail Card

           and Return Receipt                                          39-40

                              IMDEX OF AUTHORITIES

Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 11.10      k

Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 11.11      k

Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, Rule 52          2

Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, Riile-i52.1      2

Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, Rule 72.1        2

                                 STATEMENT OF CASE

        On May 16th, 2017, Relator filed an Application for IJrit of Habeas Corpus

with the Twelfth County Court of Law for Bexar County regarding constitutional

violations resulting from a driving while intoxicated prosecution. State v.

Elias, Cause No. k21Q52 (12th Cty Ct., Bexar Cty. Tex., June 13, 201 if). See

Appendix, Exhibit 1, Application for Urit of Habeas Corpus, Procedural History,

pp. 1-2. The Bexar County Clerk received said application and assigned it Urit

No. 2704. The presiding judge has not set a date for hearing or ruled on said


        Relator is currently confined to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice

Institutional Division at the O.B. Ellis Unit in Walker County, Huntsville,

Texas. He is unlawfully restrained of his liberty as a collateral consequence

to the above-referenced misdemeanor charge and has been since May 2013. At the

time said charge was filed, Relator was on parole for an unrelated case. See

State V. Elias, Cause No. 970D11232, 243rd Judicial District Court of El Peso

County, Texas, final judgment April IB, 2001. As a collateral consequence of

said misdemeanor DDI, he was arrested and confined. Relator is currently

confined due to his subsequent parole revocation.

        Respondent, Honorable Judge Scott Roberts, has not set a date for hearing

nor ruled on said writ. Mr. Roberts is the presiding judge for the Twelfth

County.iCourt of Law for Bexar County, Texas. He was the presiding judge at

Relator's trial and is the current judge for the- Twelfth County Court of Law.

By delaying a hearing, he is in fact prolonging Relator's confinement.
                           STATEMENT OF 3URISDICTIDW

     Pursuant to Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, Rule 72.1, Relator is

required to file an Application for Leave to File tilrit of Handatnusiin order for

the court of appeals to exercise original jurisdiction. Relator submitted said

application uiith this original petition for urit of mandamus.

     Further, this Application for lilrit of Mandamus complies uith the

stiplulations set forth by Rule 52 of the TRAP regarding form and content.

Rule 52.1, states:

     "An original appellate proceeding sbeking extraordinary relief—^uch as a
     iiirit of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, injunction, or quo uarranto
     is commenced by filing a petition uiith the clerk of the appropriate
     appellate court..."

The Fourth Court of Appeals has original jurisdiction over cases originating in

Bexar County and therefore conferred jurisdiction to rule on this urit of


                                ISSUES PRESENTED

     Respondent's failure to conduct a hearing regarding Relator's uirit of

habeas corpus in a timely fashion.
                               STATEMENT OF FACTS

1) Relator bias convicted of DUI in Respondent's court on June 13th, 201 5"t';!5l'Dfil'.'e'V fcae •
   r ^'?r.*:' r^ftrj =|S3j''ia~;
     T-''J :'_s;:i-ji' i Fit-- , S
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l>-'i r.-;iii! 20-}-i ('rincr5v) OS'J 7SJil-:V.y'i;i.o dencnstrntao by ouhsucction 6,

trial counsel failed to pursue several pretrial motions that poasossod the

putantial to change tije outcoms of ths trial. The CSSQ against Applicant

consistod of four witnesses for the prosecution versus ahsDlutely none for the

dafenau. The prosecution uubniittcjd three exhibits into the record iiiithoiit a

single objection from counsel for the derense. See A RR           and 7v.
      Two specific instance? reflect abnndonment of duty           -. li. One, during
nis testimony, Officer Mel interjected the tlamaging charactemlion that
Applicant had a very arrogant stance abcct himoslf, to which iir. Dimsnez did
not object, 3 RR 57. The interjection of this subjective speculation cast a
negative light upon Applicant's character before the jury. Defense counsel
allowed thw prosecution, through its witnesses, to lanei Applicant creating a
backdrop for framing the jury's attitude towards this case. Once emocionally
charged connotations are attached to the proceedings, legal standards are
replacsd by s;£il onsa. Tha C3n'te>;t uf ths trial is shiftad frDm oriB based

apan the lau ta ana based upan stations. MeedlSoS to say, aubjsctive

charactsrizations mur.t be res trained to cantext and not ailowad to parmsats the

trial procsedintjs uhich happened in this case.

