In Re Litz

                                       DISCIPLINARY COMMISSION

                       |                                 |                                         |
|Steven C. Litz                   |Donald R. Lundberg, Executive Secretary  |
|Attorney at Law                  |Robert C. Shook, Staff Attorney          |
|P.O. Box 216                     |115 West Washington Street, Ste. 1060    |
|Monrovia, IN 46157               |Indianapolis, IN  46204                  |


      IN THE


IN THE MATTER OF             )
                                  )  Case No. 55S00-9806-DI-330
STEVEN C. LITZ                    )


                              December 30, 1999

Per Curiam

      The respondent, Steven C. Litz, defended a woman accused of neglect of
a dependent.  While a retrial of that case proceeded, the respondent  caused
to be published in several newspapers a letter which stated his  client  had
committed no crime, criticized the prosecutor’s decision to retry the  case,
and mentioned that his client had passed a lie detector  test.    For  that,
we find today that the respondent  violated  Ind.Professional  Conduct  Rule
3.6(a), which forbids attorneys from making extrajudicial  statements  which
they know or  reasonably  should  know  have  a  substantial  likelihood  of
materially prejudicing an adjudicative proceeding.
      This  case  is  now  before  us  for  approval  of  a   Statement   of
Circumstances and  Conditional  Agreement  for  Discipline  reached  by  the
parties in  resolution  of  this  matter  pursuant  to  Ind.  Admission  and
Discipline Rule 23 § 11(c).  Our  jurisdiction  here  is  a  result  of  the
respondent’s admission to this state’s bar on October 12, 1984.
      The parties agree that the respondent represented a client in criminal
proceeding in Morgan County in which a  jury  found  the  client  guilty  of
neglect of a dependent resulting in serious bodily injury.   The  respondent
represented the client in the appeal of  her  conviction  and  succeeded  in
obtaining a reversal of the conviction from the Indiana  Court  of  Appeals.
The Court of Appeals remanded the case to the trial court, finding that  the
lower  court  erred  in  determining  that  evidence  of  “battered  women’s
syndrome” was irrelevant and inadmissible in the first trial.
      After remand on June 2, 1997, the trial court set the matter for a new
jury trial on November 3, 1997.  On June 25, 1997, a “Letter to the  Editor”
written and  submitted  by  the  respondent  appeared  in  the  Bloomington,
Indiana Herald-Times and  the  Mooresville,  Indiana  Times.   An  identical
letter from the respondent appeared in the June 26,  1997,  edition  of  the
Indianapolis Star.   The respondent’s letter  stated  this  his  client  had
spent the “last 18 months in jail for  a  crime  she  did  not  commit”  and
revealed that she had passed a lie detector test.  The letter  also  decried
the decision to retry his client, characterizing it  as  abominable.”[1]  On
September 29, 1997, the respondent, on behalf of the client, filed a  Motion
for Change of  Venue  from  Morgan  County,  citing  “prejudicial  pre-trial
publicity.” The court granted the motion.
      Indiana Professional Conduct Rule 3.6(a) provides:
         A  lawyer  shall  not  make  an  extrajudicial  statement  that   a
         reasonable person would expect  to  be  disseminated  by  means  of
         public communication if the lawyer knows or reasonably should  know
         that  it  will  have  a  substantial   likelihood   of   materially
         prejudicing an adjudicative proceeding.

