United States v. Jones

United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit F I L E D In the June 15, 2007 United States Court of Appeals Charles R. Fulbruge III for the Fifth Circuit Clerk _______________ m 06-30855 _______________ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff-Appellee, VERSUS EARNEST JONES III, Defendant-Appellant. _________________________ Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana ______________________________ Before SMITH, BENAVIDES, and DENNIS, He appeals, claiming that the court based the Circuit Judges. sentence on the inappropriate factor of his lengthy arrest record. On plain error review, JERRY E. SMITH, Circuit Judge: we affirm. Earnest Jones III pleaded guilty, without a I. plea agreement, to one count of possession of Jones was arrested while in possession of a a firearm by a felon. He received a non-guide- firearm. He admitted that he was on probation line sentence of 60 months, a departure of 23 for a conviction eleven days earlier in Louisi- months from the top of his guideline range. ana state court of attempted possession with intent to distribute crack cocaine, a felony. He your case, Mr. Jones. You have . . . engaged also admitted to being aware that he had no in a long course of criminal conduct of using right to own or possess a firearm. and carrying firearms and guns. . . . [Y]our conduct when put on probation in state court Jones’s base offense level under the guide- to commit another serious felony made eleven lines was 20. After a three-level reduction for days later speaks volumes to me here as to the acceptance of responsibility, his offense level need to give you a sentence above the was 17. His criminal history included a juven- guidelines here in order to deter any future ile conviction of illegal carrying weapons, and conduct on your behalf . . . and to protect the the adult cocaine conviction. Two points were public; most importantly, to protect the public added because the instant offense was com- from further crimes.” mitted while Jones was on probation, resulting in a criminal history category of III. The pre- Jones did not object following the court’s sentence investigation report (“PSR”) correct- statement of reasons. He appeals, arguing that ly calculated the guidelines range as 30-37 the court erred in considering his arrest record months and recommended a sentence at the at sentencing. Jones acknowledges that he did bottom of that range. Neither party objected not preserve the issue. to the PSR. II. At the initial sentencing hearing, the district “[I]t is an incorrect application of the court announced that it was “considering Guidelines for a district court to depart from sentencing Mr. Jones above the guideline the applicable sentencing range based on a fac- range in this case for certain reasons,” and it tor that the Commission has already fully granted a continuance so both parties could considered in establishing the guideline range submit memoranda. In its memo, the govern- or . . . on a factor that the Commission has ex- ment did not argue for a sentence outside the pressly rejected as an appropriate ground for range. departure.” Williams v. United States, 503 U.S. 200 (1992). This statement remains con- At the final sentencing hearing, the court trolling law in this circuit even in the wake of stated that Jones has “an extensive arrest rec- United States v. Booker, 543 U.S. 220 (2005). ord here, although, none of these count for his See United States v. Jones, 444 F.3d 430, 434- criminal history category. For someone who 37 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 126 S. Ct. 2958 is only 18 or 19 years old to have this exten- (2006). Consideration of prior arrests by a sive arrest record indicates to me that his crim- district court in sentencing is error. See id. at inal history category probably or clearly 436; U.S.S.G. § 4A1.3. If Jones had understates the significance of his past criminal preserved this error, we would likely review conduct. . . . [P]articularly disturbing is the under the harmless error standard.1 fact that so many of [the arrests] involve Because Jones did not preserve, we review violence, weapons, and you appear to have under United States v. Olano, 507 U.S. 725 some kind of fascination with guns.” The court concluded that “a sentence out- 1 See Williams, 503 U.S. at 203; Jones, 444 side the guidelines range is clearly warranted in U.S. at 434-35 (questioning whether Williams remains controlling after Booker). 2 (1993). That framework requires Jones to mand. More recently, in United States v. Vil- show (1) there was error, (2) the error was legas, 404 F.3d 355, 364 (5th Cir. 2005), we plain, (3) the error affected his “substantial used a subjective test that states that error rights,” and (4) the error seriously affected affects substantial rights where there is a rea- “the fairness, integrity or public reputation of sonable probability that, but for the error, the judicial proceedings.” Id. at 732, 734. court would have imposed a lesser sentence. In Jones, 444 F.3d at 438, we avoided this The district court’s consideration, at sen- conflict, because we concluded that the defen- tencing, of prior arrests was plain error. See dant had failed to show the error affected his Jones, 444 F.3d at 436. Although the govern- substantial rights under either test. ment argues that the court discussed Jones’s arrests only in passing, that argument is belied As in Jones, we need not resolve this dis- by the record. The court commented that parity. Assuming, arguendo, that there is a Jones’s criminal history score inadequately re- reasonable probability that Jones’s sentence flected his past conduct immediately following would have been less had the district court not a review of Jones’s arrest record. considered his arrest record, the error did not seriously affect the fairness, integrity, or public The court’s conclusion that Jones was “en- reputation of judicial proceedings. gaged in a long course of criminal conduct of using and carrying firearms and guns” neces- Neither party disputed that Jones had a his- sarily resulted from the court’s examination of tory with guns, and the court was “particularly his past arrests for gun-related crimes; Jones disturbed” by Jones’s possession of a gun little had only a single conviction for a gun-related more than a week after a state court felony offense before the instant case. The court did conviction. The court engaged in a lengthy not find that Jones actually committed the of- discussion of the defendant’s criminal history fenses for which he was arrested, and com- and the offense characteristics, and it mented only that it seemed unlikely that he addressed the arguments raised by defense would have been arrested wrongfully so many counsel. Finally, the court sought to align times. The plainly erroneous consideration of Jones’s sentence with similarly situated defen- the arrest record was a factor in sentencing. dants, and it sentenced Jones in line with Unit- ed States v. Smith, 440 F.3d 704 (5th Cir. The remaining considerations are whether 2006), in which we upheld a larger departure the error affected substantial rights and seri- to sixty months for a felon-in-possession ously affected the fairness, integrity, or public charge. Our respect for the district court’s dil- reputation of judicial proceedings. In Jones, igent effort at the sentencing hearing is not we noted that this circuit has applied two dif- undermined by its unnecessary discussion of ferent tests to determine whether an error in Jones’s arrest record. sentencing affected substantial rights. See Jones, 444 F.3d at 437. In United States v. The cases Jones cites to demonstrate that Ravitch, 128 F.3d 865, 869 (5th Cir. 1997), this sentencing error seriouslyaffected the fair- we used an objective test, to the effect that er- ness, integrity or public reputation of judicial ror affects substantial rights only if the district proceedings involve more egregious errors. In court cannot impose the same sentence on re- United States v. Palmer, 456 F.3d 484, 491-92 3 (5th Cir. 2006), we reversed a guilty-plea conviction where the facts stipulated did not provide a factual basis to conclude that the defendant had committed the charged offense of possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime. In United States v. Severin, No. 05-30332, 2006 U.S. App. LEXIS 25386 (5th Cir. Oct. 11, 2006) (per curiam) (unpublished), we vacated a sentence where the court had incorrectly applied the firearm enhancement under the sentencing guidelines without a factual basis, resulting in an incorrectly calculated sentencing range. These errors go to the criminality of the underlying conduct, not to the discretionary decision of how lengthy a sentence is nec- essary to provide adequate deterrence and pro- tect the public. The judgment of sentence is AFFIRMED. 4