       Sacandly, nfficsr Bandela testifiad that Applicant was not Mira.idizsd

until r.rz-t- lie was planed in ir^ndn'.if fs and cndar vvrt-Gt. V RR 12, Ti'Jc, any

vidsn ruafcaga or dialogue UAth officer's bnfore th'.:t point (usiiicn is tn..'

r.iEjority of the i/idsu) is inadmissible before the jury. This footage in the
singl'2 most damaging evidance introducad liy tha prosacution. Its admission

constitutes a violation of Applicant's Fifth Amendment rignt against salr-


      Instead of           ting aupprasaion, fir. dinanez abfuscates the time tha

Miranda rights wert - ;:i. Despite, testimony stating that the Miranda righti-.

utru rand after thn colloquy bntujean Applicant and officoro, Mr. Jimenez

argiias for its incorporation into the recnrr) aa a "Volj.ntary" admission. ^ RR

    In a striking role revarsal, defense counsel ceases to be an advocate for

the defense and joins forces with the prosecution. Thsrs cannot possibly be

any strategic reason for's action.

      [•lith   no adversarial challenge by defanae, thore is no rBSSonable

Expetation for the prosecution to check itsslf. In the procaas, evidence to

the contrary is glossed over and unCDnstitutional methods irnplementied to secure

s conviction. "If counnsl fails to subject the prosecution's caso to meaningful

adversarial testing, than there has been a denial of Sixth Amendment rights

that makes the adversary process itself prsBumptively unreliablK." See Mitchell,
n. 1 at 32't (quoting United States u* Cronic, kftG U.S. at 652,           S.Ct. at

2407). Thun, the tricl rifiultt art not raliabie duo to a iirsak ciauin in tha

advnrsf.rial procssa.

                           UI. Diaproportionatf! puniahmsnt.

       "ppX:.aant has hn:!."\           to orue]. and unusiioj. p-iniDhmant in the

far-n of dsliborate indiffsrancs and dispraportionata puniahmant undar tha Eighth

and Fourteenth AtnendmentB to tha United Ststfcil Constitution. Specifically,

pretrial detention for three huncrr.d ani eljhty (300) days as a result of a

class 3 misdemeanor aualting trial constitutes punishment disproportionate to

the statutcrily, mandated myximum punishment. Oee Texas Penal Code §§49.Q4{b)

and 1 ?.?.2{2) (punishment fui' drivin'; •.ihil;': i.nt3xiOGtnrl, nla? . j nlsdrmaanci, sot

at confinsiiiunt in tnn county jail not to exceed one nundrari and Eighty days).

      Applicant was chargad uith the class 3 iiiisdestnnanor, driving uhile

intoxicated on May 24th, 2012. That day, ho uas released on Pond. On May 2;5th,

he uias arrested on a pra-rcuocation uarrant issued ny the Texas Deparliiiant uf

Crrminai Ousticn—Pardons and Paroles Division [Parole Div            .un]. 3aj.d warrant

preclj.lad hand. As a result, Applicant jould rernain incar              ' until the

resolution J.3d 189, 19A (Tex.Grim.App. 2010). The best evidence
of a national consensus with respect to the appropriateness of a particular
punishment for a particular offense is the legislation enacted by the nation's
legislature.-id. In this specific instance, legislation set the appropriate
punishment at a term of confinement in the county jail, not to exceed one hundred
and eighty days," Bee Tex. Pen. Code §12.22(2).

                         UXI. Violation of dua process.

       Applicant's due process rights uers contravened by punishment prior to
 trial. "A ctetainae may not be punished prior to an adjudication of guilt in
 accordance with due process of law." Ball v. bJolfiah, 99 S.Ct. 1361 , 1396 (197,).
Applicant petitioned the Parole Division and Court requesting the pre-revocation
warrant be lifted or the misdemeanor adjudicatfid, respectively. Neither party

provided Applicant with relief. This inaction serves as a warning to others who

may consider exercising fundamental constitutional rights to proceed with


      "The inevitable effect of any such provision is, of course, to discourage

assertion of the Fifth Amendment right not to plead guilty and to deter exercise

of the Sixth Amendment right to demand a jury trial. If the provision had no

other purpose or effect than to chill the assertion of constitutional rights

by penalizing those who choose to exercise them, then it would be patently

unconstitutional." Gregg v. Georgia, i»2fi U.S. 15.1, 193, 96 S.Ct. 2909, 2935 (1976)