      Indiana Professional Conduct Rule 3.6(b) provides that  certain  types
of extrajudical statements referred to in  subsection  (a)  are  “rebuttably
presumed” to have a substantial  likelihood  of  materially  prejudicing  an
adjudicative proceeding, including the results of any examination  or  test,
any opinion as to the guilt or innocence of a defendant in a  criminal  case
that could result in incarceration, or information that the lawyer knows  or
reasonably should know is likely to be inadmissible as evidence in a  trial.
 Prof.Cond.R. 3.6(b)(3), (4), (5).
      Preserving  the  right  to  a  fair  trial  necessarily  entails  some
curtailment of the information that may be disseminated about a party  prior
to trial,  particularly  where  trial  by  jury  is  involved.   Comment  to
Prof.Cond.R. 3.6.  The respondent’s letters to  area  newspapers  created  a
substantial likelihood of material prejudice to the pending jury retrial  of
the respondent’s own client.   Some  of  the  statements  contained  therein
presumptively presented that risk:  his description of evidence  that  could
have been inadmissible at trial (i.e.,  the  fact  and  result  of  the  lie
detector test), and his opinion that his client did  not  commit  the  crime
for which she was charged.  Further, the respondent’s identification of  the
prosecution’s decision to retry the case as “abominable,” despite  the  fact
that retrial of the  case  was  well  within  the  prosecutor’s  discretion,
tended  to  contribute  to  a  pre-trial  atmosphere  prejudicial   to   the
prosecution’s  case.    In  sum,  the  respondent’s   letters   created   an
environment  where  a  fair  trial  was   much   less   likely   to   occur.
Additionally,  the  respondent  effectively  set  the  stage  for  his   own
subsequent motion  for  change  of  venue  based  on  prejudicial  pre-trial
publicity.    Accordingly,  we  find   that   the   respondent’s   published
commentary  created  a  substantial  likelihood  of  materially  prejudicing
retrial of  his  client’s  criminal  case,  and  thus  violated  Prof.Cond.R
      The parties agree that the appropriate sanction for the misconduct  is
a public reprimand.    Among  the  factors  we  consider  in  assessing  the
adequacy  of  that  proposed  sanction  are   aggravating   and   mitigating
circumstances. See, e.g., Matter of Christoff, 690 N.E.2d 1135 (Ind.  1997);
Matter of Darling, 685 N.E.2d  1066  (Ind.  1997);  Matter  of  Conway,  658
N.E.2d 592  (Ind.  1995).    In  mitigation,  the  parties  agree  that  the
respondent  has  not  previously  been  the  subject   of   a   disciplinary
proceeding, that he cooperated with the Commission, and  that  he  continued
to represent the client through the resolution of her case.
No factors in aggravation were cited.
       We view the respondent’s actions as a purposeful attempt to  gain  an
unfair advantage in retrial of his client’s case.  Although  the  respondent
had no real selfish motive (and instead apparently sought only  to  advocate
zealously his client’s cause), he  nonetheless  was  bound  to  do  so  only
within  the  bounds  of  our  ethical  rules.   His  public  comments   were
inappropriate because they threatened or in fact impinged the prospect of  a
fair trial for his client.  Whether extrajudicial statements  of  this  sort
warrant reprimand or suspension is  fact  sensitive.   Here,  we  take  into
account the fact that the respondent’s primary motivation  appears  to  have
been the welfare of his client.  We are also cognizant while  assessing  the
proposed  sanction  of  our  policy  of  encouraging  agreed  resolution  of
disciplinary cases.  We find that, in this case, the agreed  sanction  of  a
public reprimand is appropriate.
             Accordingly,  the  respondent,  Steven  C.  Litz,   is   hereby
reprimanded and admonished for the misconduct set forth above.
      The Clerk of this Court is directed to provide notice of this order in
accordance with Admis.Disc.R. 23(3)(d) and  to  provide  the  clerk  of  the
United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, the  clerk  of  each
of the United States District Courts in this state, and the  clerks  of  the
United States Bankruptcy Courts in this state with the  last  known  address
of respondent as reflected in the records of the Clerk.
      Costs of this proceeding are assessed against the respondent.

[1]  The letter stated:

      In a time when the public is fascinated with criminal trials and
often perceives grave injustice being done to victims of crimes, I thought
your readers would be interested to know that here in Morgan County, the
prosecutor has elected to retry my client . . . [h]er boyfriend . . .
murdered [her] daughter.  .  .in October 1995.  [The client] was
subsequently charged with neglect of a dependent because she allegedly knew
that leaving [her daughter] with [the boyfriend] would endanger her life.
      She was convicted in January 1996 and sentenced to 20 years in
prison, the maximum possible for the crime.  Her conviction was recently
reversed by the Indiana Court of Appeals because it said [the client] did
not receive a fair trial due to the judge’s refusal to allow her to present
evidence that she suffered from battered woman’s syndrome.
      In the weeks preceding her daughter’s murder, [the boyfriend] had
beaten [the daughter] and allegedly raped [the client] at knifepoint.  She
reported the beating and rape to the Connersville police who, because they
were friendly with [the boyfriend], released him at the scene of the
alleged rape.
      Ironically, [the client] was given a lie detector test (which she
passed) to make sure that she had not hurt her daughter and that she had
been raped.  Fearful of her life, she moved away from [the boyfriend], only
to return to him a week later.
      Tragically but not surprisingly, she believed his promises to her
that he would get help, that he would never harm [the daughter] again and
that he would provide a life for her.  Two weeks later, [the daughter] was
brutally murdered.
      [The client] has spent the last 18 months in jail for a crime she did
not commit.  Anyone who has the slightest familiarity with battered woman’s
syndrome knows that the batterer frequently promises to change, and all too
often his victims accept those words – even when they come after one’s
child has been injured.
      While the ability to say she could have left comes easily, the fact
is that the single greatest difficulty for battered women is leaving their
attackers.  [The client] has come to learn this at the horrible expense of
her daughter’s life.  Perhaps others in situations such as hers can learn
from [her] that the time to leave is now, not after a life-altering event
      The decision to re-prosecute [the client] is abominable.  Our system
of justice was never intended to repeatedly exact punishment from someone.

      She has lost the dearest thing to her, and our citizens should voice
their concern that she continues to be penalized for being the victim of a
brutal, terrifying man who convinced her that her and her daughter’s safety
would be protected.