08-21-00136-CR 1 1 FILED IN 2 8th COURT OF APPEALS EL PASO, TEXAS 3 COURT OF APPEALS NO. 11/2/2021 5:19:57 AM 08-21-00136-CR TRIAL COURT CAUSE ELIZABETH G. FLORES NO. CR04829 4 Clerk 5 STATE OF TEXAS * IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF 6 * v. * 394TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT 7 * VICTOR TORRES * BREWSTER COUNTY, TEXAS 8 * ********************************************************* 9 THIRD AND FINAL REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE 10 RECORDER’S RECORD 11 ********************************************************* 12 I, Kimberly C. McCright, CET, am unable to file 13 the Recorder’s Record in the above-styled case heard in 14 the above-entitled and numbered cause before the 15 Honorable Roy Ferguson, Judge presiding, held in Brewster 16 County, Texas and am requesting an extension of time on 17 the following bases: 18 1 On October 1, 2021, we filed a 60-day, and 19 the Court granted a 30-day, extension in this matter to 20 prepare the record by November 3, 2021. 21 2 The transcripts for this appeal are 22 estimated to be 1200 pages, 900 of which have been 23 completed. 24 3 With our current workload, we have been 25 making every effort to prepare the record by the extended CR4829 TORRES SECOND REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME Verbatim Reporting & Transcription LLC (281) 724-8600 2 1 date, however, we cannot complete the last date of trial, 2 finalize exhibits, and file the Court Recorder’s Record, 3 by the November 3, 2021 date. 4 Based on the above information, we are 5 requesting a final extension of time up to and including 6 November 15, 2021 to prepare and file the Court 7 Recorder’s record with the Court of Appeals. 8 Dated this 2nd day of November, 2021. 9 10 ______________________________ 11 Kimberly C. McCright, CET 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CR4829 TORRES SECOND REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME Verbatim Reporting & Transcription LLC (281) 724-8600
Victor Omar Torres v. the State of Texas
Combined Opinion