Applicant exercised hie Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights and has been penalized

for doing so. "A person on parole for one crime who is arrestad for a second

crime cannot be punished for the commission of the second crime until he is

found guilty of the commission of the second crime." Hamilton v, Lynns, 7A
F.3d 99, 104. The extended imposition of a blue warrant precluding bond has

unequivocQbly punished and discouraged the exercise of fundamental rights

without legitimate counterbalancing penological goals, punishtfiQ Applicant

PRIOR to trial. There is no way around the injury to Applicant due to disregard

for constitutional tenets.

                         UIII. Spaedy trial violation.

      Applicant has been denied his Sixth and Fourteenth Amendment right to a

speedy trial. The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution, as extended
to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment, guarantees the criminally

accused the right to a speedy trial. See State v. Rangel, 980 S.U.Zd SAO, 943

(Tex.App.—San Antonio 1990). Similarly, the Texas Constitution guarantees the
right to a speedy trial. I, §10."-id. Applicant spent fourteen

(14) months' in the Bexar County Adult Detention Center before his misdemeanor

trial. Paradoxically, the misdemeanor pending against him carried a maximum,

statutory punishment of six (fa) months' confinement in the county jail. See

Settrom U and UI; see also Texas Penal Code §§49.D4(b) and 12.22(2).

      The reviewing court must balance four factors when analyzing the grant

or denial of a speedy trial claim. "The factors are: (1) length of the delay;

(2) reason for the delay; (3) assertion of the right; and (4) prejudice to the

accused." Stock v. State, 214 S.lil.3d 761, 764 (Tex.App.-Austin 2007)(quoting

Barker v. Uingo, 4Q7 U.S. 514, 53D, 92 S.Ct. 2182, 33 L.Ed,2d 101 (1972)).

      In this casa, the delay was fourteen (14) months. Applicant understood

the delay to be due to a crowded docket, in part. "Upon a finding that a

presumptively prejudicial delay has occurred, the State bears the initial

burden of justifying the delay." Rangel, at 843. The primary burden is on the

State and the trial courts to ensure that defendants are afforded their right

to a speedy trial. See CR 1D-12, Ground I or Section U. Counsel for defense

failed to pursue these motions. The final factor, or prejudice, is inherent

with continued pretrial detention. All four factors are met by Applicant's

causa for relief. Relief under this ground calls for reversal of the above

referenced cause and dismissal with prejudice. See Stock; see also State v.

Guerrero, 110 S.W.3d 155 (Tex.App.—San Antonio 2003).


      Uherafore, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Applicant reapectfully prays that this

hcnorabia Court set asids the final judgment and sentence in the abovB-referencBd

cause and order the conviction for Cause No. kZlZ\52 void and null. Applicant

also prays for any other relief that this Court defints equitable and necessary.


                                       Beni^l Elias
                                       TDCI-ID No. 819778
                                       Q.B.Ellis Unit
                                       1697 FH 9BQ
                                       Huntsville, Texas 773A.3.

                             CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I, Benjamin Elias, Applicant, pro ae, hereby certify that a true and correct
COPY o"'' "the foregoing Applicant's Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus, has
been foruarded to the District Attorney of Bexar County, Criminal Justice

Center, 101 U. Nueva, San Antonio, Texas 73207 via United States Postal Service,
first-class mail, postage prepaid.

      Executed on this the IQtK day of Hay 2D17.

                                       Benjamin Elias, pro3b



     Letter dated April 28, 2D17 to Mr. Oimanez for adaptive admissions (3 pages)


    Calls for Service to the San Antonio Police Department for May ZA-th, 2013

     (3 pages)

exhibit a

April 28. 2017
Mr. Antonio 3imenez III
Attorney and Counselor at Law
2^k Didyar, fruibe 315
San Antonio, Texas 7B2D4
State liar fio.   1D566Pnn.

RE: T!ia S"l.3t"    Tny??" v.           tlia.-; Crtnoa lla, ?r27C5l-.'; iGth County Court
    of Law, County, Tsxaa.


