Opinion by
Cecilia Grandillo has appealed from an order of the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (DPW) affirming the decision of the Allegheny County Board of Assistance (GAO) that she was ineligible for an emergency fuel assistance grant. The grant sought was one under DPW’s Winter Emergency Assistance Program, the regulations for which appear at
On June 13, 1979, Mrs. Grandillo filed an application for emergency fuel assistance for her three person household. At that time she was employed as a teacher at St. James Parish. Her employment contract for the 1978-79 school year provided for an annual salary of $6,000, payable in ten (10) equal monthly installments beginning August 28, 1978 and ending June 15, 1979. The CAO denied Mrs. Grandillo’s application on the ground that her income exceeded the program’s income eligibility limits. DPW, after a hearing before a hearing examiner, affirmed the CAO’s decision.
DPW regulations at 9 Pa. B. 1338 (1979), following Federal regulations, provide that to be eligible applicants for emergency fuel assistance grants may have “income ... no higher than 125% of the CSA poverty standards for the 90 days immediately preceding the date of application . . .”. DPW’s 90 days immediately preceding standard was specifically authorized for adoption by Community Action Agencies by Federal regulation stating that “The period for determining eligibility will not be more than 12
Order affirmed.
And Now, this 19th day of December, 1980, the order of the Department of Public Welfare dated September 4,1979, is affirmed.