'-, ! ,:n, ! ,iti'rt + {AL i, -! "rbt C lJn tW @nftr! $tttts [.owt of felrrsl @lsims No. 17-7667 FILED (Filed: December 12, 2017) | 2 DEC 2017 NOT FOR PUBLICATION U.S. COURT OF ******* r! ************ {. ** r. *** ** * ** * * * * * FEDERALCLAIMS KIRELL FRANCIS BETTIS. Plaintiff * :f Pro Se Plaintiff; Motion to Dismiss; RCFC :F l2(bXl); Tax Refund; Flora Full Payment :F Rule THE UNITED STATES, Def-endant. ; * * * t' {. 1. *( * r' {.,i. * *' t'1. *. 1. *! {. * {. ** {. * {. ********* r. * OPINION AND ORDER This case stems from an alleged wrongful denial by the Intemal Revenue Service ("lRS") of a tar refund claim frled by plaintiffKirell Francis Bettis (a{
Bettis v. United States
Combined Opinion