     Moiio.   riie reason for tnis letter is to foriflslly invite you to respond to

claims aoaitad in a writ uf haaoiis corous, please take the time to rsvieu the

foliowiny latt.-ir Oiiu re a pond appropriately,

     (.In March 2Gth, Eiias retained your prafassionial assistance

in the ohovs styled cause anc parole prooaQdings uith the poymsrit of a tuenty-

fivD hUruired {ZjSiiiJ) 'Jollar rfitarricr fee. hU liacl a cl.iss '? misdar.ieanor tor

driving uni.!..j int.oxit:nt;ii;l (uliii) crsrya pending and parola issues for .an

unreierad uhgr^i::. March f.jtl'i, ilr. cliaa wiaa arrostar, on a iire-revucation warrant and
C(3nfini;:J to the Baxar Ceurjty A.duJ.t Detention [.enter where ha would until

the adjudication of this casa. Un juns lA-th-13th, 2u1A, a jury trial wo:-

coniiuctae. Tiiu jury lound hi"; c-u-lny nf uKo charge tnd the judge ^epr.cinceci him
to six nonths' confinaiuBnt and a tuo-thuuaand (2,CUD) dollar fine, jurigment


     Direct appeal was Made to the Fourth uciuri ar .nppaois vor Faxas. fhe eele
ground for relief was ineffectivs assistance of counae.!. Due to an "undardevelopsd
record," the appellate court affirmed the trlBl c.iurt'fi rleclsion. A patiLion Fa.r
discretionary revisij ujas aubnaoLiinni-Jy filec with thtj Court of Criminal Appaals

and refused. Noui, a urit of habeas carpus has been prepared and is ready for

aubmissinn. The majority of the grounds listed in that writ refer to your

pgrfornisr.cs before, and at trial. Please rsvieu the folloiiiing questions and

raspcin:; t-n      in turn:

      1 . t'Jhat t-jris yo'.ir r'-oson for rot C'^niluciing on inbepandent investigation
          of the prosecutior s case?

      2. Hh~t uan vnur rnason for net withurawiny ['rom this case uihen asked
          to do 80 by your client due to inattention?

      3. Ii'hst ir VDi £ rr:ag'.;n fnr iufusiny "to surrsndor Mr. Elies' client file?

      4. liinat was your reason for filing a pre-trial motion tc suopress and
          not obtaininn, a rulinr, upon 5.I.?

      5. tihaa was your strategy in having your client ait in the county jail
          for nvar s year on a charge that uerri?"', 3 maximum punishment of
          six months?

      6. Iilhat uiSo your reason for not atlvuca h.'.ng a ir.oTian far speedy Uciai?

      7. What was your reason for nor having command of the statutes qnverning
          ycur r.-Uerit's cnro?

      3. What was your reason for advising Mi'. Elias that he could be sentenced
          for upuiards of two years' cmfinentent for a class B misdemaanar when,
          by statute, the maximum punishment is six months' confinement?

      9. What UBS your ntrntagy in not abjrv.tinij r.i •-ntnps5?'3 ns'ssti've
          chsracterization of your client?

      10. What Mas 'your "tratagy uilien 'jrouini: in i'L'jDi' of tne inciusinri of
            dash camera video footage instead of against it?

      11. What UBS your strategy iti not pi>?P«ri.nn for trial nor subjecting
            the prcsscution's case to apprupriatt: advsraarxai ujo iiig

Mr.              you are not obligateti to veshu:;J t. .-us la.t.::. Iv y^-u choose not
to re.-one, -t u.iU be presuneti that you hau no reason ur trial etretegy foi
ennaging in thi? actitin:; rin.-ii-jrj.i'cij .• rv.'v- •
       Further, tria                                         -"lalulao
Ilanaa, Ccrp.. pursuant to Taxaa Rulaa nf Evldanca. BM (e)(2)C®).
                                  •1   J..—       F—nin i-hr' O-^+e nf triLf iliailiny , out /Oli a.'.a
he subrr.itted in sevar cpl^nHuv ^r.yir rrnn i,p - . .
ualcomsd to respond ercer this time if need ma.
       Thnnv /on ir :                  fnr yont            '.nt', con-siter^tion ..if thu- ^neU^r.

