________________________ U.S. COURT OF APPEALS
No. 03-11334 November 26, 2003
Non-Argument Calendar THOMAS K. KAHN
D. C. Docket No. 02-02912-CV-S-NE
Plaintiff- Appe llee,
a.k.a. Cas tner-K nott Dr y Goo ds Co., I nc.
d.b.a. Dillard's
Defen dant-A ppellant.
Appeal from the United States District Court
for the Northern District of Alabama
(November 26, 2003)
Before BIRC H, DUB INA and G ODBO LD, Circuit Judges.
This su it concern s the effec t of an atto rney fee- shifting c lause con tained in
an arbitration agreement. Karen Summers brought suit under various federal
statutes including Title VII, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967,
and state law tort claims against Dillard’s, her previous employer. She alleges that
Dillard’s violated her state and federal constitutional rights by discriminating
against her based on her gender and age and retaliating against her for reporting
incidents of harassment by the store manager. Dillard’s sought to compel
arbitration and filed a motion to dismiss, or in the alternative, to stay this action
and to co mpel arb itration.
The district court refused to compel arbitration on the ground that the
arbitration agreement violated Title VII because it placed an undue burden on the
employee by providing relief for attorneys fees only if the plaintiff completely won
at arbitration. The court held that this provision violated Title VII, which a llows a
partially victorious party to still recover at least partial attorney costs.
The court erred. This case is gov erned by Musnick v. King Motor Co. of
Fort L auderd ale, 325 F.3d 1255 (11th Cir. 2003). In that case the arbitration
agreement contained a “loser pays” provision. The employee challenged the
enforcement of the arbitration agreement, arguing that the “loser pays” provision
denied th e remed y he wo uld othe rwise h ave had under T itle VII. Id at 1257. On
appeal, th is court n oted that “a Title VI I plaintiff s eeking to avoid h is agreem ent to
arbitrate h is discrim ination cla im by arg uing tha t prohib itive arbitra tion cost w ould
undermine his statutory remedy has to demonstrate that he is likely to bear such
costs.” Id at 1258 (citing Bess v. Check Ex press, 294 F.3d 1298, 1303 (11th Cir.
2002). We held that this burden cannot be satisfied by a party’s showing that there
is a mere p ossibility th at he may have to b ear such costs. Id. Thus, a party cannot
avoid an arb itration agreeme nt “merely becau se it may involv e some ‘fee-sh ifting’.
. . . [He must show] that enforcement of the agreement would ‘preclude’ him from
‘effectively vindicating [his] federal statutory rights in the arbitral forum.” Id at
1259 (quoting Green Tree, 531 U.S. at 90). Anything less is too speculative and,
upon finding that arbitration is an appropriate forum, the district court must compel
arbitration . Id at 1260.
Moreover in Musnick we no ted that if a p arty cons iders his lia bility for co sts
to be excessive or to deprive him of his statutory remedy, he may seek judicial
review of the award; “judicial review of arbitration award is sufficient to protect
statutory rights.” Musnick, 325 F.3d 1261 (quoting Koveleskie v. SBC Capital
Markets, Inc., 167 F .3d 361 , 366 (7 th Cir. 19 99). A t that stage th e issue of costs is
ripe, and thus, the district court can make an informed judgment as to whether the
appellan t’s statutory available r emedies were hindered by the arb itration. Id.
In the pr esent case the district c ourt refu sed to co mpel arb itration be cause it
believed that the fee-shifting clause might harm Summers by limiting her potential
recover y under the statute. T his conc ern wa s too spe culative. It is unclear a t this
time which party may prevail at arbitration and Summers may seek judicial review
of an aw ard if she feels that h er availab le remed ies were hindere d. Musnick, 325
F.3d 1261.1
The order denying the motion to stay and compel arbitration is VACATED,
and this action is REMANDED to the district court for further proceedings
consistent with this opinion.
Goggins v. Dillards, No. 03-11333 (11th Cir. Sept. 24, 2003) concerned the same fee-shifting
provision involved in the present case. We held that the trial court erred in denying a motion to
stay and to compel arbitration. However, we have not relied upon that case as precedent because
it was unpublished and has no binding precedential effect in this case. F.R.A.P 11th Cir. R. 36-
2. The decision is, however, persuasive and we have considered it to that extent.