                                                       r.'-i.-'e'; tfully,

                                                       BBn^amin Elias
                                                       TncC?-!?* '<0. bl:''V73
                                                       O.B. Ellis Unit
                                                                FM 931}
                                                           Huntsvills, Texas llZWi,

                                         nPHTlFICATE OF SERV/ICE

  I, BBnlamln Ellas, heraby cattlfv that atrua and carract copy of tha ahnva
  raquast far adcptlya adaiaslona has baan aubmittad tn hr. Antonio 31manaz HI.
  B1A Dpyar. duita 315. Ban Antonio. Ta«a, 7BBGA yla Unltad Stataa Postal Saryioa.
  first oiasa aall. oartiflad, raturn-reoaipt rapuastad on this tha IBth day of
  April 2B17. Return Rocelpt Raquestad No. 701 a1710 0000 AOfiO

                                                            Benj'ftmin Elias

                                                                                                                                                       Select Language   T


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ri::rcf?" crit£"ia

Start Dale:          05.'24.'2013    CndDale:                    05r24'2013

Zipcode;             78238           Dispatch Problem Catogory: TiafflcCalls

COiincil District:   -               School DIsliicI:

Horn eowner Association:


JriCIUIiNt               Cf.TeCOnr   fROBLFM r-i-pt;     Rfi.'iJ'l.WREOAfi;   AnrjatS;.                                           SGHQCIL       COUNCIL
                                                                                                                                  OiSTRICT      DISTRICT

SAPD-2013-                           Traffic Related     5-24/2013            5900-S9B8 0«:HANGE PKWY                             North Side

0464642                                                  12:1321 AM                                                               ISD

                                                         5/24/2013            BANDERA RD / NW LOOP 410                            North Side
                                                         125825AM                                                                 ISD

SAPD-2013-                           Major Accident      5/24-2013            2800 Cinema Rdg                      Thtinderbird   North Side
                                                         1:27:49 AM                                                Hills          ISD

                                     Traffic Relslcd     5/24/2013            WB NW LP 410 OFRP EXCHANI^ PY                       North Side
                                                         2:0226 AM                                                                ISD

                                     Traffic Related     5/24/2013            7032-7076 NW LOOP410 EB                             Nonh Side
                                                         2:49:4/ AM                                                               LSD

                                     Traffic Related     5/24.-2013           5900-5985 EXCHANGE PKWY                             North Side
                                                         2:53:35 AM                                                               ISD

                                     Mriur Accident      5/24/2013            Nw Loop 410 / Exchange Pxwy                         Norlt) Side
                                                         3:32:39 AM                                                               ISD

                                     Minor Accident      5/24/2013            Nw Loop 410 Wb /WjNw Lp410Ofrp                      Norm Side
                                                         3:32:50 AM           Bondora Rd                                          ISD

SAPD-2013-                           Traffic Related     5/24/2013            Nw Loop410 Wb/Ciilebra Rd                           North Side
                                                         1152:42 AM                                                               ISD

SAPD-2013-                           Abandoned           5-24/2013            6000 Seacroff Dr

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   City of San Antonio
   San Antonio Police Department Caiis For Service Report

                                                                                                                                     Report Generated:        7/14/2014       12:45:53PM
Start Date:    05/24/2013                        End Date:   05/24/2013

ZIpcode:      78238                              Dispatch Problem Category;          Traffic Calls
Council District:                                School District;

Homeowner Association:


  Incident Number               Category     ProbiemType            Response Date                    Address               HOA Name.         SchoolDlstrict        Council          Zipcode
SAPD-2013-0484642          Traffic Calls   Traffic Related     5/24/2013   0:13:21      5900-5985 EXCHANGE                                   North Side                          78238

                                                                                        PKWY                                                 ISD
SAPD-2013-0484743          Traffic Calls   DWI                 5/24/2013   0:58:25      BANDERA RD / NW                                      North Side                          78238

                                                                                        LOOP 410                                              ISO
SAPD-2013-0484809 Traffic Calls            Major Accident      5/24/2013   1:27:49      2800 Cinema Rdg             IThunderbird Hills        North Side                         78238
SAPD-2013-0484880 Traffic Calls            Traffic Related     5/24/2013   2:02:26      WBNWLP410OFRP                                         North Side                         78238

                                                                                        EXCHANGE PY                                           ISD
SAPD-2013-0484965 Traffic Calls            Traffic Related     5/24/2013   2:49:47      7032-7076 NW LOOP 410                                 North Side                         78238

                                                                                        EE                                                    ISD
SAPD-2013-0484968 Traffic Calls            Traffic Related     5/24/2013   2:53:35      5900-5985 E'iCHANGE                                   North Side                         78238
                                                                                        PKWY                                                  ISD
SAPD-2013-0485013          Traffic Calls   Minor Accident      5/24/2013   3:32:39      Nw Loop 410' Exchange                                 North Side                          78238
                                                                                        Pkwv                                                  ISD
SAPD-2013-0485014          Traffic Calls   Minor Accident      5/24/2013   3:32:50      Nw Loop 410 Wb / Wb Nw                                North Side                          78238

                                                                                        Ld 410 Ofro Bandera Rd                                ISD
SAPD-2013-0485918          Traffic Calls   Traffic Related     5/24/2013 11:52:42       Nw Loop 410 Wb / Culebra                              North Side                          78238
                                                                                        Rd                                                    ISD
SAPD-2013-0486803 Traffic Calls            Abandoned           5/24/2013 15:41:47       6000 Seacroft Or                                      North Side                          78238

                                           Vehicle                                                                                            ISD
:SAPD-2013-0486866 i Traffic Calls         Traffic Related     5/24/2013 16:00:57       Callaghan Rc / Culebra Rd                             North Side                          78238
SAPD-2013-0487008 i Traffic Calls          Minor Accident      5/24/2013 16:41:27       Nw Loop 410 Wb / Ingram                               North Side                          78238

                                                                                        Rd                                                    ISD
SAPD-2013-0487011 ,Traffic         Calls   Major Accident      5/24/2013 16:42:19       Nw Loop 410 / Ingram Rd                               North Side                          78238
SAPD-2013-0487203 1Traffic Calls           Minor Accident      5/24/2013 17:37:40       Nw Loop 410 / Culebra Rd                              North Side                          78238

  Intident Number I      Category     ProblemType I Response Date                     Address             HOAName   SchootDlstrict   Council      Zlpcode*|
                                                                                                                           I'        District
SAPD.2013-0487267   Traffic Calls   Minor Accident     5/24/2013 17:58:42   6300 Nw Loop 410                        North Side                  78238
SAPD-2013-0487540 Traffic Calls     Traffic Related    5/24/2013 19:08:54   Nw Loop 410Ingram Rd                    North Side                  78238
SAPD-2013-0487575 Traffic Calls     Minor Accident     5/24/2013 19:20:06   Nw Loop 410 s/Vb/                       North Side                  78238

                                                                            Bandera Rd                              ISD
SAPD-2013-0487631   Traffic Calls                      5/24/2013 19:34:44   ALAMO DQV/NSPKWY/                       North Side                  78238

                                                                            NW LOOP 410                             ISD
SAPD-2013-0487640   Traffic Calls   Minor Accident     5/24/2013 19:38:37   5900 Bandera Rd                          North Side                 78238
SAPD-2013-0487790   Traffic Calls   DWI                5/24/2013 20:26:10   Nw Loop 410 Wb / Culebra                 North Side                 78238

                                                                            Rd                                       ISD
SAPD-2013-0488037   Traffic Calls   Traffic Related    5/24/2013 21:53:48   Nw Loop 410 Wb / Culebra                 North Side                 78238

                                                                            Rd                                       ISD
SAPD-2013-0488095 Traffic Calls     Accident Private   5/24/2013 22:14:39   Still Brook / Timberhill Dr              North Side                 78238

                                    Prooertv                                                                         ISD
SAPO-2013-0488237 Traffic Calls     Minor Accident     5/24/2013 23:08:19   Ingram Rd / Nw Loop 410                  North Side                 78238

                                                                            Wb                                       ISD

July 31. 2017
Hon. Judge Scott Roberts
Presiding Judge
County Court 12
300 Dolorosa, 2nd Floor
San Antonio, TX. 78205.

RE: Trial Cause: The State of Texas v. Benjamin Elias;
    Trial Cause No.: 427052;
       Urit: Ex parte Benjamin Elias;
       Writ No.:   2704.


       GREETINGS. The reason for this letter is to inquire as to the status of

the above-referenced cause. Please advise me appropriately regarding this matter.

       Should you have any questiphs or need additional information, do not

hesitate to contact me at the address listed belou. Thank you in advance for

your time and consideration of this matter.


                                        Benjamin Elias, pro se
                                        TDCJ-ID No.   B1977B
                                        D.B. Ellis Unit
                                        1697 FM 9B0
                                        Huntsville, TX.77343.

Certified Hail Return Receipt No. 7013 1710 0001 0996 B454.

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